Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC


Well-Known Member
Big boy up front with the tie dye shirt, Mush Mouth, makes the best fucking buds I've ever smoked. I'd love one of his cuts!


Well-Known Member
Worked on the greenhouse today. Almost all the way to the wall. Ran out of screws and they are a special type that are only available at a store that is closed on Sundays! There was another location open on Sunday and they had them! Drove around town and got stuck in County Fair traffic. Burnt a ton of daylight and then got interrupted again by the neighbor. Found out the guy on the corner died in a motorcycle accident about a month ago.

We worked until 9:00 pm getting eaten by mosquitos (hope they don't have West Nile virus). The foundation all the way to the wall is finished and the uprights on the side wall are ready for beams. We got one more beam up and it looks so nice. I will get pics tomorrow.

Did get some pics this morning of the three main phenotypes I am observing in the TGA Ace of Spades population. I am hoping to find a fruity pebbles version like Nugbuckets has been growing. My wife says that the center one smells amazingly fruity. All I could smell was the tree sap on my hands from handling the lumber :)



Well-Known Member
Sorry about the dude passing on the motorcycle. Thats the reason why I got rid of my GSXR, my life is more important to me now that I am older and not invisible no more.

When is the RIU BBQ Pool party at your house Mo?


Well-Known Member
Here are my confirmed males and the group keeps growing:

Paki Punch:

Jilly Bean:

Found two more after I looked at my pictures of my Mainlined 5 gallons. The Marion Berry 5 and the Scott's OG 1 are both showing balls now!



Well-Known Member
wow, that is a really heavy paki male, if he shows frost please save me some of the pollen of you already plan on collecting it.

Also, keeping a clipping around might be a good idea. He has more og traits than any female I've ever grown.


Well-Known Member
The greenhouse tried to kill me on Saturday. Putting up the last full 22' 2x8 and it broke and fell on my neck, arm, and ankle. Spent the next 3 hours in the ER getting poked, prodded, X-rayed, and CT scanned. No brain bleeds and no broken bones. Just an apple-sized ball on the back of my neck and a big hematoma on my arm. Spent today recovering.



Hey Mo- glad to hear you are ok. I've been lurking on your Malawi thread since last year. I've heard the quote: "Find what you love and let it kill you.” but you're taking it a bit too far! :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
The greenhouse tried to kill me on Saturday. Putting up the last full 22' 2x8 and it broke and fell on my neck, arm, and ankle. Spent the next 3 hours in the ER getting poked, prodded, X-rayed, and CT scanned. No brain bleeds and no broken bones. Just an apple-sized ball on the back of my neck and a big hematoma on my arm. Spent today recovering.

fuck dude hematoma's suck ass i have a doughnut shaped one on my shin right now looks like ive broken my shin. hope you heal quick man.


Well-Known Member
Dam Mo, I popped in to see how the greenhouse progress was....the fukker went all Steven King on you. Hope you get better soon lad.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
@onefinity - welcome! Who knew gardening was an extreme sport! Glad it took a near-death experience on my part to get you to post! hehe

@Don - when they were checking me in at the ER they were taking my blood pressure and my wife says "hey - look at your arm" as a twinkie sized lump appeared right behind my wrist. They were having me list my injuries to them at this time so I exclaimed "oh, apparently I have a broken arm too" - this is when they rushed me to a room and a doc arrived very quickly.

@Repete - it seemed like such an easy project when I started. Then the lumber arrived. I think carrying all of the wood to the back is what ultimately led to my knee failure.

@DST - you crack me up! Ouch, it hurts to laugh. Maybe I should add some hedge animals :P

The ER prescribed over-the-counter pain meds for this visit and gave me elephant tranquilizers when I was in for my knee in June. I think they suspect me of an addiction! I could have faked the knee. The injuries this time were pretty clear. Messed up rules. Luckily I had half of the pain meds left from the knee. Got me through the last two days. Hurting bad today. Still, I am amazed that I can get hit so hard with a piece of lumber and not die!

Thanks for the cheering up!



Well-Known Member
Sounds like our old school nurse, leg hanging off> "here's a paracetemol, son now back to class with you".


Well-Known Member
First it was "take your pants off" and then it was back to class. Always freaked me out to go to her.

My old neighborhood is notorious for having sexual molesters. I wonder why they all collected there?


Well-Known Member
Bahahahahahaha! Repete!

Sorry to hear about the attacking greenhouse Mo, let me know if you need me and Mr. M come over and teach it a lesson for you.... by building it very quickly because I wanna see dat shat!

Lol, want a 5ft plant? I'm pretty positive 2 neighbors can see it at least.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
docs are so weird about prescribing shit. I had my gf scald me with a pan of boiling water on on my ankle( camping and needed more brews than the camping kettle could do!) i flipped backwards over the deck chair through the tent awning in agony. first thing i said was get to the bag in the car and get me the codeine quick. group said no wait til you see the doc they might give you stronger. 1 x 30mg codeine and 2 paracetamol and feet in ice buckets i was livid. went back to the campsite on crutches in bandages and chewed half a dozen tabs with a beer.

get well mate. hope you get it built before the season ends and you can get another monster in there.


Well-Known Member
@Repete - the one in the middle, of course!

@Joz - Thanks, but I gotta keep the Bat Cave a secret! I am throwing away plants and it is killing me - can't take on any more - thanks :)

@Don - Love it when friends talk you out of a good idea! The stuff they gave me for my knee is so good that I need to be careful. I was hurting on the Fourth of July holiday and I took one pill to ease the pain. The next day my knee, shoulder, and my back were trashed. I couldn't feel the pain so I overdid it and paid for it dearly the next day. Now when I need to take one I sit down with a Beefeaters and relax :)

I had bronchitis and I had to drive from OC to Portland (1000 miles). I had this amazing codeine cough medicine that worked perfectly and got me a little high (OK - more than a little). Wife wouldn't let me take it and drive. Halfway there I am dying and every hour I am begging for my medicine. Finally I stop at a drugstore and ask the pharmacist what over the counter drugs will help. She said Claritin and Robitussin. I knew about Robitussin but had never tried Claritin. That stuff helped me make it to Portland. That is where I spent the next week in a codeine cocoon :)

Swelling on the neck and arm is almost gone. I am still scared of the greenhouse. I know it's weird but it is the way I feel.
