MMPR documenatation not recognized by law enforcement as "legitimate"

"by my choice"... man... I for one am sorry you feel that way.


unless you're just being sarcastic

not at all...the govt' allows these poisons to be sold to the public...I grew up with the smell of shit end Export ciggarettes and zippo lighter fluid every morning...been smoking for 50 of my 57 years...herb came next at around age 14....then the booze caught me in my late teens...not lookin' for sympathy or empathy...just an explanation on my previous post...hth

grew up sucking the Green Exports fumes as well :lol: funny that!
Thankfully I got a chance to quit, unfortunately not by choice but sure glad of it now. :)

cheers man...what ever ya like the way I see it really. My Grand father had a heart attack at 45. Switched up his eating habits and lived to the ripe old age of 100 years. He smoked one cool smoke each day after dinner. Never had any issues from it. He was quite healthy.
Two world wars may have toughened him up eh !?!?! ;)
I started with those nasty bastards too...I don't think I would be able to handle one drag now let alone a whole cig....Day two on the vape, and having no problems...
Lol, we call them Green Death too........I literally think I would puke if I had a drag of one of those. I was an Export Gold guy myself until a almost a month ago. Now I like my Orange Creamsicle and Vanilla Latte flavoured e-juice, mmmmmmm bongsmilie
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E-juice...awesome. some of the additives they've used have been carcinogenic.. forget which flavors it was, like caramel or something.

So how long does it take you guys to consume the wick or heating wires?
being able to CONSUME the wick or heating wire...doesn't sound good...particle....
anything that helps one long as it dont become a replacement addiction

I went cold turkey in 2006....and for the was blue export fumes for me.....
seems EXPORT A managed to get a lot of us hooked....I wonder if the advertising would be to blame....
since we were still being bombarded in the late 60's early 70's....
E-juice...awesome. some of the additives they've used have been carcinogenic.. forget which flavors it was, like caramel or something.

So how long does it take you guys to consume the wick or heating wires?

I wouldn't call it awesome, more necessary in my case.
VG, PG, nicotine, watermelon extract are the ingredients, all food grade.
I hope to be off the e-juice asap, before I inhale anything like a heating element. Thanks for making me paranoid.

I appreciate the encouragement folks.
going to pick up a vape and possibly an e-cig today. fuck cigarettes, don't even get me started on how mad i am at myself for smoking.

Good luck...its unreal, I'm really not missing them so far. Way better than gum, patches or champix.
The ecig that looks like a cigarette I found a waste of time, bad draw, tasted like shit.

The pen vape, if that's the right terminology is great. Tons of vapour, great draw....called a cloud maker. $50 bucks gets you going, enough juice for a couple weeks i think. I have to get lower nic% though, a little too strong. Local guy offers 3 different %s.
Cheaper , healthier, a path to quitting for good...
Don't beat yourself up, I used to and it doesn't help...
We smoked non filtered green exports.... So no one would ask us for one. Players too.
I remember my first cigarette, holy spin doctor... :lol:
I remember what it felt like didn't have a light,,, and there was no getting one either. :lol: A whole pack of smokes but nothing to light it with all day lonnnggg.

or worse yet...

We smoked non filtered green exports.... So no one would ask us for one. Players too.
I remember my first cigarette, holy spin doctor... :lol:
I remember what it felt like didn't have a light,,, and there was no getting one either. :lol: A whole pack of smokes but nothing to light it with all day lonnnggg.

or worse yet...

Max that goes to the corners of my mind....
Hi everyone,

I'm writing this today to let you know that law enforcement does not recognize MMPR documentation. Anyone is at risk of being arrested and going through what I am currently being forced to undergo.
This is also a detailed account of my experience with Canada's Wonderland Security, York Regional Police, and the York Region Court System.

It all started June 14th, 2014 when my friend and I decided to go to Canada's Wonderland. We arrived at the park, bought our seasons passes and proceeded to walk into the park. The day was going fine and I decided I was going to find somewhere to medicate as my back had started acting up. I proceeded to walk into the smoking section as to my understanding we have a right to medicate/smoke wherever smoking is allowed. Security approached me and had asked me to put out my joint. I informed them I was a medical patient and proceeded to show my prescription bottle, and documents. Security looked at them, and being a little confused by them the two of them called in to speak with their supervisor to seek their next step. After about five minutes of waiting and security watching me finish my joint they had received clearance from their supervisor and told me something to the effect of "ok, you are good to go".

a couple rides and hours later....

We walked outside the park to look for something to eat. I wanted to sit down and relax a bit before leaving to eat. Upon finding a spot on the hill I was medicating and security drove up to the road beneath us, got out and said the same thing the previous security officer was telling me. Same conversation was had except this time when I produced my bottle and documents he handed them back to me and said that was not what was required to show. He described a plastic, green card issued by Health Canada which would have my photo on it. I explained I had no idea what he was talking about and mentioned he might be confusing the card with the pink legal-sized document that was commonly issued under the MMAR. I explained I was under the MMPR and that under the regulations it only requires me to produce the bottle and/or the purchase receipt (I had more than this but still didn't suffice). This is when they had placed me under arrest and brought me to the buildings where they detained me for a couple of hours.

- York Region Police Show Up -
I'm issued a notice from Security that I'm banned from Wonderland for life for committing an illegal activity on private property, and I'm told my seasons pass is no more.
My rights are read by YRP and I am placed under arrest.

- Transferred to YRP Station-
Booked, briefly interviewed, and detained for another 6 hours.
I was transferred to a holding cell in one of York Regions police stations. From there I'm really unsure what took so long but I essentially sat in a cell for the remainder with them checking up on me only a couple times and I never got to finish my conversation with duty council. Part way through they spoke to me about how I obtained my prescription. I explained the process as is to my knowledge. Get your doctor to sign; send signed medical document to the company; company verifies; receive call allowing me to order; receive welcome package which I had everything from on me.
Continuously told that the documents I had are not legit, and anyone could print them off of a computer.

-First Court Date-

Speak with Duty Council. He explains that given my documentation this whole thing should get dropped and I get scheduled next day in hopes for early resolution.

- Second Court Date Next Day-
go speak with Duty Council (different guy today). I explain what the guy yesterday said so he asks to see what documents I would be showing the courts. His immediate response upon seeing the documents is "oh, so I see you've brought me something printed from the internet?". Apparently even the guy who is supposed to be helping me is in disbelief of the documents.
He rescheduled me for later date for me to get further documentation. "What further documentation can I get?" I asked.
the response was not reassuring as he said the prosecutor made mention of a Health Canada certificate and said if I could produce that everything would be dropped.... My only problem is I have never received any documentation. No one is aware of documentation given out through the MMPR LPs and all they are asking for is documentation I cannot get.

As far as I'm concerned ignorance is not an excuse of being above the law, so why is it that those who enforce it can seem to be ignorant of such?

No call was ever made to the emergency number from anyone involved except me to see if such had been done.
In speaking with the representative on the emergency line I asked what they could do to which they sent me a document stating what day my authorization with them was valid from, and till. The only problem with this is the signature is a photocopied one and is not an original so it looks like "something printed from the internet"[

Canada's Wonderland visit yesterday, July 26th 2014. Parked in Handicapped parking, right in front row, perfect view of the front gate. Kids and wife get in line while I smoke the 1st one at the park in the car. I enter the park and overall make three exit/smoke/enter trips to the car. One fatty had been smeared with honey oil, so I had the car completely hot-boxed. A ton of people walked right by the car, but no one flinched. Guess they couldn't smell with the windows up.....At one point I asked two young security guards about the smoking section and MMJ. They both had no clue and said they would have to call and ask their supervisor. I smiled and said, 'no worries boys, don't bother him'. Overall a great time. I needed to separate from my group to smoke anyway, so going to the car just seemed like it made the most sensi..........hee hee.