Money Laundering

You can deposit up to $9,999.00 per day without having to fill out the form. Of course, that's $30,000.00 per month, better be able to back it up with a heck of a job.... Might try to buy some real estate off of an investor. Say you find a listing for a house by owner for $50,000.00 Offer him 50k, but say you want to only show it at $30,000.00 and give him $20k in cash. He saves on capital gains, you gain an asset. Since he is complicit in tax fraud, he is a LOT less likely to blow the whistle. You then have an asset that you can rent out, give to a girlfriend to live in, rent to a fake individual and have a new grow room that nobody can trace to you. A win win win situation. You can also buy some vending machines, or any other cash business. Get yourself a top 100 accounting firm and go from there. IRS guys "may" skip an audit or just do a cursory one if you look legit and have proper accounting procedures.
2 things.

1. Check out the Free Lakoda Bank for investing in silver. They do not need to know your name as it has a number system like the Swiss bank used to offer(still does just not in the U.S. to my knowledge)

2. Dj businesses are really really hard to track. I mean who is to say you didn't make a grand doing a show out in the middle of nowhere for a private party?
Yeah as long as that safety deposit box isnt in your name. Busted by the feds it will add into you're undeclared, ie untaxed money. Start a church of Scientology, that way everyone knows its bullshit and you wont have to feel the shame of ripping of fucking morons who will willingly hand over their cash hand-over-fist


Like I posted before laundering isnt trying to get away with the most extravagant fraud you can think up. Its LAUNDER(To clean)ing money. Making dirty money legal. If you invested little by little into a bar you could way over charge your drinks and lie on the books
so my other idea about the comodity was not that good put the black economy is a good solution of money landuring pay in cash for many things remove the paper trail yet build up a real estate portfolio and keep your record clean. as you get your first property you need only to rent it to "mr smith" keep records of your purchase of the property like smalltowfella said 30k and 20k cash. then keep records of your "mr smith" rent payments. then sell property make it look good. get 100k for that purchase a property and do it up then get a real preson for rent and record their rent payment and your input as the rent. get more propertises though your rent plus friend imputs and family imputs your own money. open an account and keep the rent rolling in and account for your own money going in on the rent. many people will want your propertise as they are top spec and cheaper than adverage. you get more propertise and start to earn enough money you decide to just stick with the propertise and grow for yourself and not to sell. or you decide to keep it all going and go bigger HOTELS or you sell up and live your life in luxury not having to thing about the books
Here's a simple one; if someone else said ir--forgive me.

Buy Pre Paid Credit Cards:

The thing is that some of the Pre Paid Credit cards will really soak you--so be sure to read and understand what the usage regulations are.--But you can pay cash for them.
look up whats called euro bonds and euro dollars. its unregulated money. learned about it in my finance class recently, sayin this is how allot of money is laundered
Put some in a mutual fund, but youll have to pay taxes on the profit
Just keep a safe in your house thats fire proof. And when you buy a lambo say its your profit from the mutual fund:-P
Hmm i got a pretty good one i think...
not to bright on the system but could you claim to be a stripper?
i mean there are male and female so no argument and i mean you
could just say you get a shit load of 100s in your g string lol

i mean would this work ?


What amounts of money would you have to start laundering it like
if you were a dealer (im not) how much money a month would be suspicious?
PURCHASE TRAVELERS CHECKS, OR COD checks and make them out to yourself. keep the travelers checks under 5g a month. ALSO investing in a safety deposit box is very usefull. "not suuposed to have money in there" ;)

remember you can always open up "new" accounts in different names (relative, children etc. ) and make it so only YOU can access the account.

whatever you do do it well
Im not tryna pay taxes to our bull shit gov for things i dont even want. Especially since top two tax brackets are 30-35% of ur mutherfuc**n yearly income. FUC* liberals and their fuc*** neediness. Sry just venting politics in our country upset me.

You plan on making money from growing in the next year or two, and you're worried about the taxes in the top two tax brackets? Pretty optimistic.
if u gonna make that much money haha invest in a small business and u don't have to worry u can have a company bank account and a few bank accounts of ur own and the old fashion way bury it!
stack it take it to a casino (vegas, atlantic city) get you some chips trade um back in all new cash... on to the stash spot alot of work but well worth it to clean 50 grand real quick all for the cost of a cheap vacation...done it a few time for a lot less then for far as banks go i dont use them put a lil change in them to keep open but i deal with cash...a lot smaller trail to follow if someone(irs,feds) tried...

Someone thinks laundering money has something to do with new cash.