MONEY IS NOT What Carries Any Real Value


Well-Known Member
yes i agree about 1 percent holding the (money)
that is the biggest lie of heaven only exist in a after life always existed.
i want and I WILL make my heaven in this earth i mean. why do i wana wait i have all the resources here. in this TIME AND SPACE.

one of your BEST resources is a good education. the US has numerous schools that offer this. knowledge IS power. you too can become part of that top 1%. you just have to want it bad enough. ;)

i've been "on track" the whole thread. :cool:


Well-Known Member
i've been "on track" the whole thread. :cool:
No doubts in my wittle mind. However yes, education is the only tool that can trump money. The smartest theif can steal anyone's loot ;)

Have any of you guys gotten yer noses into the greatest diamond heist in history? Fucking epic :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
$100,000,000 diamond heist from the "world's most secure vault". READ!!!!!

The heist recounted here is the 2003 burglary of a building in Antwerp's storied Diamond District, a neighborhood known for its "in-your-face display of armed, protected and monitored fortifications" that was once deemed "tight as a nun's ass" by a John Gotti henchman.


Active Member
i love how the story of "god" is supposed to be more believable then the "big bang theory".

you mockingly state "big fart", how about your "zombie" god. yeah, now that's believable. :roll:

you shouldn't mock those when your shit stinks just as bad.
ZOMBIE JESUS!!!! He came back from the dead for your brains.


Well-Known Member
Depending on what I make in the week, sometimes when that basket gets to me on Sunday morning, I just ball up my fist over the bag and open it as if I dropped inside a hundred dollar bill made of air. I would love to see the basket handler give me shit because i don't have a penny to feed someone else's family. Just got to be flexible with God ;)
last time i was "at church" he took my money. dude walks around with a basket. sticks it in my face and looks me in the eye, ... "GIVE ME!!!"


Well-Known Member
Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves.


Well-Known Member
Depending on what I make in the week, sometimes when that basket gets to me on Sunday morning, I just ball up my fist over the bag and open it as if I dropped inside a hundred dollar bill made of air. I would love to see the basket handler give me shit because i don't have a penny to feed someone else's family. Just got to be flexible with God ;)
if god, and the church, were what they were meant to be, they'd pass out gold to you on sundays. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy, I disagree about your take on Preachers' habits. I was a server support technician for a school about a year and a half. It was a catholic private school,, all boys, like 800. The School Principle was not like in a public school, he was a preacher too. I got to meet this preacher a few times in meetings in his office, just to talk about "life". Well, this dude was hazardly gay, and when he found out that I love marijuana and consumed it every day like oxygen, he asked me if marijuana made "sex better"... Now I'm thinking... are you talking about marijuana making it easier for my penis to fall into your bum or what, father? Long story short, not all preachers are rolling holy and driving chevy tahoes. Peace
I have never seen a pastor or preacher driving in a shitty car.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
So very true, fdd. Education is king. There is an article in today's WSJ about the nuclear mess in Japan. One of the workers there is a junior high 'graduate' and he said sometimes ignorance is bliss. It's not. Well, unless when one is working with nuclear waste, maybe then you don't really want to know what' is coming your way.

one of your BEST resources is a good education. the US has numerous schools that offer this. knowledge IS power. you too can become part of that top 1%. you just have to want it bad enough. ;)

i've been "on track" the whole thread. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Hey Buddy, I disagree about your take on Preachers' habits. I was a server support technician for a school about a year and a half. It was a catholic private school,, all boys, like 800. The School Principle was not like in a public school, he was a preacher too. I got to meet this preacher a few times in meetings in his office, just to talk about "life". Well, this dude was hazardly gay, and when he found out that I love marijuana and consumed it every day like oxygen, he asked me if marijuana made "sex better"... Now I'm thinking... are you talking about marijuana making it easier for my penis to fall into your bum or what, father? Long story short, not all preachers are rolling holy and driving chevy tahoes. Peace
but a lot of altar boys are? :?