mother fucking helicopter

damn FDD i just watched the other vids, you are lucky you live in california where you can grow in your backyard if you are part of a co-op. where i live im the only house for about half a mile then there is another house and so on. the helicpopter flying over my place was much lower and way more sophisticated, you could barely hear it running.
Those helicopter patrols happen in harvest season around september
i know that. i would love to give you guys more info about why i was trippin so hard on the chopper but im not typing it into the net for obvious reasons. this chopper was definately on the look out for green. i agree they were definately looking for a big field and not my outdoor experiment, however it is enough for them to comphiscate everything i own and slap me with time, and a record in the area i live. i would love to one day come out to cali, and join all you guys that have it so well with prop 215 in all, but cant so i have to live and die by the fucking laws of my state. shit sucks!
I don't outdoors anymore...I grow indoors now...
yeah i grow indoor too, i just wanted to compare my indoor with my outdoor since they are from the same strain. yeah i think i have had enough excitement with the outdoor thing. i went back to my old plot and put fresh seeds in the old holes maybe they have check cleared my place and im good to go now.


I've had a national guard chinook helicopter fly over my house twice in the last 3 months, the 1st time it was just above the tree line and shook the whole house, 2 days ago it was much higher and flying much faster.

I don't care what they're doing, they freak me out. I can just picture their little g men sliding down the little ropes and kickin my door in to whisk me off to a work camp somewhere lol.

That's why I have an ak-47 and a thousand rounds sitting right next to my bed. This new fascist government we have scares the piss out of me, I expect more ruby ridge and waco type incidents under this new obamanation regime. All you suckers thought he was your savior, they thought that about Hitler too lol.


Well-Known Member
I've had a national guard chinook helicopter fly over my house twice in the last 3 months, the 1st time it was just above the tree line and shook the whole house, 2 days ago it was much higher and flying much faster.

I don't care what they're doing, they freak me out. I can just picture their little g men sliding down the little ropes and kickin my door in to whisk me off to a work camp somewhere lol.

That's why I have an ak-47 and a thousand rounds sitting right next to my bed. This new fascist government we have scares the piss out of me, I expect more ruby ridge and waco type incidents under this new obamanation regime. All you suckers thought he was your savior, they thought that about Hitler too lol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Epically hilarious first post! :clap:


I have hidden from many a helicopter with jugs of fert in my hands. Some of them real.


Hey maybe someone is growing large scale on your land, or a piece of property close to you. Some investigation may be in order.....that would suck to get popped for some other fool's carelessness!!


Active Member
Dude u got nothin to worry about unless u got over a hundred the dea won't even care they may inform the locals I would just set up some "traps" now that ur area is clean place thingd at entry points see if they're move weak twigs that will snap and the like rambo that shit up. More importantly do it inside! Lol gl but don't overthink it
not true. Here the drug force for the state has their own helicopters, as do many individual counties. I have done a bit of research on this and they have a helicopter covering land with ground units nearby. If the helicopter spots any plants they call in teh ground units (local authorities, not feds) and they go check it out. There's been busts from helicopters for just a couple plants.

Plus if they just spot a couple plants, for all they know there could be another 300 out of sight.

gwerns nugs

Well-Known Member
not true. Here the drug force for the state has their own helicopters, as do many individual counties. I have done a bit of research on this and they have a helicopter covering land with ground units nearby. If the helicopter spots any plants they call in teh ground units (local authorities, not feds) and they go check it out. There's been busts from helicopters for just a couple plants.

Plus if they just spot a couple plants, for all they know there could be another 300 out of sight. er easy guys.....ghetto birds are lookin for LARGE ops.not 20 or 30 plants.........even hundreds aint shit....everyone in my growin area on my mountain grow 100+ plants every year and havent had ANY trouble in a decade.....................


Active Member
Wow, thats crazy. I live next to Tv station and i get helicopters flying around all the time. but you said you have'nt smoke in a while sooo i'll be scared too.