Monkeys or Aliens?


Well-Known Member
Have you read "The Postman" by David Brin? It's a pretty good book from one of my favorite sf writers. It also ends on a note of real hope.

So different from that disaster of a flick. What that oik Costner did to the book in movie form is just so very wrong. Of course, that was a guy who thought "Waterworld" was a story worth telling. It wasn't, even with Jeanne Tripplehorn nekkid. cn
Thanks for the tip. Book sounds great and I found it online for free


Well-Known Member

I want to be cremated, mixed with rabbit shit, and one of my strains grown out of me :D
So basically your next life will be lived as a marijuana plant? I can only think of the person that would grow you, would he smoke you after? If he would smoke you, he should save every joint ash and put it in the soil again and grow another plant out of it. Maybe you can have multiple lives as a marijuana plant lol.


Well-Known Member
So basically your next life will be lived as a marijuana plant? I can only think of the person that would grow you, would he smoke you after? If he would smoke you, he should save every joint ash and put it in the soil again and grow another plant out of it. Maybe you can have multiple lives as a marijuana plant lol.
I definitely want to be smoked, by close friends and family.

The second part would be bad ass too :D

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You said it wouldn't work as a gas.
So yes you did dispute it.
I was never saying it was gas.
I was saying that there are planets with liquid methane.
Which you now seem to understand :D

Life COULD form there, similar to how it did in water.
Since it is liquid in some places, which you WERE disputing.
Do you know anything about chemistry?
couldn't help myself... been thinkin bout this song for the last 10 pages (art imitates life right?)

[video=youtube;xat1GVnl8-k] _video&playnext=9[/video]
awwwww where'd everybody go? i was gonna make some clever comment about steven hawking...anyway, peace hugs & weed....need i say more :)

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
How is forced copulation not rape..?

I was always led to believe that if I forced a woman to have sex with me that it was rape...

Have I been lied to all these years..?


Well-Known Member
How is forced copulation not rape..?

I was always led to believe that if I forced a woman to have sex with me that it was rape...

Have I been lied to all these years..?
Maybe you should research rape. Rape is almost NEVER about sex! It is a psychological assault, usually aimed at a person from the rapists past. Forced copulation is intercourse while one partner struggles to get free. The psychological damage is SEVERE in rape cases. Not so in forced copulation.