Mma Fans Come On In

when i'm drunk I think about challenging Joe Rogan to a fight, I haven't had the balls so far to really do it though, but i'm still thinking about it
nick diaz all day, my boy shields fucked up his face n didnt even do much,just jabs now imagine diaz there,throwing more punches on his face dodging n counter punching,boom there goes george. george want to dry hump,rubber guard :) nickdiaz 209 stockton
Wow dude this is sooo fuckking weird, me n my friend,well we are like brothers, we are very skilled martial artist,he knows muay thai real muay thai btw n i know kung fu n ima kickboxer. neways we were going to take mushrooms n still going to,n now im kind of scared one of us might kill each other lol :(
Thanks for the article

looney tunes is looney tunes, dont worry unless your and your friends are already looney, this is also why you have a babysitter, one sober mind, just so the whole gang doesnt decide to drive to mcdonalds and end up in a lake
so who lost okami or silva. i bet silva lost since okami trained with the best. or did okami forget to borrow sonnen's steroids.:peace:
hahah plz just look at their records they speak for themselfs also george st.pierre is touted as mabe the only fighter that may be able to take down anderson silva thats even stated by matt hughes no one is saying diaz could take silva just thoses statements alone are evidence enough of his talent and ability to knock diaz flat and you gotta remember george aint sittin still to let him hit him and countering is the only thing diaz really got going dont get me wrong i love diaz good fighter always preforms but gsp just ......its like this a compparison of the two would be like saying indica and sativa are the same high. and gsp is deffenantly the sativa
nick diaz all day, my boy shields fucked up his face n didnt even do much,just jabs now imagine diaz there,throwing more punches on his face dodging n counter punching,boom there goes george. george want to dry hump,rubber guard :) nickdiaz 209 stockton
so who lost okami or silva. i bet silva lost since okami trained with the best. or did okami forget to borrow sonnen's steroids.:peace:

okami got fucked up so hard. the first round they were feeling each other out but round two silva went beast mode. it wasnt even fair, actually silva is fair, haha hes light years a head of anyone in his weight class. its going to be awhile be4 he loses the belt. He had his hands down and was just standing there and okami was scared to move in, then silva destroyed him.

i thought shab had nog, but i guess experience prevails again. and i really thought griffin would have put up up a better fight. shogun dominated him
hahah plz just look at their records they speak for themselfs also george st.pierre is touted as mabe the only fighter that may be able to take down anderson silva thats even stated by matt hughes no one is saying diaz could take silva just thoses statements alone are evidence enough of his talent and ability to knock diaz flat and you gotta remember george aint sittin still to let him hit him and countering is the only thing diaz really got going dont get me wrong i love diaz good fighter always preforms but gsp just ......its like this a compparison of the two would be like saying indica and sativa are the same high. and gsp is deffenantly the sativa

u dont know what u talking about man. n only person right now in the ufc to beat silva is sonnen, there will be a rematch soon.
when did sonnen beat silva. iv'e been smoking to much cause i don't remember. i thought last time they fought sonnen lost by smelling silva's nuts.(triangle)
and where do you become instantly qualified to say what i know and what i dont know ? i belive that is "EPICLY CUNTISH" of youto assume anything cause if you read i yes am for gsp but also im bassing it off facts and stats your going off he got his face beat bad and was ok lol :p
u dont know what u talking about man. n only person right now in the ufc to beat silva is sonnen, there will be a rematch soon.
his last loss was in 2006 lol i think against okami not sure.

yea and it wasnt a loss, silva was fresh out of pride or something and up-kicked okami from the ground-an awesome shot i say too, and knocked him the fuck out-he got disqualified not beat. As silva said "i dont count it as a loss, he was the one knocked out"
when did sonnen beat silva. iv'e been smoking to much cause i don't remember. i thought last time they fought sonnen lost by smelling silva's nuts.(triangle)

That may be the end result, but watching that fight, you got to admit that Sonnen was handing him all five rounds. He didn't just out wrestle him, he got Silva with the stand-up game too. And if you recall, at the end of the fight, Silva placed his belt at Sonnen's feet and bowed to him out of respect for controlling that fight. Yes, I have no doubt Silva is the best in the world pound for pound, but I also give Chael Sonnen respect for doing what no one else has done the Octagon against Anderson Silva. And had he not submitted him, the judges were gonna give it to Chael. And I am no fan of Chael Sonnen, trust me. But dude brought it to him, and it was great to watch.
That may be the end result, but watching that fight, you got to admit that Sonnen was handing him all five rounds. He didn't just out wrestle him, he got Silva with the stand-up game too. And if you recall, at the end of the fight, Silva placed his belt at Sonnen's feet and bowed to him out of respect for controlling that fight. Yes, I have no doubt Silva is the best in the world pound for pound, but I also give Chael Sonnen respect for doing what no one else has done the Octagon against Anderson Silva. And had he not submitted him, the judges were gonna give it to Chael. And I am no fan of Chael Sonnen, trust me. But dude brought it to him, and it was great to watch.

yup i just ignore noobies. this is what i been telling all these dumbasses, but maybe they got to hear it from someone they dont envy. i knew anderson was going to win in the first place i just hoped okami would of won, i knew since okami started saying how he was going to beat anderson,i know when ppl say that they loose idk if its becuz its fake or they give out their game plan which is dumb but they do that to make money. Sonnen dropped silva,then landed some shots from the bottom n was beating him in the ground n SILA GOT SAVED BY THE BELT CUZ SONNEN HAD A ARMBAR I THINK LOCKED IN but his cardio failed,there will be a rematch n sonnen will own him,not hatin on silva just being REALISTIC
but the end result was????????sonnen lost and that my friend is what counts. almost won doesn't count. well at least thats what i think, but don't pay attention to me i'm a noob.
but the end result was????????sonnen lost and that my friend is what counts. almost won doesn't count. well at least thats what i think, but don't pay attention to me i'm a noob.

first n last time i will speak u to kid,i never said sonnen won right, did i? plez show me where i said that. were talking about this is the man who did what no other person has done to him in along time cuz they are scared of him. gtfo trying to be a smartass,stop riding silva's dick he has enough riding it.