MMPR documenatation not recognized by law enforcement as "legitimate"

Very little comes up when I tried to research CW and smoking there. This forum was one source of info, so wanted to add my experience. Really want to see how the OP turns out with his legal troubles, but ............yeah patio lanterns
Those were their worst tunes ever played by them.
Kimbo Logo took the band down the tubes.

A friggin DJ.. :lol:
I guess Alice did it...
In the world of giants!! That was an awesome tune....used to get stoned with a bunch of friends and cranked that up.
Very little comes up when I tried to research CW and smoking there. This forum was one source of info, so wanted to add my experience. Really want to see how the OP turns out with his legal troubles, but ............yeah patio lanterns

Still getting the run around from the courts....
Last time the matter was addressed they told me to get a health canada certificate or document, or something other than what I currently had.
Since I cannot obtain anything from Health Canada I assume a doctors note was next best thing. who knows....
I was told to come back on the 29th which I did but upon showing up I was told my file was nowhere to be found and I was scheduled for the 19th of August. (even though I have a form they gave me that clearly states July 29th)
Anyway.... I'm going back on the 19th with the note, and the regulations for the MMPR with the section stating what is required of me to show law enforcement highted. If that is enough I don't know what is.

I've tried contacting my MP and MPP with no reply. I figured I would raise the concern that this could happen to anyone in the mmpr, its a waste of court time and taxpayer money and would essentially save money in the long-run if a little funding went towards education those who enforce the laws on this matter.
Update 11/09/2014:

To trial we go. they offered my diversion after being there multiple times showing them what they had asked for. They told me if I provided sufficient medical documentation that the charges would be dropped. But instead they offered diversion and now want to go to trial because I refuse to accept the diversion and do the hours they offered. I feel as if accepting their offer would be an admission to guilt.

Though in all honesty, this isn't about me and beating my case anymore - this is about patients being at risk. I was given the opportunity to make a difference for others and I'm taking it. This will keep reoccuring if people keep letting it. Someone has to fight and make the changes that are necessary. Whether or not I am the one to do it I hope others see the issues and bring them forward to those who may be able to influence some sort of change. We have the power to make a difference and make things better.
They offered I do community service hours and they drop the charges. It's the easy way out for both me and them. but I feel if I do that then everything i have fought for or the arguements I have raised up until this point become invaliid.
I'm fighting this till the very end not just for me.... but for everyone!
Fucking A ! fight it. Why the fuck would you do community service when you've done nothing wrong. ? I don't see how you can lose if you have a script from an LP.
People aren't exempt under the MMPR, only their meds are. It's pretty fucked this is even going to trial, but doesn't surprise me since there is no real exemption under this broken system.
People aren't exempt under the MMPR, only their meds are. It's pretty fucked this is even going to trial, but doesn't surprise me since there is no real exemption under this broken system.
ya but..... try having a container from someone else and show the cops yer i.d. you would be fucked but if your info is on that container and it's with you or you can supply that ...... I would say it's more of the "system" or "the man" not knowing anything about this mmpr. In no way would you get convicted by a judge, just start printing of the MMPR rules.... ask woodsmen he seems to have the updated regs LOL
I'm confused by this whole story. Why is he being busted when he has the right documents. What did I miss? Is it because he only had the container. Or is it because he didn't have a pink slip from MMAR. How can he be legal and still be illegal?
Do you have a better lawyer you could see.
I think it's even a case of doing it yourself, if you have the documents to back it up there should not be an issue. Unless it's only going to be a charge of smoking within a certain feet of others? LOL then yer burnt
I would contact the waterpark?? if it's private and a company they have to have stated rules about everything then if it aint in the policies (there aint no rule) they may try and say it's just like second hand smoke blah blah... state how many feet away peeps were and show how you will never get the medical properties blah ... this is easy
Something is not right here.
If you showed them proper paper work. Why would they then offer you a diversion. That is an admission of guilt. Guilty of what I might ask?
That part just doesn't seem right.
I'm not so sure it is about the rights of a patient anymore in this situation. We're not being told everything.