Morning Glory Seeds


Has anyone exprienced Morning Glory Seeds? I'm inerested in trying it and found what seems to be a legit method to consume them. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Haha, wow. I love how no one answered this at all.

But I have the same question actually. I just got 4 packets of morning glory seeds for free and I wanna know how to take them. Should I eat them straight up? Soak them in cold filtered water in my fridge? Cold water with soap? I just dont know. I dont want to get sick like I've heard before. I also have 80 proof smirnoff if that'd help any...


Well-Known Member
The LSA in the seeds definitely makes you trip. last time i took 325 seeds, crushed them to a powder in a mortar and pestle and mixed them into as little yogurt to help em go down easier. do it on an empty stomach, and the stomach pain i got, didnt last more than an hour before i was back to normal, nor was it really that bad


Well-Known Member
haha ok. cause I just had food poisoning like last week and that stomach pain was horrid. Like my whole stomach was cramped up for the whole day, couldn't move from my bed at all. I just really really don't want to be feeling like that again. Just wanna prevent it
for morning glory seeds, i'd say use about 500 seeds. i always chewed em up usually [nasty] but i was always tripping on robo at the same time so that helped and reallly enhanced the trip.
your going to want to wash the seeds first, rinse them and such to make sure no chemicals or anything are on them as this adds to digestion pains.
personally, i find MG seeds a waste of time seeing as how you can eat 10 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds and get a much better trip (imo) than morning glorys.
also if you have a food processer or coffee grinder- what i used to do is grind them all up to a fine powder and soak in a jug of water.* the cold water xtraction*.
you could even go further do to do a naptha + alcohol extraction,,but i'd just get some HBWR seeds..much easier.

sorry, im drunk. good day


Well-Known Member
me and my girlfriend did it, they've never bothered me but she brought it up a few times during the trip. you also need to be sure you have untreated seeds, most of the ones you find in local stores and seed packets have a chemical sprayed on them that will make incredibly sick. if you do an online search you should start seeing bulk "untreated" seeds. Also, just like LSD, heat kills LSA and you want to make sure you have fresh seeds or the potency will go down. some people say the cold water extraction method stops the stomach problems, but i have no personal experience. Also, the LSA trip is more of a chilladelic kinda thing. Acid always makes me want to get up and be active, with the seeds it was more fun to just chill, burn down, and watch the visuals


Well-Known Member
for the cold water extraction. How long do I let them sit in the cold water? a few hours? Better to soak them whole or grinded up? Also, should I drink the water and eat the seeds after soaking them or just eat them?


Well-Known Member
Just pop some hawain baby woodrose same active ingredient LSA but u dont have to munch hundreds and get that major stomach upset. just pop 5-6 do a erowid search and read up - easy as pie!
if your going to do a water extraction they have to be ground up. the water wont penetrate the seed shell to extract the LSA.


Well-Known Member
yeah ill buy the Hawaiian baby some time when I find them, but right now I have the morning glory so Ill do that later. Ill let you know how it goes


Well-Known Member
the chemical seed companies use is water soluble so if you make the tea with treated seeds its still going to make you sick


Active Member
Yea I would go with hbwr too, but MG's will be just fine, . I would definitly recommend the polar/non polar extraction. its easy
1 wash seeds

2 grind seeds, the finer the better

3 soak in naptha for anywhere between 1 hour and a day

4 may want to repeat step 3..its up to you, just to be xtra carefull

5 discard naptha and dry seed mush completly

6 soak seed mush in alcohol, the longer the better, I would recomend at least an overnight soak

7 strain and discard seed mush

8 drink alcohol potion and have a not so pleasant but intense and deep and dark trip, I didnt notice much visuals but thats just my experience.I used HBWR by the way


Well-Known Member

You will get beautiful flowers and they are nice to grow.

Or Baby woodrose....
also. if your doing that polar extraction with the naptha. remember to let the naptha evaporate COMPLETELY from the seed mush before you hit it with the alcohol phase of the extraction.