Listen guys ..
I 'll try to explain a bit better , my own "theory " about "full spectrum " light ....
Plants evolved under Natural Sunlight .
That fact ,by itshelf,made plants to evolve ..
.to adapt to different light " qualities " ....
(and quantities,directions ,Durations...But now is "quality" under question ....) ...
Natural sunlight ,'contains' most of it's power at "green " range ...( 500-599 nm ) .
So ,main photon energy supply of plants ,comes from that region ....
But ......
In order ,to get max PS yields from Greens :
light flux (Power )
has to be rather high ,close to that of natural sunlight ( => 400 W / m^2 )..
At lower powers ,plants prefer the RED & blue bands ,to harvest most of their photons ....
There's a " critical balance " between blue/reds vs greens ,
that has to be maintained , in order ,for the green light to have .."positive effects " ....
I.e. If Blue/red bands get really low at power and green band power increases...
Plants get the "message " ,that other plants' canopies are "covering " / obscuring their own leaf canopy ....
Excess Shade Avoidance Syndrome effects ,are shown then ...
(Internodal streching ,leaf petioles streching ,leaves get thinner ,ect ) ..
Not so good ...Too much Neutral Whites/Cool Whites (at low powers specially ) ,show such effects ...
In fact ...
There is not such a band ,that can be considered healthy -unhealthy or detrimental-necessary ...
All bands can have negative impacts on plants if used alone or in high/low (unbalanced ) quantities in between them relations ...& analogies .......
-Blue can really slow down PS and has an severe oxidising( destructive..) effect on plant cells ..
-Green also can slow down PS and has severe Shade Avoidance Syndrome effects on plants ..
-Yellow/Amber can be destructive in vegging plants ...
-Red can show abnormal growth(streching/branching ) ,mess up circadian cycle/rythms ,induce severe photoinhibition/photorespiration ,
overload PS systems ,ect ...
-As for UV or NIR ,also can have really severe effects ....(Specially the UV light ..)
If all of them used in balance (always taking into consideration the overall flux -light power ) ,then plants thrive under them ...
Plants have evolved to use as efficiently the available light ,as possible ...
"Giving " them the "right " one ,one can "force/guide" plants to show more "pronounced " certain of their aspects ....
I.e ...Blue light makes them compact and tasty ,when in balance with rest of light ,with least possible "side-effects " ... ...
Red & yellow/amber light will 'support' a heavy flowering or fruiting ...
Especially when "streching" ability of plants has 'ceased' ....
As for my "summer burning Sun " spectrum ....
I simply tried to kinda "mimic " the semi-tropical / tropical summer sunlight quality ....
(But without the tropical UV rays ....

He-he-he-he .....Greenhouse's "bulk" effect ... )
All bands are there ..(except UV..)
Blue at really low powers ( ~ 4 % ),
green/yellows at ~ 23 % ,
reds at ~70 % ,
NIR/FR at ~ 3 % .....
For sure not a so good / " ideal " "vegging " light ...
(In fact ,kinda far from "ideal " veggin' light ...)
It can veg ,
but -human- "support " is needed ( training of plants ) ,
in order to minimise possible streching issues ...
Also this kind of light can
not be used at
high powers for vegging ...
It will really "scorch " / "burn" young plants ..
Either dimming or greater distance between plants & led fixture, is needed ....
But when it comes to flowering ( quantity -wise ) ....
Soon ,we will all witness, what a single box/panel of that spectrum , can actually ' do '..