More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!

I have worked with hexane, it really is not that dangerous if precautions are taken. Food for thought, hexane has a health rating or 1 and n-butane has a health rating of 1. But n-butane has a flammability rating of 4, while hexane only 3. Under proper conditions, if you know what your doing you should never reach 500ppm since hexane is relatively stable. If you take the time out to do the procedure properly all of the hexane will be removed from the final product, and you have minimal exposure to yourself.If you are going to being doing extractions on a regular basis, a simple diy fume hood, a will take care most of the health coincerns one might have with hexane. I am not saying it is safe but, with the proper precautions and proper purification will have minimal health effects. You would get more harm from breathing in fumes when you fill up your car tank. Hexane is not the only solvent which can be used acetone or isohexane, to name a few, are also fair replacements. It is up to the user on what he feels is the best appropriated for their situation.

Edit: iso-hexane is far better replacement then n-hexane, except its a pain to get your hands on.
make sure the diy fume hood is not an electric motor generating a spark, and if you smell it, you've been poisoned. That was the main reason I chose the tami, for the lack of exposure, regardless of the solvent. I dont see it, or smell it, or feel it. but if i did, it would not poison me. where might one buy chloroform or hexane in bulk I wonder ? maybe have to distill it from a can of carb cleaner or something like that. that wouldnt be a good point, could be really scary for the readership here.
Hexane can ordered online, or at a local chemical store if they have one around you. I have heard isohexane is much better and does not have the toxicity problems that hexane has. Unfortunately it is restricted. Some people use acetone which works just as well I bet, without the need to worry about toxic hexane.

My dream is using c02, but that is only a far away pipe dream at the moment.

Edit: The more I think about it the more I can now see this system is best for the everyday bloke. Its a all in one relativity cheap system. I have starting pricing on my lab which I am building. Getting a professional hood is going to cost me $1700. And I do not recommending doing the extraction my way unless you have a hood.

Ok. I'm reasonably sure that I've got water inside my recovery line. That's the only reason I can think of that I can't seem to recover much of my tane. I'm getting about 150 grams of tane back and then it just stops. There is still plenty of pressure coming from the extract tank and I'm cooling the recovery tank. So the only thing I can think of is that my line has water in it. Meh. Not sure what to do about that.
unless you put water in there, none exists. if there were water, it wouldnt hold the pressure back. sometimes you have to bleed the air pressure off of the butane recovery tank when re filling. If you're using store bought butane this may be the best recovery you can get. your butane is alot more than butane, and those other gases will not recover at the same rate or completion as purer butane. you're contending with around 10 other gases in that can
unless you put water in there, none exists. if there were water, it wouldnt hold the pressure back. sometimes you have to bleed the air pressure off of the butane recovery tank when re filling. If you're using store bought butane this may be the best recovery you can get. your butane is alot more than butane, and those other gases will not recover at the same rate or completion as purer butane. you're contending with around 10 other gases in that can

I see. Thanks for the info. I'm not ready to buy n-butane until I've done more runs with the crap I've got left over, but hopefully that fixes the problem. When I do bleed the excess pressure out of my extract tank it definitely smells and feels like there is a whole lot of propane coming out, so that makes sense. On my next recovery I'll try bleeding pressure off the recovery tank when it stops fillings.
out the window, with the provided mile long hose only. bleed slow so as not to let anything but the air pressure out. hanging around a low spot in a room, or in a bowl, it will flash and burn faster than you can regret walkin in with a cigarette or joint. be careful man, I wanna see you stick around !
out the window, with the provided mile long hose only. bleed slow so as not to let anything but the air pressure out. hanging around a low spot in a room, or in a bowl, it will flash and burn faster than you can regret walkin in with a cigarette or joint. be careful man, I wanna see you stick around !

Oh, I'm still doing everything outside, even with my fancy new toy. Can't be too safe.
no, you cant afford that one. the exact specs, including part numbers, are in the manual. Use that information to continue. Dont flag your purchase by talking about it with the ag man at the counter. this stuff is used to make jewelry, only, and you're wife knows about that stuff, not you. DO NOT FORGET TO GET THE SIPHON ATTACHMENT ! nothing will work without it.should have been included in the kit..oh well, cheap.

I did my first one indoors to, but after that it in the comfort of my home. no leaks, no danger.
no, you cant afford that one. the exact specs, including part numbers, are in the manual. Use that information to continue.

Looks like this is the one.

Dont flag your purchase by talking about it with the ag man at the counter. this stuff is used to make jewelry, only, and you're wife knows about that stuff, not you.

I'm pretty good at playing dumb at this point. And my ID has a bullshit address on it.

DO NOT FORGET TO GET THE SIPHON ATTACHMENT ! nothing will work without it.should have been included in the kit..oh well, cheap.

Thanks for that tip.

I did my first one indoors to, but after that it in the comfort of my home. no leaks, no danger.

Luckily I've got plenty of space outside and no neighbors for a mile in any direction.
I did it all by email, then picked it up.

first outdoors, I meant, after I saw the safety and simplicity, it sits on a scale or a hot plate indoors. even the stainless braided hose will hold butane from leaking out when its disconnected ! its awesome safe. I was questioned lightly.."uhh, whaddya do with this stuff, I never sold that..." I told him my wife uses it to make jewelry(read it somewhere) and I dont know shit. heres my "shop"address(needed) but I'll pick up only. and here is my mailing address to send mail to. first time back for an exchange, 1 year later, he said .."oh yeah, we sell a few of these at the ann arbor store, and another in this town. I said, nothing.
I did it all by email, then picked it up.

first outdoors, I meant, after I saw the safety and simplicity, it sits on a scale or a hot plate indoors. even the stainless braided hose will hold butane from leaking out when its disconnected ! its awesome safe. I was questioned lightly.."uhh, whaddya do with this stuff, I never sold that..." I told him my wife uses it to make jewelry(read it somewhere) and I dont know shit. heres my "shop"address(needed) but I'll pick up only. and here is my mailing address to send mail to. first time back for an exchange, 1 year later, he said .."oh yeah, we sell a few of these at the ann arbor store, and another in this town. I said, nothing.

So it's something I'll have to order in advance? shitty
if you get good with recovery, and the temps used, you could capture the first of a few recoveries, and discard the other gases. NOw you're left with clean butane, to use over and over. The full benefits and experience will only be had with the lab grade butane, but great results can come with vector cans also.
Got some new jars and contents to show off later.

I love how concistent this thing is, Im getting exactly the same end result each and every time with only the strain make a difference is color and taste.

Not even that interested in getting it to wax at this point, the shatter/erl/amber (or whatever) is just too damn good.
It is awesome isnt it !! yeahhh!! so much healthier than burning flowers, but I love to burn flowers !
I am doing my first extract without packing the bud in the tube. I lightly poured till full only. I saw a post guy said he got 5 grams from one oz of shake....I'm gonna try the less is more, maybe packed it doesnt get it all?? not sure yet. I'll be done with recovery in an hour and post weight results. bud always yields more and better product than leaves/trim. I pour my overages through it weekly, 1-3 oz a week, usually old stuff and recent final trim shake from my drying nets, I keep none over a month, so hash and oil is abundant here, and makes a great patient gifts.

I love to vape the taffy with my herb iron and a glass straw, right from a the little dish. pure ceramic heat, all the flavor, and that wonderful hack a lung and see stars feeling !, expensive,sure, but I work hard, and am deserving of the best.

once I pulled my head out of my ass, it was easy to think out of the box.
