How loud is it? 10W for the fans seems like a bit much, right?
I know what you mean. "Hey, add this option on to your Caravan for just $169.99. You wave your foot under the ass of this car and it magically opens the hatch." Dude, that motion sensor probably cost you 20 cents. Wait, you're not done? Now you wanna sell me all those other incompetence gimmicks like rear view cameras, front cameras, vibrators in my seat so I
know when the guy in front of me is braking or a small child is behind me. I mean that's a whole new market right there, hell, let's make these standard options, right? People eat this shit up, I mean come on, it's luxury. Fml. I still have a camera-flip phone, I think I might cry when they stop makin' 'em and I gotta go Android Sour Patch Kid.
And yea, offer stands for you and anyone else growing with multichip LED's, be my guest. The more people post about this kind of thing hopefully the more people it helps.
Update of my own:

Finishing touches still required. Gonna fill the cracks with some JB Quik just to make sure there are no leaks from the wood glue, then I'll sand it all down. I thought about coating it with Plasti-Dip, or just spray paint it White, but who am I kidding? S'called polishing a turd at that point. Anyway, so what's left? Door sill sealer tape and a frame for the plastic film. That's all folks. I swear this was so easy to make, I bet you could do it with a cardboard box and hot glue.
Aaand the plants.

Not sure if you can tell the growth on Kid by this picture, but I sure as hell can jumping between the before and after shots of me watering him to his liking. He's going to get huge...
Little Cheese is looking compact and pretty happy.