Well-Known Member
what i think doesn't matter . . about safety . . i dont think lack of evidence is evidence so that my thoughts on that
We have actual evidence that eating carrots can be unhealthy. Why don't we put warning lables on carrots?
Your thinking is not even reasonable, much less logical.
Did you look at the 600 studies? That is evidence.
There is not a lack of evidence. Just because you are ignorant does not mean there is a lack of evidence.
i want them labeled like every other product on the market . . .so consumers know what they are purchasing with their hard earned money
Hard earned money, lol. You sound like a politician.
There is no reason to label fruits, grains and vegetables as unhealthy when there is no evidence to support it.
why is it you dont think they should be labeled?
I have explained it to you numerous times, as have others. It does not make sense. There is no reason to do so.
Why do you think vegetables, fruits and grains are unhealthy?