Miracle grow, will i need nutes?

I'm a novice farmer, doing my first grow, I have miracle grow potting mix and am wondering if I will need other nutes during flowering, I got 12 plants dumped on me with no help or advice, I could use any at this point.


Well-Known Member
answer: yes

You are definitely going to need a Cal Mag supplement, and probably a base flower nutrient to get you past a month or so and provide micros.
nutes.jpgHere are the nutrients I currently have, how often, and how much do i give them? I heard about a 3 day system. One day nutes, next day water, and the 3rd nothing. For 12 plants, how often would you give them nutrients. These are them. plants.jpg
Yes, It is 1 teaspoon and it tells me how much per gallon of water, I believe my plants will take 2 5 gallon jugs of water in their 5 gallon pots. Also, how often would I water them? Would I ever change from the instructions. Ill do more research, I'm totally new to this, and want it to become a hobby of mine, just don't know where to start.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Throw that shit out.

I had a buddy use MG and he was so happy that his autos grew pretty good in it. But after a proper dry and a long cure that weed tasted like shit. Got you high as hell but it had the worst taste ever. He kept using MG on the next grow that included three different strains and they grew out well, but again, come taste time it was the worst shit ever. I had a few strains of Fox Farm weed and one from a Roots 707 soil with canna nutes and those were praised for their taste and potency. He went ahead and did a third grow which was his best yield to date, a lot of the strains were from Royal seeds and some from Dinafem I believe and every single one of them tasted like shit. People who got both the Fox Farms and Roots/Canna bud grown smoke basically put that MG bud away for a dry rainy day and begged me never to bring it to them again.

Don't use MG.


I don't think I'm understanding how often I should give my plants nutrients, I heard twice a week, and when do I use just water?
i water twice a week,first with my nutes all mixed up and ph'd to 6.8,then the second watering i use water left out for at least 24 hrs to let chlorine evap. and ph to 7.but thats just me maybe this will help since noone will give u a straight answer.


Active Member
MG will grow great buds that taste as good as any other soil grow. iv been growing for 18+ years and at one time all we could get was MG or Scotts soil. Never had a bad taste in all my grows with MG. Only reason i stop using their soil is cause all the talk about the chems they use on the net. i would never run MG's nute line tho. finish this grow bro give ur girls a good 2 week flush using blackstrap mollasses and water only. and the buds will taste great.

id feed em a nute mix once a week in soil. givin them half the amount it says on the bottle til im sure the can take a full strength. somethin like this

mon.- nute mix
wed.- water