Mites, and how to rid yourself of them..

the spinosad, i hear, best targets Thrips. i wonder as to how spinosad and/or captain jacks is to thrips, gnats, and mites? I've got a bottle of it @ here somewhere but it's the fine print on these mult-remedies that concerns me. I also need to know more about 'what else' is in SM-90 and Mosquito Dunks, besides the main advertised ingredient like a bacterium or coriander. guess it's goog time, if insect mitigation becomes a priority which it will... 
to be honest the only time i ever had mites was from clones/plants from other people or bringing plants in from outdoors. sterilize your room first with something strong like physan 20 or bleach. sterilize your equipment also. sterilize everything good all over the place. get some poly tarp and cover your room with it. use a stable gun. poly tarp is that plastic stuff that blocks light and is white on one side black on the other. use reflective duct tape so seal up any overlaps. get rid of any plants that are infested. start over from seeds and if you get any clones first treat it with NPK that stuff mighty wash. coat the entire plant. run dr doom bombs every couple weeks. NKP that stuff mighty wash works awesome but is very expensive. you cant dilute either nor do they list an active ingredient. mites are a terrible pest. you dont want to be smoking that shit or giving it to patients. if you have a really big garden than man your really fucked as far as getting rid of them. thats why smaller to mid sized gardens are usually better, much less time consuming to maintain.
to be honest the only time i ever had mites was from clones/plants from other people or bringing plants in from outdoors. sterilize your room first with something strong like physan 20 or bleach. sterilize your equipment also. sterilize everything good all over the place. get some poly tarp and cover your room with it. use a stable gun. poly tarp is that plastic stuff that blocks light and is white on one side black on the other. use reflective duct tape so seal up any overlaps. get rid of any plants that are infested. start over from seeds and if you get any clones first treat it with NPK that stuff mighty wash. coat the entire plant. run dr doom bombs every couple weeks. NKP that stuff mighty wash works awesome but is very expensive. you cant dilute either nor do they list an active ingredient. mites are a terrible pest. you dont want to be smoking that shit or giving it to patients. if you have a really big garden than man your really fucked as far as getting rid of them. thats why smaller to mid sized gardens are usually better, much less time consuming to maintain.

active in ingredient is Water

other ingredients are a wetting agent
Do you believe that the product is hooey? $1.00 for a gallon of water is more than enough.

well abe... -i've been doing a lot of crazy research for personal reasons and one day both areas of research meshed together.

i was reading about frequencies, which led me to a video about Structured water. water that had been imparted with differences frequencies. some using thought (every thought producing waves that resonates at different frequencies - negative and positive thoughts)

now.. it all sounds like hooey. of course. but the rabbit hole goes pretty far and there are some awesome things to find.

but then i heard of mighty wash.. it's called Frequency Adjusted Water. -it's just that, water that has been structured by a specific frequency.

and it is no doubt that is works. i would still have mites if it didn't.

this is reason it can't be diluted -it has a specific charge or resonance which kills the mites
I'll watch the video... It's crazy that they can calibrate that frequency and it will supposedly remain "there" in the bottle on the shelf. If I was water, I'd get board and start surfing in hopes of finding a new radio station.

Tomcat - I know what you mean about positive or negative thoughts... I am a metaphysician of sorts.
Mighty Wash. I guarantee it beats anything else you read on here. It's non toxic, you can use it all the way up until the day of harvest. 8 oz. is enough for 5 big ones (4ft) and 5 small ones (1ft.) A gallon is only $40. Kills mites and their eggs instantly as well as any other pests you might have on there. I used it once myself and just recently used it on a friends grow that was absolutely INFESTED with mites. All his veg, clones, and flowering plants had mites all over. The worst I've ever seen. I only used about 6.5 oz. and it covered all his plants. He cleaned the walls and shit with bleach water. Long story short, the next morning he couldn't find a single living mite anywhere and hasn't seen one in over 3 weeks from one treatment. If you get the wash, I'd get a 360 sprayer so it's easier to spray under the leaves. I makes a real fine spray too so it conserves on the Mighty Wash, less is wasted.
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Anyone that thinks what they have works better has NOT tried this.

yes!! this stuff works great although expensive. i use it as a preventative maintenance about once a month. only time i ever had mites though is from taking in plants from other people or taking outdoor plants indoors.

best defense is prevention. dont take clones from anyone, cut your own. dont take in outdoor plants even if they're treated, its easy to miss a mite. i start all mine from seed and clone all my own. you shouldnt get any mites unless your room is not sterile or unsealed.
Mighty wash is legit, like glad said on the directions do too, don't put it on when the lights will be burning the spots on. pretty sure it says apply right before the lights go off. I'd also say do it weekly for 2 weeks to be sure but freaking 1 shot usually does it from what I have seen and hear.
I will wipe my plant with dettol wet napkins early in the morning and we're expecting a storm afterwards.
I'll get back to u with results.
Ps i live in a coastal area and i understood that humidity slows down mites reproduction. So i guess i'm lucky.
I'll chime in now that this thread has been raised from the dead. I battled them in the past but have come to the conclusion that they come into your grow two ways. You bring them in in both manners. One is clones from another grower, the other is from your clothing. After battling them a few times to no end might I add, I cleaned my rooms and all the equipment with bleach and water. Since then I never get clones from anyone and only pop seed which is why I got into breeding my own plants. Secondly I never go into any of my rooms with clothing that I had on from outside the house, I keep a cleaned pair of clothing to wear in my grow rooms and it stays in a plastic bag outside the rooms. Since taking these precautions I have yet to see one mite or any other pest for that matter. Thrips weren't to tough either, just had to make sure the grow medium dries out fast enough which also helps boost root growth.

Ps. I never use any type of pesticide not even fly strips and haven't needed them.