More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!

After a two week delay everything is in!
This is the T175 Super Delux package, I also shelled out the extra $40 to have it come assembled.

1) Box contents spread out.
2) Safty Purge line - quick disconnect with release hose to purge pressure from the system.
3) Extras pack - Laser Therm, teflon tape, Cannister Butane attachment (male quick release to can feeder), Pressure gauge (not shown), Vacuum Nipple (not shown)
4) Instruction & Warrenty package - hey life time warrenty neat.
5) Main unit assembled - what it looks like during an extraction
6) Extras laid out - vacuum nipple, cannister attachment, extra o-rings, laser therm,teflon tape and pressure gauge.
7) Extractor dissasembled - Solvent Container, extraction column, recovery vessal.
8) Recovery line and column/RC clamps (you clamp the extraction column to the recovery vessal during extractions).

After a two week delay everything is in!
This is the T175 Super Delux package, I also shelled out the extra $40 to have it come assembled.

1) Box contents spread out.
2) Safty Purge line - quick disconnect with release hose to purge pressure from the system.
3) Extras pack - Laser Therm, teflon tape, Cannister Butane attachment (male quick release to can feeder), Pressure gauge (not shown), Vacuum Nipple (not shown)
4) Instruction & Warrenty package - hey life time warrenty neat.
5) Main unit assembled - what it looks like during an extraction
6) Extras laid out - vacuum nipple, cannister attachment, extra o-rings, laser therm,teflon tape and pressure gauge.
7) Extractor dissasembled - Solvent Container, extraction column, recovery vessal.
8) Recovery line and column/RC clamps (you clamp the extraction column to the recovery vessal during extractions).

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Ive been waiting for this!!! Cant wait! Post results ASAP! Ill be sitting here refreshing LOL
First oil porn.
The first pic is the first batch (black from melting) and the second batch (tan)
Second pic is my third and fourth runs together. A
ll made from sugar leaf taken from some MawiWowii and Querkle about a month old and frozen still fresh.
Very nice, How was it scraping it out? Hows the taste?
The scrape was alot easier then I thought it would be, since Im doing the recovery phase at around 110 the oil is still very fluid does not stick to the vessal, still planning on using a transport solvent in the future.
Taste wise the black stuff I burnt a little while re-melting it so it is slightly harsh, the tan stuff is pretty smooth, been taking massive rips off the nail with it without blowing my lungs out.
For record keeping purposes

1st Run
Wet Frozen fresh trimmings (mostly MawiiWowii)
Extractions at room temp, 20-40psi
Recovery at 110-120degrees
No purge
Final Product: Penut Butter
Do they recommend fresh material versus dried? I'm super curious as to the difference in taste. Do you cure it after the extraction to decarb more of the cannabinoids?
Do they recommend fresh material versus dried? I'm super curious as to the difference in taste. Do you cure it after the extraction to decarb more of the cannabinoids?

All they say is anything can change everything so fresh vs dried is another variable to play with.
Its been sitting around a few days now so I guess yes. Super smooth. Threw it in the food saver marinader yesterday for kicks but not much happened.
When he mentioned using naphtha I'm quite sure he ment only as a carrier solvent people... The idea is that butane evaporates at a lower temp than naphtha or acetone so with the addition of either of those solvents to the collection vessel you are able to pour out your oil in a liquid state and evaporate off the other solvents without trying to scrape that awkward shapped collection vessel... Naphtha and acetone make black oil on their own, but in this case the acetone or naphtha never comes in contact with plant matter. I have been quite interested in this rig... Please post results with a carrier solvent! Also heard ethanol(everclear) is good for this purpose...Yabbba dabbba do!
Yes you are correct.
Next round we shall see.
I guess the correct word to use would have been 'transport solvent'.
A carrier solvent is still technically part of the extraction process so I was tossing around the wrong terms.

When he mentioned using naphtha I'm quite sure he ment only as a carrier solvent people... The idea is that butane evaporates at a lower temp than naphtha or acetone so with the addition of either of those solvents to the collection vessel you are able to pour out your oil in a liquid state and evaporate off the other solvents without trying to scrape that awkward shapped collection vessel... Naphtha and acetone make black oil on their own, but in this case the acetone or naphtha never comes in contact with plant matter. I have been quite interested in this rig... Please post results with a carrier solvent! Also heard ethanol(everclear) is good for this purpose...Yabbba dabbba do!
Are the tamisium extractors completely safe to use? Since it runs a closed system? 1 post everybody great forum much love from Europe!
Randomseed, it's been a while since I've checked in.
My worry with both naphtha (a generic term for a saturated hydrocarbon solvent that can cover a wide range of volatilities, but in the USA means a light kerosene!) and xylenes (bp 138ºC!) is that they are both too high-boiling and would take months to evaporate from a gummy sample.
For a transfer solvent I can recommend acetone or hexanes: these are usefully volatile, not especially toxic ... and available. cn
I too am interested in percentage yields. I am a mmj patient looking for the best way to consume my medicine. I am interested in using the extractor with fresh trim and then later with dried popcorn buds. Has anyone used the extractor with 99% pure butane. I read somewhere that the vector lighter refills are only 20 percent butane. BTW thanks for sharing bro. Another question, how long did it take to run a batch from start to finish?
I too am interested in percentage yields. I am a mmj patient looking for the best way to consume my medicine. I am interested in using the extractor with fresh trim and then later with dried popcorn buds. Has anyone used the extractor with 99% pure butane. I read somewhere that the vector lighter refills are only 20 percent butane. BTW thanks for sharing bro. Another question, how long did it take to run a batch from start to finish?
reverse that. the cans of gases for torch refills are about 80% butane (n- and iso forms)
n-butane is becoming increasingly hard to access. because airgas figured yall out and started restricting, delivery only and you need a gas lisence.
I CAN NOT FUCKING WAIT TIL I CAN GET ONE OF THESE!!! since i seen the ad in High Times ive been dreaming about this device! and to the numnut who said "who the fuck would buy that thing?" my friend do not know the value of a good concentrate ;P that device would essentially pay for itself within a year or less im sure. if you had a thee slightest business sense. but who know...i dont care bout silly comments. i just care about getting up the dough to own one of them!!! praise al the dudes who have one, your truly some lucky fellas.
Happy new year everybody!
Well fresh off of a BHO fuled vacation we've got some stuff to show :-)

Over a period of three days I did three runs using the same trim source (mawi wowi).
First run was 60gs trim, second was 45g and the third was with no trim just to wash out the rest of the oil stuck in the aparatus and get it nice and clean at the end.
Before starting the first run I did a gas purge to clean out the butane. Process was overfill gas chamber slightly with butane, lower temp in freezer to below 32deg and then blow off anything that was still a gas (butane goes stable liquid at 32deg). I repeated it about 4 times topping with new gas and blowing off anything that was not fluid at freezing. In the end there was 700ml of as close to pure gas as I could get without a more advanced process.

Ready for gas.......IMG_0188.jpg
Capping the tank..IMG_0190.jpg
Cold Pressure Purge....IMG_0192.jpg
Material ready to go....IMG_0193.jpg
Get a filter in there.....IMG_0195.jpg

Ive been using a coffee filter cut to fit the bottom topped with 00 steel wool
Pack it in...................IMG_0194.jpg
I also put another layer of steel wool over the top
Recovery time...........IMG_0196.jpg
Salt water cold bath for the recovery can, tap water hot bath for the apparatus. Takes me about two hours just because I have to change the water out once it gets colder. Much room for improvement here.
Needs more purge.....IMG_0198.jpg
Same end result my test runs, peanut butter.
Bubble bubble toil and trouble......IMG_0197.jpg
Put it into the foodsaver on marinate like 5 times total


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As for numbers, well I lost the sheet but I remember the roundings.
Run 1 - used 60g trim, lost 20g of butane during the run
Run 2 - used 45g trim, lost 40g butane
Run 3 - no trim, lost 20g butane
total butane lost - 80g or about 160ml (half can)
Final product weight 5.5g approx.
Given that its a middle of the road THC% strain, not too shabby.
Now as for final product.
Pre-purge the stuff is very gooy and has a very dark tint to it, repeated purging lightens the color and takes the tackieness out of it until it become touchable and loses most its stick.
I tried to show in the last pics but failed as to how honey colored the stuff is when smeared, looks like pure honey oil until you gather up a decent amount and then it loses clarity.

After letting it sit for another day after the purge I gave it a test and just wow. So smooth, you have to really overdue it to bring on a coughing fit. It's just a nice smooth buttery vapor.