Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC


Well-Known Member
That fish smell stays stuck in my nose all day! But it is still the best quick N source I have found. It didn't help the potatoes though and I think the leafhoppers are back. Sevin time take two!

It's ugly and rainy here today, turned on the heater - 69 degrees outside. Keeping the babies inside today. They look very happy all crowded in the room :)

Just as I am writing this the brightness outside doubled. The sun may make an appearance after all!

The knee keeps getting stronger and looser. I climbed a ladder yesterday and got down on my knees to put in stakes and a string as a level marker for my foundation. The ladder was scary. It was like my mind wouldn't let me use my leg but It worked just fine :P Thanks to all of you for making me feel better - it makes a big difference!

I wish all of us could move to a nice farm in a legal state and grow food and medicine together. We could call it Farmland and charge people to come in and see the cool stuff we do. From indoor synthetic to outdoor organic. That is my next dream :)

I am in rare form today! Need to go get a lottery ticket, I am feeling lucky. Daddy needs a new farm :)



Well-Known Member
Love me some fish hydrolysate, expensive but very good, and not too overwhelmingly fishy. Plants look A+ Mo! I'll join up with Farmland, maybe if we call it Farmville facebook will give us a stipend for the advertising. Lol, we'll match your Farmville crops for cash.


Well-Known Member
I picked up some hydrolysate with kelp. But the stuff I am talking about is the emulsion. Bass-O-Matic style! Super nasty but it attracts the flies and we like them because they pollinate better than bees :)


Well-Known Member
Mainlined the babies today because they were just growing too fast for me to keep up while I am building the GH.



Was going to clone all of the tops but it just wasn't feasible! Got 3 done when I changed my mind:

Grapes in the West garden are looking almost done :)

Grapes in the North garden were enjoyed by the wildlife :P

The BestSteak toms are doing so much better! Going full steam again :)

The sky finally cleared up and now it feels like 120 degrees in the sun!

The little sickly plant is over by the Plumeria cutting and it is not growing as fast as the other babies because it stays outside at night. It is getting better and the new growth looks fine.

Noticed aphids on many of the tops I removed so I sprayed with a mixture of neem, coco wet, and coconut water. None of the plants looked like they had any bugs on the lower branches. They were all on the tops.

It is about time to roll up the garden for the night.



Well-Known Member
Apparently MzJill of TGA likes to FIM instead of top so in her honor I FIMed my Jilly Beans instead of mainlining 8)



Well-Known Member
Love your updates Mo, glad to hear your doing well and in obvious good spirits :D. Glad to see those babes getting the mainlining ... the results are addictive. Have totally considered the huge land/farm scenario you explained ... have a near-0 footprint community with all our cool stuff! Like greenthumb heaven! ATB Mo, keep it coming

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Forgot the best part. When I trimmed the plants my hands and scissors smelled like fine hash! 3 week old vegging plants! I should collect all of those clippings and dry them for smoking!


Well-Known Member
Yeah you better hurry up with the greenhouse those babies r getting big fast might have to repot, looking good keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
took a cue from you and bought a scratcher yesterday. won myself 5 bucks and a free ticket. thanks for the luck!


Well-Known Member
Mainlined the babies today because they were just growing too fast for me to keep up while I am building the GH.



Was going to clone all of the tops but it just wasn't feasible! Got 3 done when I changed my mind:

Grapes in the West garden are looking almost done :)

Grapes in the North garden were enjoyed by the wildlife :P

The BestSteak toms are doing so much better! Going full steam again :)

The sky finally cleared up and now it feels like 120 degrees in the sun!

The little sickly plant is over by the Plumeria cutting and it is not growing as fast as the other babies because it stays outside at night. It is getting better and the new growth looks fine.

Noticed aphids on many of the tops I removed so I sprayed with a mixture of neem, coco wet, and coconut water. None of the plants looked like they had any bugs on the lower branches. They were all on the tops.

It is about time to roll up the garden for the night.

lmao. damn. your girls look good man. congrats. i dig the veggies and i think they were grapes. ive been wanting a garden of my own but need to wait till the beginning of next year to start. low on funds.

also its absolutely feasible. i took like 60 cuts the other day. lmao. you just need to break it up like ten here. smoke a bowl ten there. lol. it goes faster than you think. also i break it up in days. 30 a day max for me. that stuff sucks. not so much sucks. just time consuming.


Well-Known Member
Oh Wheels - it's not that I can't do it. It is that I shouldn't do it! I can get lost in this wonderful hobby so easily. I need to limit myself - which I have already blown :P

Here is one of my favorite all time songs. Schoolhouse Rock - Three is the Magic Number by Blind Melon - The sound doesn't start till 14 seconds - Enjoy :)




Well-Known Member
Clones got some sun today and fried. Doubt they will bounce back :P

Other good news - Ace of Spades #5 is a dude! Very Sativa looking dude. I need to see what AOS is bred from.

AOS = (Black Cherry Soda UNK) x Pluton x Purple Haze x Lambsbread x NL x Jack Herer x Romulan x Cindy99BCGA - that will be a fun pheno to identify!



Well-Known Member
if he frosts up in flower he is a keeper. My old school kush male was pretty sticky in bloom and real strong smelling. wish I kept it around to backcross.


Well-Known Member
I love watching your garden, Mohican. You are doing with your back yard what I want to do with mine. That you are in the same general region tells me what's possible in this climate. :)


Well-Known Member
glad to hear your knee is doing much better. plants looking great Mo. When do you anticipate to start dumping plants that dont make the pheno cut?


Well-Known Member
Soon! The males are beginning to show so I will cull those out. There are also some runts that will not make the cut. Then I will pick the top best for further study and remainder can go to new homes or the compost pile.