Moving to the US


Staff member
lets just put it out there this is how america acts, they rejected funding from other countries so they let their people go without all that, how horrible.

"Over seventy countries pledged monetary donations or other assistance. Notably, Cuba and Venezuela (both considered as hostile to US government interest) were the first countries to offer assistance, pledging over $1 million, several mobile hospitals, water treatment plants, canned food, bottled water, heating oil, 1,100 doctors and 26.4 metric tons of medicine, though this aid was rejected by the U.S."


Well-Known Member
Times change and with that change their huge dikes may not be as affective/big as they used to be.
I agree, but that's their whole country. So we lose New Orleans, big whoop, we've got hundreds of thousands of more acres available. I think Holland needs the warning more than we do.


Well-Known Member
I agree, but that's their whole country. So we lose New Orleans, big whoop, we've got hundreds of thousands of more acres available. I think Holland needs the warning more than we do.
I'm a mile high and will have plenty notice when the entire city of denver is going hydro! good luck with your move op


Virtually Unknown Member
So sunni, list some countries other than Canada and Australia which you think would be ok to move to?


Staff member
i guess i would say the obvious
new zealand,
tuvalua or some shit however its spelled as long as you dont mind that its illegal for men to marry other men but no illegal for women to marry women
finland, iceland,

OH ME? personally i wouldnt leave canada. LOL


Virtually Unknown Member
I've thought NZ would be nice. Never really knew much about Australia. I'm not much for any cold weather country and would be uncomfortable anywhere I am not fluent in their language. Nowhere in Africa or South America. Costa Rica maybe.