Monkey Pox


Well-Known Member
It should be quite entertaining when MP starts spreading in the tRUmptards with compromised immune systems from covid infections. The morons are pushing the narrative that only queers get it so their explanation of how they got it should be hilarious.


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Not just a gay problem for sure but in practice definitely a high risk group. Avoiding that fact because there are idiots who think gay is a choice is more harmful to gays than acting appropriately. Gays and transgenders with high health risks in NL are eligible for a free hiv prevention shot, hiv-PrEP, and that same group is now eligible and called for a pox vax shot. In total roughly 32k people including sex workers. Which will be too late for upcoming Pride parades and pink festivals that will attract hundreds of thousands from all over the world and undoubtedly cause an explosion in cases.

If this started with a few heterosexuals some people would blame vaginas cause it wouldn’t spread as fast in the gay community. First 256 cases in NL were men who had sex with men. That’s the result of the first infections being men who had sex with men and sex being an effective way to spread. 99% of current cases in NL had gay sex with an infected person. So far it is practically a gay std and hence treated as such, with yes constant disclaimers that doesn’t mean others can’t / don’t / won’t get it.


Well-Known Member
Isn’t it basically shingles? Which is a listed potential side effect of the vaccine. The worst pictures you see in 3rd world countries isn’t every case right? If so, let’s see pictures where peoples skin looks like a toads with bumps in Americas Kaiser hospitals. Another “virus”? I’ve had Covid twice without ever getting vaccinated and had symptoms milder than a cold. What is in the vaccine after the 5th booster that is suppose to be better? I’ll take my chances and continue to exercise, eat right, smoke weed and trust my immune system. Not pharma. I’ve seen/heard too many stories of people having vaccination complications. The minute they post about it to raise awareness these social media platforms will remove it tagged “misinformation”. How could it be if it’s your own experience and sharing it with others? Shits so ass backwards. To each their own. I respect everyone’s views and choices. Do what you feel is best for yourself and loved ones.


Well-Known Member
Isn’t it basically shingles? Which is a listed potential side effect of the vaccine. The worst pictures you see in 3rd world countries isn’t every case right? If so, let’s see pictures where peoples skin looks like a toads with bumps in Americas Kaiser hospitals. Another “virus”? I’ve had Covid twice without ever getting vaccinated and had symptoms milder than a cold. What is in the vaccine after the 5th booster that is suppose to be better? I’ll take my chances and continue to exercise, eat right, smoke weed and trust my immune system. Not pharma. I’ve seen/heard too many stories of people having vaccination complications. The minute they post about it to raise awareness these social media platforms will remove it tagged “misinformation”. How could it be if it’s your own experience and sharing it with others? Shits so ass backwards. To each their own. I respect everyone’s views and choices. Do what you feel is best for yourself and loved ones.
Yeah man most people know all those who supposedly died from covid are just paid actors with fake sniffles and virtually the entire medical community was in cahoots with big pharma and social media and msm and all the governments in the world. They are actually working together to screw us, the people, over. Now that we ignore corona they go for the same playbook all over again. Did you know the pox vaccine is made from a virus called “vaccinia”? Crazy right, it’s like they are not even trying to hide it anymore. The vax is the virus. With what are they going to come up next, goat measles? Totally respect your view, never get vaxxed, trust the weed, trust the Lord. And if you do get monkey pox, just take lots of Phenylbutazone.


Well-Known Member
Haven’t dug into this yet, but received word tonight that *smallpox* vaccination is supposed to be ~80% effective against the monkey pox…if so, geezers rule, ok?


Well-Known Member
The WHO admits to 72 children having MP, 23 of those under the age of 4, MP can have some very bad outcomes in children. They also deleted posts they've made claiming MP wasn't airborne so it's airborne plus easily passed by surface contamination.