More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!

I too am interested in percentage yields. I am a mmj patient looking for the best way to consume my medicine. I am interested in using the extractor with fresh trim and then later with dried popcorn buds. Has anyone used the extractor with 99% pure butane. I read somewhere that the vector lighter refills are only 20 percent butane. BTW thanks for sharing bro. Another question, how long did it take to run a batch from start to finish?

If you had a good way to control the temp during the recovery phase (sous vide) you could go start to end in under two hours total.
Randomseed, it's been a while since I've checked in.
My worry with both naphtha (a generic term for a saturated hydrocarbon solvent that can cover a wide range of volatilities, but in the USA means a light kerosene!) and xylenes (bp 138ºC!) is that they are both too high-boiling and would take months to evaporate from a gummy sample.
For a transfer solvent I can recommend acetone or hexanes: these are usefully volatile, not especially toxic ... and available. cn

Me thinks acetone is gonna get the tap text time.
Are the tamisium extractors completely safe to use? Since it runs a closed system? 1 post everybody great forum much love from Europe!

"completely" - of cource not, that being said its a hell of a lot safer then any other way out there of doing it short of commericial lab equipment.
Is it safer then discharging butane through tubes onto glass dishes to be evaporated in open air.....shit yes.
Can you still blow your face off with it.....shit yes.
Have you seen this video tutorial?

I'd get one if the oil was somehow better... But I don't see how it's possible..

Matt Rize you say that you only have the tami BHO because you know it's butaneless? But I'm confused as you say to use an additional solvent to get it out of the collection chamber? Doesn't that re exposure to another solvent defeat the idea the tami extractor?

I'm confused... Somewhat tired of tubes, but sticking with them because it's simple and I don't see how something like the tami could make it better! Honestly..! :)

And that sucks that you can't get the N-Butane so easy now. That was one of the appealing aspects of the tami.. Using higher quality butane.
I'd get one if the oil was somehow better... But I don't see how it's possible..

Matt Rize you say that you only have the tami BHO because you know it's butaneless? But I'm confused as you say to use an additional solvent to get it out of the collection chamber? Doesn't that re exposure to another solvent defeat the idea the tami extractor?

I'm confused... Somewhat tired of tubes, but sticking with them because it's simple and I don't see how something like the tami could make it better! Honestly..! :)

And that sucks that you can't get the N-Butane so easy now. That was one of the appealing aspects of the tami.. Using higher quality butane.
I said that I only smoke Tamisium made BHO because I don't support open blasting. Tami bho is "better" because the extraction process is 100x times more safe.

Second "carrier" solvents are totally not needed, and I would not use one.

The tami filters the solvents, whereas open tube blasting has no prefilter. This step removes the crap lube (paraffin) in the torch lighter refill cans.\

Take this in to consideration. I am going to blast a half pound of buds. If I use my tami, I need to add about 3 cans of gas to the recollection tanks Im using to blast. If I'm running an open system, I'm going to use a dozen or more cans of tane because im not recollecting the solvent. This makes a serious impact as those korean cans of mixed gases are not recyclable.
I said that I only smoke Tamisium made BHO because I don't support open blasting. Tami bho is "better" because the extraction process is 100x times more safe.

Second "carrier" solvents are totally not needed, and I would not use one.

The tami filters the solvents, whereas open tube blasting has no prefilter. This step removes the crap lube (paraffin) in the torch lighter refill cans.\

Take this in to consideration. I am going to blast a half pound of buds. If I use my tami, I need to add about 3 cans of gas to the recollection tanks Im using to blast. If I'm running an open system, I'm going to use a dozen or more cans of tane because im not recollecting the solvent. This makes a serious impact as those korean cans of mixed gases are not recyclable.

Crazy hippie trying to save the world! :)

Does the tami really have a prefilter that can strip out the paraffin? Paraffin as a solute in butane has got to be pretty small and considering the unit is made to extract paraffins along with the essential oils from other herbs why would they put a filter that small on the devise? I guess it could be part of the gas refill unit?

Regardless there has to be much less contaminants - 3 bottles of butane has x contaminants, 12 bottles has 4x - four times the amount. I really want to try some tami BHO versus standard now.
it's reclaiming the contaminants along with the solvent so i think you come out about even on that one. the advantage is in using 25% of the butane and the safety/health concerns of not releasing a whole case of toxic and explosive gases in whatever area you happen to be working.
it's reclaiming the contaminants along with the solvent so i think you come out about even on that one. the advantage is in using 25% of the butane and the safety/health concerns of not releasing a whole case of toxic and explosive gases in whatever area you happen to be working.
these gases are non-toxic. what contaminants other that lube are in these torch lighter refills?

CN--- if you've ever looked in a Tami prefilter, you would see what I see, paraffin wax.
I can't argue with experience (I've only used distilled extractants) but if there is paraffin in the filter, I am inclined to believe that you're dealing with a suspension of paraffin in a saturated solution.
If I had a Tamisium, I'd do a "blank" run with canned gas ... and see how much paraffin etc. ended up in the goods flask. I'm wagering the filter got only the suspended bits. Then I'd have reclaimed/distilled butane ready for a real quality run. cn
The most straight forward reasons a tami is mmany times better then pure tubing is control over the primary parameters that determine quantity and quality
You gain control over all three and can adjust as you see fit during any stage....THAT is the true power of the tami.
Im just getting started with the control params and already the product is better then anything Ive PERSONALLY seen before (in 15 years of bumping into BHO here and there).

I'd get one if the oil was somehow better... But I don't see how it's possible..

Matt Rize you say that you only have the tami BHO because you know it's butaneless? But I'm confused as you say to use an additional solvent to get it out of the collection chamber? Doesn't that re exposure to another solvent defeat the idea the tami extractor?

I'm confused... Somewhat tired of tubes, but sticking with them because it's simple and I don't see how something like the tami could make it better! Honestly..! :)

And that sucks that you can't get the N-Butane so easy now. That was one of the appealing aspects of the tami.. Using higher quality butane.
They actually put in the manual that if you are really recapturing most-all your gas back that the first run basically serves as a purification run, the wax won't recover and will end up in your first run product.
Like you are saying an empty run would go miles in determining how much solids are really in solution in your base 'tane.
Combine with the cold pressure purge I explained a few posts ago and I think you can get pretty far in terms of consumable quality purity. Although in some ways its an always getting halfway there kind of problem.

What Verde is on about the transfer solvent is indeed true although it is not a required thing in usage. It just makes getting your stuff out of the tami easier but then yes you got a whole new thing to deal with. That being said transfer solvents are common in almost all lab proccess and is not that complicated an issue to deal with.
Im have not used a transfer solvent yet but plan on trying out acetone (should be easy to get back out of the oil) and also just pure water......since the oil wont mix Im thinking I should just be able to pour the water+oil out and just pluck the oil off the top.

I can't argue with experience (I've only used distilled extractants) but if there is paraffin in the filter, I am inclined to believe that you're dealing with a suspension of paraffin in a saturated solution.
If I had a Tamisium, I'd do a "blank" run with canned gas ... and see how much paraffin etc. ended up in the goods flask. I'm wagering the filter got only the suspended bits. Then I'd have reclaimed/distilled butane ready for a real quality run. cn
they sell all sorts of attachments. contact the owner, im probably not even supposed to talk about it.

Not listed anywhere, is it ok if I inquire with them or will you get blasted?
Most the extras seem to be for the bigger model, I cant even get the heating/cooling jackets for mine :-(

I think im going to rip a page out of your playbook. My bubble machines been sitting around feeling left out for quite some time now, think we are going to try a Rize up style washing of the big weight and then blasting that instead of trim. I'm starting to see all the toys forming together into THCtron.
Not listed anywhere, is it ok if I inquire with them or will you get blasted?
Most the extras seem to be for the bigger model, I cant even get the heating/cooling jackets for mine :-(

I think im going to rip a page out of your playbook. My bubble machines been sitting around feeling left out for quite some time now, think we are going to try a Rize up style washing of the big weight and then blasting that instead of trim. I'm starting to see all the toys forming together into THCtron.
just dont mention that anybody told you anything. ;)
I'd get one if the oil was somehow better... But I don't see how it's possible.. Matt Rize you say that you only have the tami BHO because you know it's butaneless? But I'm confused as you say to use an additional solvent to get it out of the collection chamber? Doesn't that re exposure to another solvent defeat the idea the tami extractor? I'm confused... Somewhat tired of tubes, but sticking with them because it's simple and I don't see how something like the tami could make it better! Honestly..! :) And that sucks that you can't get the N-Butane so easy now. That was one of the appealing aspects of the tami.. Using higher quality butane.
I believe Subcool mentioned that Dioxide's tami extraction still has very small trace amounts of butane (much much less than standard, but still trace amounts). It is totally possible they are simply not doing it as well as Matt however. Seems like it would be hard to get rid of all the butane. But the way I see it is you almost assuredly will receive more butane lighting something with a lighter.