Multiple Driver Soft On-Set


Well-Known Member
Test in practice if the gradual increase of irradiance for the first hal-hour of each "day " ,
does make some noticeable difference ...

That is what that circuit does ...
It switches On COB after COB ,with an adjustable time delay in between ...
3 of these modules offer ~ 30 minutes (max ) time delay for switching on 4x COBS
(actually switching ON their CC drivers at the AC side ) .
Like this :
1st COB switches ON at time=0 ,
2nd at time=+ 10 min ,
3rd at time = +20 min
and fourth is ON at time = + 30 min.

Other than that ,accumulated insrush current from four drivers is avoided
and if the +12 VDC fan power supply fails ,the drivers will switch OFF ,protecting the COBs .
Maybe I've to find a way to use the 3rd wire of fans ( "TACH" ) that outputs 2x times per round of fan ,
a +12VDC pulse.
And then make also a fan -fail protection ...
Uhmmm .Sounds nice ...

Good idea ...
Let '; us see how we can do that ...
Tach wire from 3 or 4 wired fans , outputs 2x +12 VDC pulses per fan round ...
Say a fan of ......1200 rpm * 2 =2400 pulses per min ..
40 pulses per sec ..40Hz ...
Measure 40 pulses per sec = drivers (relays ) ON
Measure 20 pulses per sec or lower = switch OFF the led drivers ...


P.S. the circuit is rather supid-simple and not complicated .
The ICs and almost all of the parts used are very simple to use ,
very easy to trace ,as also rather cheap to buy .
Those type of circuitrs ,probably belong to the "intermediate analog electronics DIY level ".
Quite simple on their "logic" of how they operate ...
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Well-Known Member
Supid-siple for those who have surpassed this level of difficulty but like anything, the beginning to a problem always bears a formidable, mental obstacle that the user must first get passed in order to realize where the challenge really lies.

I'm no where near this tier of electronic expertise but that just keeps it that much more interesting for me, if not for others as well.

How soon do you believe you'll have this device ready, in a fixture?

The concept/possibility that you're after, I believe, is whether or not the plants respond to the beginning/morning any better with a rising intensity of energy, with dimming capabilities, right? If plants have anything in common with me, I like the light to slowly engulf me as I wake from slumber, rather than having someone instead flip the switch to the main overhead light, thus temporarily blinding my sight.

I suppose one could do this, without the dimming feature, using multiple drivers attached to separate wall-wart timers, yes?


Keep up the exceptional work, Sailor, as most of us look forward to it.


Well-Known Member
good job as always SDS...
inrush current with high power lamp equipped with many power supply is a real case study.
this solution is very attractive and I think work very well, I'd be able to achieve it, or having it built, but I was wondering if there is something valid already on the market to handle this problem.
I'm interested to solve in a lamp with many HLG-150 and HLG-185,
but i think the problem it could be also mechanical timers or mechanical relays used inside the digital timers that whenever it can not handle the first "inrush" power
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Well-Known Member
good job as always SDS...
with high power lamp equipped with many power supply is a real case study.
this solution is very attractive and I think work very well, I'd be able to achieve it, or having it built, but I was wondering if there is something valid already on the market to handle this problem.
I'm interested to solve in a lamp with many HLG-150 and HLG-185
If using the B models, assuming you really wanted to do this, you could input a rising signal between 0-10V, or a 10V PWM signal between 0 and 100% duty cycle.


Well-Known Member thinking too on contactors way .... maybe with timers on/off delay... i like the idea of diming on resistors way...

...rump up at start... and rump down to finish... with relay and timers... ...without arduino... re-use hardware used on industries... 2nd hand hardware... ...crapy idea but... other way to reutilizate some industrial electrical parts....

....on other things... i must correct... the dst times mine for a solar time... ive surprised with mine year time curves of daylenght or nightlenght too... ...only for curiosity i must see others curves too sunrise time curve, sunset time curve, solarnoon time curve...

i used the capital of Tenerife for coordenates... maybe i must saw for curiosity Athenas on greece or Rhodas but i dont thing change the numbers too much from Athenas to Rhodas on Solar times...

...or compare times curves Greek times curves with Canary times curves.... only for curiosity...

or the moon ...

...dst time, gmt time, utc time... unix time... for arduino way...
....the time what time?... time for rollit up another one...

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