Miracle Grow (er)

I know most peoples opinions here about mg products. I grew the most amazing skunk last year using mg potting mix and spikes. Most likely go organic next time but for this batch mg is what im using. My girls are about 4 to 5 weeks into flowering. I am using the time release mg outdoor potting soil and just put a couple spikes in about 2 weeks ago. I have 3-4 weeks left till harvest on some and about 6 on the others. I am wondering at this time if it is ok to start using mg bloom booster along with the nutes that are in the soil. I also have mg tomato food and was curious to know if I mixed the 2 say half and half... would it be ok or just use the bloom boost. Any help would be appreciated. Please no mg bashing. I know many who have had awesome results with. Thanks.
Anybody? man...looks like im being shunned for using MG...lmfao...don`t knock something till u tried it...btw....been raining for over 12 hours so im thinking that alot of the nutes have been washed out...rain tonight too..im using the 4 month nute release mix in some and the moisture control mg in others...maybe by the time I smoke a doob someone will respond...


Weed Modifier
I would say if your plants are green and healthy no need for more nutes.
Since you only have a few weeks left. So many try to change things at the last minute and that could do more harm than good.
If they are green then they are perfectly fine if they are showing yellow then I would add more nutes. Peace.
And I use Mg soil too! Just have to know when to feed. Less is More!


New Member
well i wouldnt use the spikes and i dont like time released nute soil hard to control or know what amount plants get
go with the mg 15-30-15 for veg and u are not being shunned
lots of people bash MG but fuck it its your grow your plants your wallet or budget someone tell u to go get some hydro shop nutes tell them to send u some money or shut up jk dont tell them to shut up hell if u would have smoked that doob with me i would have responded sooner
most are very green and healthy...beautiful buds on them too...others of a diff strain arent as good looking and think ill use some fert soon...but still...the healthy ones....will they benefit from the bloom booster...maybe mix up a batch a little on the light side?....was hoping to put a bit more weight on the buds...if u look at some previous posts of mine there are pics to see....and honestly...im not a master gardner by no means... And budget is not the only reason for using mg...ive seen killer results from it too...although I am wondering if they are missing out on micronutes and if so...what can I use at this point?...or should i just keep going the way I am and don`t mess with them...lokkin for bigger buds I guess....thanks for responding.....later


New Member
i would get some 15-30-15 MG u got 6 weeks and 4 weeks left on plants and stop 2 weeks before harvest and just give plain water
and u can add a tbsp of unsulpered molasses per gallon of water every2 to 3 waterings but mix with a cup of warm water before adding to a almost full gallon to help dissolve
and stop the plant spikes
I hadnt planned on any more spikes..i have the 15-30-15...should i feed it every watering? ...or like once a week?...and how bout the molasses?...use it in conjunction with the mg? gonna experiment first on the younger ones that arent as killer as the others....thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Only time I used those spikes I got root burn and a girl died. Don´t ever touch them is my advice.

Got any pics YankeeBurner?

I think we are being trolled here.
if you look at my other posts there are pics there...why do u think we are being trolled sf....seems to be on topic and unoffensive...did i miss somethingB


New Member
kind of weird to jump on a thread and say being trolled but OP i guess since i been the one mostly replying he meant me?

if you look at my other posts there are pics there...why do u think we are being trolled sf....seems to be on topic and unoffensive...did i miss somethingB