Moving to the US


Well-Known Member
Major [B said:
Malarky[/B];8943912]It's always been a dream of ours to move to the US. i have a trade so i have something to offer but would love to no weather i would be let in with a criminal record.
Anyone know the ins and outs of the visa's and stuff.
is it true, this is just a bunch of malarky? I'll trade you citizenships . PM me and well see what country your from but the my usa citizenship is up for grabs,just sayen.
which has its percs, you get paid for a year in SSI.(government money)

Major Malarky

Active Member
is it true, this is just a bunch of malarky? I'll trade you citizenships . PM me and well see what country your from but the my usa citizenship is up for grabs,just sayen.
which has its percs, you get paid for a year in SSI.(government money)
From a Small island called Jersey in the uk. look it up. pretty amaizing place but i've grown to dislike it in the last 20 years. i was born in liverpool.


Well-Known Member
Russians are buying up all the expensive buildings in London because they view it as safe. They get a temporary citizenship and investing a mil or so in the economy speeds up the process to where they can then own property and live here. Expect the same kinda agreement when you go to yank town, if you even make it there with your crim record. My experience is red tape upon red tape. First time I got stopped for having too little money on hand, second too much in loose notes, etc etc. Had to fork out for another flight out of my own pocket because they felt it necessary to put me in the beaner room only to let me in anyway. Unless youre a muslim, or rich, expect the fat, bored TSA to go through your shit (and enjoy it, from what I heard).


Well-Known Member
It's already a huge pain in the ass to migrate to the US if you don't have a criminal record. Stupid visa lottery giving visas to countries where peope .... grrrrr... nvm that. I thought it was easier for brits though, some treaty from the past. We should never have sold New Amsterdam...

Oh... this seems like a thread I should stay away from yet I cannot resist. If there's anything that gets me boiling its anti-americanism. Ironically partly fueled by immigrants here. Besides that it's just stupid, especially coming from people outside the US.

The grass is always greener on the other side for people who want to leave their own country, but what's with the bitching about the US of A? Seems even some americans are starting to believe the negativity. Bitching about your own country is healthy and normal in western society, but don't ever forget mankind peaked everywhere, idiocracy is a worldwide epedemic, it does not make the US relatively any less great! Just far ahead as usual. The positives still far outweigh the negatives. Shame on you all.

Sunnie I like to make a correction on the going to europe post. You should definitely go to France and Spain, since you like socialism that much... Checking wellfare options before moving to another country...?? I think I rather let someone in with a minor criminal record than someone who thinks there's a chance he/she might need wellfare. For anyone moving to the US, do not mention "wellfare" ever, might as well say "bomb".


Well-Known Member
Oh boohoo, another white knight that thinks he needs to stick up for Sunnie....

:lol: If you want to insult me you will have to do it based on something else than my English, since I write and edit English for a living. I make typos on my iPad, especially when getting pissed off, I'm sure I could find a few spelling and grammar errors in your own posts... How many languages can you speak? ;) Welfare doesn't even deserve to be spelled right...

And yes, the US has the most wide variety of people, so that includes rude aholes... ever looked beyond the borders, plenty of rude fucks everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Defense of who? I don't defend people on forums, point. You're all just text to me, I said what I did because I'm American, and as a voting, tax paying American I have every right to bitch about the state of my country. I have been outside of the US, as well, so please make some more assumptions about the extent of my knowledge.


EDIT : Because this is what we do when we have another point to make, not just make a double post.

OP did state they were only in the beginning stages of considering such a move, so research into actual states probably hasn't been done yet. Asshat. I've taken an almost instant dislike to you, which is unusual. I can only figure there's a reason for that....oh yes, I've got it. It's because your attitude is so much like the racist, bible-thumping, right-wing redneck side of my family I left so far behind.


New Member
you didnt strike me as young before but you do now, and please dont take that the wrong way , however there are PLENTY of things you should worry about if you are choosing a new country to live in

-what kind of health care system is in place
-how the government handle things such as , prisons, minor criminal laws, major criminal laws, death sentences (if allowed how do they execute prisoners),
-what is the current governments affairs with our countries, are you going to be in scared of other countries blowing you to shark bait
-does the government currently help third world countries
- how does the government handle its welfare system, is it food stamps, money, and if so, how are users supposed to pay back their welfare usages,
-is the country safe?
-what is the gun laws like
-how is the import/export system working, and if a major one is inplace have there or will there be predictions for food shortages due to problems with other countries.
-how does the government react in the state of natural emergencies in terms of evacuations, excavation , helping families, food and water hand outs, medical attention

so you can see there much to think about before you blindly go jump into a new country and call it home, who knows maybe USA is for you, maybe they have all the things you find acceptable, and maybe not but theres much much much more to think about than surfing, weather, people ,jobs and weed
Each person's EXPERIENCE, may vary!


New Member
We knew it was coming, we knew it was big, we knew it was gonna be bad. Our Government likes to sit on it's thumbs a lot, if you didn't notice. But now, find us a country with oil and we'll have thousands of troops there in a matter of days.
Katrina, Sandy, etc....dumbasses had plenty of warnings. Also, people aren't allowed to bring of Katrina as we like to learn from our mistakes.


Well-Known Member
you think usa handled katrina well? just curious.
anywho either way its just a short list but it gives you an idea of what you need to look for, so do some research and figure out where you think is best suited for you.

This is one thing I can't understand . We can have the entire marine corps of engineers in Haiti within a few hours after the earthquake. But it takes two weeks to get to New Orleans ?

It must be state politics barring the fed from enacting a Martial Law type control.