Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL


Well-Known Member
Keep them for now, when you flower we might have to make a decision.
Goodluck with the temps



Well-Known Member
I took apart the fan today, messed around with the speed ratios and temperature gauge

now the hotter it gets in there the faster the fan moves... keeps it under 90 so far and its been on for about an hour and a half so thats a good sign, should go up when i put the carbon fliter on but i got a little while for that

all i have to say to anyone growing with stealth out there... make sure you plan ahead and test your box a lot... i thought i had an amazing set up then i had to run around after the plants were already growing to fix them


Well-Known Member
keep them all for now, and learn how to extract heat.

space wont be an issue, u dont have very many plants to begin with. and once u weed out the males u wont have anything to worry about.


Well-Known Member
DAY 7 - All is well

Day: 7
Lights: 12/12 (6 cfl, 100 watts equ)
Strain: Plant 1,2,3 - White Widow; Plant 4 - LR2
Temperature: 80-95
Humidity: 30%
Watered: none
Nutraints: none
Inside Smell: none
Outside Smell: none
Other: all is well

edit: i know it says 104 but thats wrong, i was leaning it on a light before i took that pic lol


Well-Known Member
Hahaha I was about to say... 104 is no good!
This grow has really made me reconsider my set up... thank you



Well-Known Member
They are growing quite a bit each day, im going to not post a detialed update today because i'm pretty busy and im not really doing anything to them.

But from the picture how am I looking for spacing?

When should I know sex? how many weeks?

When do I start using nutes?

Should I grow more seeds incase of males or is it to early for that?

also theres been over 2,500 views@!!! fuck yah


Well-Known Member
it still may be nearly 3 weeks until you see preflowers. I've heard that males show sex quicker than females so at least you can find out sooner if you have any.


Well-Known Member
With your heat problems, I would say no...
Btw don't use nutes for the first 2 weeks, then you're probably safe, but start slow.



Well-Known Member
i only have a few months to grow before i head on moving again so i want to get this experiment done lol, just dont want to be cut to 1 plant from 4, cause thats sad, hoping to keep 2 or 3

it sucks not knowing


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know exactly how you feel. I'm in the same situation.
Only planting 3 so I'll be PISSED if I get 0 females lol



Well-Known Member
I went to walmart today and in the arts & crafts section they have wire special for plants and flowers. I plant to wrap it around my ladies and shape them like a tornado for bigger yield:-)


Well-Known Member
Day 8

Day: 8
Lights: 12/12 (6 cfl, 100 watts equ)
Strain: Plant 1,2,3 - White Widow; Plant 4 - LR2
Temperature: 80-100
Humidity: 20%
Watered: little bit
Nutraints: none
Inside Smell: none
Outside Smell: none
Other: Tempts a problem but they are growing and it varies in the box so im not to concerned, not much more i can do

Here are the plants

what do people feel about lst?


Well-Known Member
I will definitely be using the LST method in my grow this summer.
Make sure you study it pretty well, and don't forget to put an opposite tension at the bottom



Well-Known Member
Nice Setup you got going here. A+.

im def. gunna keep an eye on this. it will help me on my journy.

Props to Monkee.


Well-Known Member
hey man hows the filter workin for ya, still having alot of problems with cooling and having mine on. Made a new one today and it seems to be doing alright, any tips??