Multy Farmers for Multy Strains


Well-Known Member

the thai is weeks old and not much growth

the chocolope is only a week maybe have to look. but it seems to be a liitle slow also. using ff potting soil. and have put a drop of route66 and superthrive. using a 2ft t5 in clone/ger box. temps stay at 70 t0 75 with at least 40% rh i try to up it with a bowl of water and keep the water container in box also. thanks for any input guys.


Well-Known Member
Hell I'm in. Have Family Skunk and Motavation close to harvest. Pineapple Express and White Russian getting close. Querkle X Purple Rain a few weeks into flower. Kannabia Special X Dnuts G-13, Headband707xNL5 X Dnuts G-13 a week or so old. And a Burmese Kush and a Pineapple Express, both fems, just in the dirt. Pics tonight.......

Hell ya brother, Glad your back and joining in. Can't wait to see how the QR and the KS X G-13 turn out. ;-)

Anyway I was fortunate enough to have my seed fairy visit and add some very nice bean's to the stable. So compliments of him I give you 2 new Dnuts G-13 that were bred during his last run. If you followed his grow you will remember what the parents(Sonny and Cher) looked like so definitely some sweet genetics. He has had nothing but great things to say about the strain and felt it was worth the buy so how can I go wrong. :hump:

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Popped yesterday and x-planted today into qt. pots. I planted four and these 2 were first(63 hrs) , one is poking its head out, and still waiting on the 4th. threw in 1 of the Kannabia Special. She really liked the fish/s.w. mix and responded well.

Anyway let me know what ya think.




Well-Known Member
Everyones looks good :clap: I seen the shell poking out of the soil on my auto northern lights. I will try and post some pic's when it pops this week, but gonna be some late nights at work so I can take my vacation next week comfortably.


New Member
This was a great idea DIY Dapper Dan.....

And thanx to all of you with your baby sprouts and putting them here...awesome:clap:



Active Member
Question, is this for indoor only, if this is outdoor also, I would like to get in.

Skunk x NL, Sweet Dreams, Sweet Tooth
Chemo Iranian, Oh!Zone

Just post pics and elaborate on what I am doing???


Well-Known Member
Question, is this for indoor only, if this is outdoor also, I would like to get in.

Skunk x NL, Sweet Dreams, Sweet Tooth
Chemo Iranian, Oh!Zone

Just post pics and elaborate on what I am doing???
I'll speak for Daniels and the rest. Your most certainly welcome too.......


Well-Known Member
Question, is this for indoor only, if this is outdoor also, I would like to get in.

Skunk x NL, Sweet Dreams, Sweet Tooth
Chemo Iranian, Oh!Zone

Just post pics and elaborate on what I am doing???
Cowboy's right on. Just post some pics and share how you grow. Ask away if you have a question. Cowboy most likely will know the answer.

How about a Tip of the Day every once and a while again Cowboy?


Well-Known Member
My STP's are greening up and looking great . The retard looks kinda cool it formed two heads by itself .



Medibud Harvest


oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
Hope you guys don't mind me dropping in with my hydro. I wanna be sub'd for this... all kinds of knowledge in this thread.
