Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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what i think doesn't matter . . about safety . . i dont think lack of evidence is evidence so that my thoughts on that

We have actual evidence that eating carrots can be unhealthy. Why don't we put warning lables on carrots?
Your thinking is not even reasonable, much less logical.

Did you look at the 600 studies? That is evidence.

There is not a lack of evidence. Just because you are ignorant does not mean there is a lack of evidence.

i want them labeled like every other product on the market . . .so consumers know what they are purchasing with their hard earned money

Hard earned money, lol. You sound like a politician.
There is no reason to label fruits, grains and vegetables as unhealthy when there is no evidence to support it.

why is it you dont think they should be labeled?

I have explained it to you numerous times, as have others. It does not make sense. There is no reason to do so.
Why do you think vegetables, fruits and grains are unhealthy?
You are arguing against something you know very little about.
Golden Rice can help lessen blindness caused by malnutrition.
It would indeed help those thta avoided blindness.

Why do you hate children in poorer countries and want them to be blind?
The people behind Golden rice are powerless to change the politics, so they are trying to help children.
Your comments are ignorant and a little offensive.

You have offered nothing factual, so this will be more bullshit, I imagine.

That is such a tremendously ignorant statement. You have entered into the

Have you come up with a good reason to label foods GMO?

Or help you quit using sophistry instead of logic.

band aid cant fix a stroke, mal nutrition is caused by the conditions people live in . . . . . .not lack of golden rice . . .your fallacy is huge . . .careful yo might poke a eye out with that thing

ya i have, so people knwo what they are eating( now can you explain to me why that is unreasonable.........). . . .have you come up with a reason to not label . .yet . .. your clown party needs you back . . .someone posted a picture with no comedy in teh LOL thread
my opinion on safety is that , time will tell,

Read the studies. Some go back to the 1980s.

i have doubts uncertainties like Doer said . . . .and i do not foolishly put stock in science that is new as , being unequivocally infallible . . . . . do you

I take stock in the best available evidence. You like rumors and blogs.

and i dont feel that lack of evidence is evidecne

There is tons of evidence that you are ignoring willfully. It is weird, like a 5 year covering her ears and saying, "nah nah nah, I can't hear you."

cigarettes were healthy

weed is still not medical federally . . .you can cling to your prescribed opinions all you want . .. i still choose to keep an open mind about it all

Ignoring the best available evidence is not keeping an open mind.
ok then well . .. .i guess everything every study finds true must be true . . .trousers said so . . . . .

science is never wrong-trousers . . .

got it . . but not really . .

oh and the best one

lack of evidence is proof of no evidence - trousers
We have actual evidence that eating carrots can be unhealthy. Why don't we put warning lables on carrots?
Your thinking is not even reasonable, much less logical.

Did you look at the 600 studies? That is evidence.

There is not a lack of evidence. Just because you are ignorant does not mean there is a lack of evidence.

Hard earned money, lol. You sound like a politician.
There is no reason to label fruits, grains and vegetables as unhealthy when there is no evidence to support it.

I have explained it to you numerous times, as have others. It does not make sense. There is no reason to do so.
Why do you think vegetables, fruits and grains are unhealthy?

That's not up to the company. Most of us feel that eating McDonalds isn't healthy either, but it's not up to McDonalds to tell you that. What IS their responsibility is to tell you *what* it is you're eating ..... not whether it's healthy or not. That can be subjective.
band aid cant fix a stroke, mal nutrition is caused by the conditions people live in . . . . .

So they should not be helped? It doesn't matter. You still haven't come up with a good reason to label fruits, grains and vegetables as unhealthy.

.not lack of golden rice . . .your fallacy is huge . . .careful yo might poke a eye out with that thing

Your ignorance is huge. It is a wonder you can feed yourself.

ya i have, so people knwo what they are eating( now can you explain to me why that is unreasonable.........). . . .

Why is it unreasonable to label carrots as dangerous? If you eat too many you could have health problems.
Have you looked at the studies? Have you found anything that shows that GMO stuff is bad?

have you come up with a reason to not label . .yet . .. your clown party needs you back . . .someone posted a picture with no comedy in teh LOL thread

Is that English?

Do you want to call me names because you can not understand logic?
Can you read?

Can you? You have yet to lay out one good reason why consumers should not be made aware of what it is that they're eating. It's completely irrelevant whether you, Doer, or Monsanto feels that it's safe.

If your city started dumping arsenic in to your water supply, should you be made aware of that or do roll through life with the ignorance-is-bliss approach to everything?
ok then well . .. .i guess everything every study finds true must be true . . .trousers said so

are you mad because you can not understand logic?

science is never wrong-trousers . . .

You do not understand science, the scientific method, logic and reason.

got it . . but not really . .

oh and the best one

lack of evidence is proof of no evidence - trousers

600 studies that you ignore is evidence. You have provided nothing but childish, incoherent insults.
Go read the studies, that is the evidence you are asking for.

Where is the evidence I am asking for?
That's not up to the company. Most of us feel that eating McDonalds isn't healthy either,

So you do not eat there. Problem solved.

but it's not up to McDonalds to tell you that. What IS their responsibility is to tell you *what* it is you're eating ..... not whether it's healthy or not. That can be subjective.

Pay attention, go back, check out the studies. I could show you 128 independently funded studies if you want.
same logic as- if you don't like how it is where you live you should move . . no need to effect life

aka 90% of America wants labeling of GMOs so you better just move trousers or get on board

show away . . . . . i like to read . . .and i like even more to try to objectivity see both sides


progress is unavoidable GMO will be more prevalent in the future, so having stringent and technical regulations and ethical production and sales of products this includes lableing honestly
Can you? You have yet to lay out one good reason why consumers should not be made aware of what it is that they're eating.

Then you haven't read and understood what is going on. I am not going to repeat myself for someone that just wanders in without context and starts spouting off about things that were just covered.

It's completely irrelevant whether you, Doer, or Monsanto feels that it's safe.

Exactly. But the best evidence we have says that GMO crops are perfectly safe.
can you tell me how a vegetable is made unsafe to consume?
Show me a study that backs up what ever reason you think GMO crops are not safe.

If your city started dumping arsenic in to your water supply, should you be made aware of that

That is completely different. You are comparing arsenic with vegetables? there is arsenic in your tap water, btw.

or do roll through life with the ignorance-is-bliss approach to everything?

Read the studies boy, then talk shit.
ok then well . .. .i guess everything every study finds true must be true . . .trousers said so . . . . .

science is never wrong-trousers . . .

got it . . but not really . .

oh and the best one

lack of evidence is proof of no evidence - trousers

sweet Sheb Nigguroth

sammy, trousers is arguing that there has been NO FINDING OF HARM from GMO's, which is the standard science uses to determine whether a product is safe or not.

even aspirin, when overused can result in harm,, but thus far nobody has been able to link GMO's to any harm whatsoever to people or animals (except of course those animals who are intended harm by the product.)

while he is arguing that thus far you have provided ZERO evidence for your demands of labeling and withdrawal from the market, you are demanding proof positive of harmlessness, which is an impossible standard.

unless The Moving Finger comes down from Zion and inscribed "Gmo's are pure natural and healthy" on a stone tablet you will NEVER accept any evidence that does not fit your already accepted view that GMO's are harmful.

the labeling flap is beyond bullshit since it would require entirely separate facilities to process GMO's and "Real" crops, ensuring that there WILL be failures, then you and the eco-nauts can scream about "contamination" based on the simple fact that segregation is required by law so there must be SOMETHING behind it...

until somebody comes up with ANY real proof that corn from traditional cultivars and GMO's are nutritionally different or that GMO's have ANY risk to people, labeling is just a weak ass attempt to create the illusion of harm where none has yet been found
still waiting for 128 independently funded studies


his opinion is noted . . . .i dont agree lack of evidence is evidence, and yes even in face of studies . . .

i demand labeling like any other product . .very simple and most of America agrees with me . . . i have yet to hear a valid reason to not label

the ins and outs of owning a business are not my concerns, it is theirs, i am a consumer, and like every other differentiating product on the market

their are reasons for regulations that require labeling, all varying but the end result is the same . . .so the consumer knows it is different then the other product

your blanket generalization" labeling is an illusion to infer harm"

is funny as hell comign from the guy who doesnt believe in multi cultural ism but thats another thread

labeling is so the consumer knows what they are buying . . .its not a one way tool . . .for advertising it has other intended uses like informing the consumer of its pedigree or its class . . . . Grade A Beef is no less harmfull then kobe but we all know one is preferred if it was a toss up choice, and obviously value and cost come into play . . . . . .nice fallacy please proceed
the issue for pro GMOers is that they are fighting two fronts . . . . .the never never never GMO crowd

and the

ethical moral obligations GMO crowd

label your products . . . so teh consumer knows its called transparency

and if their food is safe and cheaper then theirs no issue . . .fuck walmart is growing every year . . .cheaper products and more of em

Don't have to bow to the will of a tiny fraction?

You want it to be a fight but it is not.

See the farm bill of 2013. WE won in self rule.
same logic as- if you don't like how it is where you live you should move . . no need to effect life

You do not understand logic, nor use it when engaged in a debate. It is weird.

aka 90% of America wants labeling of GMOs so you better just move trousers or get on board

If 90% of Americans told you to jump into the Grand Canyon would you do it? (Please do it)
What if 90% of Ameircans said we should eat your Grandma? Is she GMO?

show away . . . . . i like to read . . .and i like even more to try to objectivity see both sides

lol, you are such a precious little liar.

Why haven't you read the studies that show that GMO crops are safe?


progress is unavoidable GMO will be more prevelent in the future,

What is your point? GMO has been going on for thousands of years.

so having strigint and trechnical regulations and ethical production and sales of products this includes lableing honestly

No it does not as there is no reason to label fruits, vegetables and grains as unhealthy when there is no evidence what so ever to back up that insane proposition.

Read an article about the 600 studies then find me one study that shows that GMO crops are not safe to eat.

Pretty please?
still waiting for those 128 studies . . ..

one Orwellian move to another . . . . .apparently labeling is just to much . .for these companies who create new foods . . .

politicians says its cool . . . winning
still waiting for 128 independently funded studies


They have been linked numerous times by myself and others. You can not be this obtuse.


his opinion is noted . . . .i dont agree lack of evidence is evidence, and yes even in face of studies . . .

Then read the studies, buy organic and stop being so dense.

i demand labeling like any other product . .

Based on nothing. I demand you stop being willfully ignorant.
I demand that cats and dogs get together harmoniously.

very simple and most of America agrees with me . . . i have yet to hear a valid reason to not label

Because you are too dumb to understand what is being discussed. It is fun and funny.

the ins and outs of owning a business are not my concerns, it is theirs, i am a consumer, and like every other differentiating product on the market

Carrots can be harmful to your health. Why don't we label them as such?
Why don't you want to do that when the best evidence says that GMO crops are perfectly safe?

their (sic) are reasons for regulations that require labeling, all varying but the end result is the same . . .so the consumer knows it is different then the other product

Then why not label carrots as potentially unhealthy?
still waiting for 128 independently funded studies


his opinion is noted . . . .i dont agree lack of evidence is evidence, and yes even in face of studies . . .

i demand labeling like any other product . .very simple and most of America agrees with me . . . i have yet to hear a valid reason to not label

the ins and outs of owning a business are not my concerns, it is theirs, i am a consumer, and like every other differentiating product on the market

their are reasons for regulations that require labeling, all varying but the end result is the same . . .so the consumer knows it is different then the other product

your blanket generalization" labeling is an illusion to infer harm"

is funny as hell comign from the guy who doesnt believe in multi cultural ism but thats another thread

labeling is so the consumer knows what they are buying . . .its not a one way tool . . .for advertising it has other intended uses like informing the consumer of its pedigree or its class . . . . Grade A Beef is no les sharmfull then kobe but we all know one is perfered if it was a toss up choice

Those studies are a part of the 600 studies you have been linked to. They are all there.

Why no labeling? Because none of this has been met:

-If a bioengineered food is significantly different from its traditional counterpart such that the common or usual name no longer adequately describes the new food, the name must be changed to describe the difference.

-If an issue exists for the food or a constituent of the food regarding how the food is used or consequences of its use, a statement must be made on the label to describe the issue.

-If a bioengineered food has a significantly different nutritional property, its label must reflect the difference.

-If a new food includes an allergen that consumers would not expect to be present based on the name of the food, the presence of that allergen must be disclosed on the label.

I will again post a source you will probably not read:
Can you? You have yet to lay out one good reason why consumers should not be made aware of what it is that they're eating. It's completely irrelevant whether you, Doer, or Monsanto feels that it's safe.

If your city started dumping arsenic in to your water supply, should you be made aware of that or do roll through life with the ignorance-is-bliss approach to everything?

if you suddenly declared "Soft Winter" to be an forbidden cultivar of wheat, for whatever crazy ass reason you came up with, would flour millers, bakers, food processors and shops fell any burning need to acquiesce to your demands that "Soft Winter" wheat be removed from all their products, or labeled with big red warning stickers?


your "common sense" demand for labeling is a shabby attempt to create an illusion of danger, despite all the evidence that the danger is entirely in your mind.

your local community almost certainly dumps sodium fluoride in your water, and despite this product being PROVED dangerous, and despite the fact sodium fluoride MUST BE LABELED during shipping with cute little warnings like POISON, Inhalation Hazard, Explosion Hazard...

but saying "fluoridation is bad" means im crazy and a Bircher.

if im crazy for wanting sodium fluoride left out of my water, how motherfucking crazy do you have to be to demand that particular cultivars of corn be removed from your Doritos?