Monkee's Grow - Stealth, From Seed 12/12, CFL


Well-Known Member
Day 61 - Not Looking Good

the plant still looks like its going down lol

also the fliter isn't doing to well and i can only imagine how much worse its going to get... and out of funds to continue to make new ones...

so this isn't looking all that good lol

the plant:


Well-Known Member
I thought you had a bought carbon filter, whats wrong with it?
just doesn't seem to be working out well, i dunno

i have to admit its not as bad anymore, so it coulda been anything

but the plant is looking terrible, i took it out of the tent and its sitting beside me and i think its dying, worst part is im starting to see the other plant look like its going through the same thing

also because im 12/12 from seed im starting to wonder what actual flowering day im on, and how much is nitrogen being lost, how much is over watering and how much could be something else


Well-Known Member
Man i just read this entire journal in the past day, very interesting read, I was planning on making a rubbermaid grow but it looks a little too hard so i will probably just buy a growtent. Anyways sorry to see your plant like this i wish you could atleast find out whats wrong and be able to correct it. Great grow, and youve given me alot of info for when i start my grow.




Well-Known Member
I will say that i've seen alot of threads on here where the plants started going yellow on the leaves the last 2-3weeks before harvest, it might be heading that direction.....not sure.

I wouldn't do anything drastic though, its a shame though to care for something so much then out of the blue shit hits the fan and your left trying to figure out if it was something that you did, or if it was just the cycle of THAT seed (be it natural or not).

Thats what ticked me off so much about mine, gorgeous for two months then bam out of nowhere, ouch. Then running around with your head cut off trying to fix IT.


Active Member
heya, monkee. been following along...truly inspiring. what size container? could they be root-bound? just a thought.



Well-Known Member
no plants adapt to the size of the pots, root bound usually is a problem when you are in veg or very early flower

its a mix of a lot of things

but when i got in today and looked at them it looks almost dead... might be taking it out back later tonight to get rid of it


Well-Known Member
yeah i doubt ill continue the grow with one plant... might scrap it at this point

the plants on its last legs, doesn't look good at all


Well-Known Member
Dude don't kill 1 plant because 1 was on its way out, shit man if anything you have at most 25-30days left....not bad imo. Keep at it, and at least finish her.