Most intense high of my life.


Well-Known Member
Yo whats good everyone? I wanted to share an experience I had yesterday, it was the most intense high of my life. I went to the yard to smoke a joint of what i was told was jack herrer. I had smoked it a few times and it was great. Potent, flavorful, smell, and a nice euphoric high. So while im smoking i decide to first take hits very quickly and also double my dosage. This stuff is potent 2-3 hits have me high. I decided to take 6 huge hits in rapid succession. The high hit me in seconds and it was a very anxious sativa high. I was afraid to walk up stairs becuz the noise might wake someone up. At that point i couldnt imagine communicating with another personcouldn't speak or control my thoughts long enough to form a sentence or coherent thought. My whole body was vibrating but it wasnt like an indica body buzz im used to, it was different, not very soothing. At this point i make it i to bed and the effects are doubled at this point my thoughts are racing like never before. I try listening to my favorite tunes but it makes things worse, i get a bit anxious becuz music is something calming to me. I then just close my eyes and try to sleep. At this time my legs began to twitch uncontrollably. As i would exhale they would tremble. At one point i thought i was having a seizure. After this i calmed down enough to where i could relax little and closed my eyes. This is where i started thinking i smoked some laced shit or something. I started having close eyed visuals that were so intense. I saw faces, patterns, and a lot of sacred geometrics that i have been using in my art work. I heard sirens outside and they sounded like they were in slow motion. This was enjoyable although for the first time in a while i didnt enjoy being high a lot. I wasnt feeling happy i was a bit unnerved. After this the close eyed visuals turned into the night sky i was stars and i felt as if i was floating in space not my bedroom. I looked at my phone and what felt like hours happened in minutes. Im used to time feeling slower but this was crazy. I at this point believed the weed was moldy or laced and i would remain in this mind set. I fell asleep after a while and i feel nice today, a little cloudy when i woke up by nice now. Thanks if you read and this, i would appreciate people sharing similar experiences. Overall i didnt "enjoy" it all but it was nedded i believe, it was an interesting experience. I am trying shrooms soon and i believe thats why my mind did this to prepare me or something. Sorry for the shit grammar also typing a lot on a phone sucks.


Well-Known Member
If you think that was intense and hard to deal with then I suggest not doing the shrooms until you've become more accustom to getting stoned, but if you do try them take a small amount and be with a trusted friend. From your story the hallucinogenics will make what you experienced seem like a wet dream compared to what would be in store for you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing that. Make sure your choice of friends while shrooming is good. No aggressive tough guys or shit talkers. Also venue. Go somewhere out in nature if you can and chill. You might puke thats normal. 3 caps and 2 stems should do the trick. Don't go overboard. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
After an experience like that I sure as hell would not be looking foward to doing shrooms.


Well-Known Member
Im still looking forward to shrooms. I didnt have a bad experience, it was just different and unexpected. Im sure i will be better prepared for shrooms. I also have more respect for the herb now, it was a very "cosmic" state.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd say skip the shrooms, if you can't handle weed, psychedelics may cause you some psychological trauma.

Never said i couldnt handle the weed, and who mentioned trauma, i feel very happy and alive today. It was just a very different high than im used to, i did double the dosage on a sativa which is something i rarely get my hands on. Been smoking for years and have enjoyed it thus far.


Well-Known Member
If you think that was intense and hard to deal with then I suggest not doing the shrooms until you've become more accustom to getting stoned, but if you do try them take a small amount and be with a trusted friend. From your story the hallucinogenics will make what you experienced seem like a wet dream compared to what would be in store for you.
Thanks for the reply! Great advice, i have been smoking for years but i just really smoked a lot more than im used to. I took six huge hits in like 10 seconds.


Well-Known Member
Shrooms and weed are apples and oranges, dont let anyone discourage you. And dont listen to anyone who measures them in stems/caps lol. Psylocibin is distrubutes evenly in both, and sizes can vary greatly. 2-2.5 grams sounds like a good dose for your first time. It's all about the setting!


New Member
.5 gram /maybe 1 gram.Or 1 piece of stem or cap should be plenty.Go slowly.No slower then that.I'm actually "allergic" to 'shrooms.I get sicker then hell,and not in a good way


Well-Known Member
Never said i couldnt handle the weed, and who mentioned trauma, i feel very happy and alive today. It was just a very different high than im used to, i did double the dosage on a sativa which is something i rarely get my hands on. Been smoking for years and have enjoyed it thus far.
Eat about an 1/8 of shrooms, that's a pretty normal dose but you'll know what I mean by trauma.


Well-Known Member
I good rule of thumb for consuming mushrooms the first time is a gram per 100lbs of body weight. 175lbs = 1.75g. That's a good starting point- after consuming that wait at least an hour then if your good eat some more. Remember shrooms are a roller coaster, you'll laugh your ass off for awhile then you'll feel like your coming down and all of the sudden they come back and hit you hard again. Good luck.


New Member
I good rule of thumb for consuming mushrooms the first time is a gram per 100lbs of body weight. 175lbs = 1.75g. That's a good starting point- after consuming that wait at least an hour then if your good eat some more. Remember shrooms are a roller coaster, you'll laugh your ass off for awhile then you'll feel like your coming down and all of the sudden they come back and hit you hard again. Good luck.

not true,bad advice


Well-Known Member
not true,bad advice
Interesting. Please elaborate. That's always the guidelines I've been told and it always worked out well. That was back in the late '70s early '80s so there's probably much more accurate info on shrooms nowadays. So please enlighten me.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Please elaborate. That's always the guidelines I've been told and it always worked out well. That was back in the late '70s early '80s so there's probably much more accurate info on shrooms nowadays. So please enlighten me.
i love me some fungus, so much that i really like to um "study microscopy" :D... when i trip with anyone, which was pretty often. im taking a t break lol, i would give them an 8th, sometimes a half 8th even. depends how you handle yourself i guess.. im 170 right now, 1.7 g's wouldnt do shit to me. my tolerance was getting way to high, last time i ate em i took a quarter and it was a crazy trip, but really no different then most other trips. the end is where i got insane, for about a half hour for me... probably like 10 seconds in normal time lol. i was coming down and went to sit on the computer chair and i guess i missed the back of it and fell back, but everything went dark and i kept falling and falling.. was pretty intense.