Mohican's 2017 Season

I called that plant Hard to Find. It would have done a lot better if I could have found it more taking water to the patches. It didn't look like a regular plant, and you could walk right by it. The limbs were straight, with elbow like bends in them. No curves at all.
Garden Tour

Some pics from the garden today.

Blula was chopped for the helper:

Mystery Pipe also chopped:

North garden:

Proto #2 top:

Mystery Peach 1 and 2:

Mystery Peach #2 flowers:

Mystery patch:

Mystery planter (chia):

You got a lot of mysteries growin' there bro! Screen room lookin good
I am just working my ass off trying to get out of this hole life put me in. I have been mostly neglecting my garden. Fortunately nature can do a pretty good job on its own.

I have been taking pictures for the last three weeks but have not had time to process them and get them up here. I am working on it today.

I am just working my ass off trying to get out of this hole life put me in. I have been mostly neglecting my garden. Fortunately nature can do a pretty good job on its own.

I have been taking pictures for the last three weeks but have not had time to process them and get them up here. I am working on it today.


You ok mo? I know you been hella busy the last long while. I know how it feels. Maybe you'll get some free time to come check out my progress this summer. :-). Wishing you well buddy.
Hey SG,
I am fine. Making money and paying bills. Two more months and we will be back to normal.
I have two job offers and two final interviews. When it rains, it pours!
One of the final interviews is for my dream job at a game company.
How are you? Your garden and yard pictures look amazing!
OK - Here we go!

Garden Tour - April 8

North Garden

Note the tiny male with yellow leaves. He had a wonderful cinnamon scent so I let him stay.

Proto #2

Trashcan (Blula 1, 2, 3)

Blula #2

Mystery Lemon Tub

Mystery Pipes Stump

Mystery Peach 1

Mystery Peach 2



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Garden Tour - April 18

North Garden

Stems - notice how in the same growing conditions some are red and some are not. I don't think it is a magnesium issue.

Proto #2

Proto #3

Proto #4 (sativa not showing sex yet)

Proto #5

Proto male - upon closer inspection (with glasses on) it was not a hermi.

Trashcan - notice how Blula #3 is exploding with growth

Blula Stump

MDP Stump

Mystery Peach #2
