

Well-Known Member
This was my favorite tune from that album, so much angst and darkness:



Well-Known Member
Awesome TD!!!
Speaking of the 90's8-)
See if ya remember this one....

[video=youtube;jLbEmm6rtDM] 640CB[/video]

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...I had really long hair in the days of this song. I miss both the days of this song and the long hair :)



Well-Known Member
In my 20s, I loved getting super baked and listening to this guy, he truly does what no one else does with his voice. Check out this amazing cover of this Beatles tune:



Well-Known Member

An underground scene of bands in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East are finding new use for heavy music's blasphemous potential.

"Burn the Quran! Burn the fucking Quran!" a woman screams hoarsely, over and over again. Tinny guitars course beneath her howls, sawing away at any semblance of melody. Sampled snippets of fundamentalist Islamic rhetoric filter through, and muffled voices exhort their unseen audience to praise Allah and to destroy the infidel.


Well-Known Member

An underground scene of bands in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East are finding new use for heavy music's blasphemous potential.

"Burn the Quran! Burn the fucking Quran!" a woman screams hoarsely, over and over again. Tinny guitars course beneath her howls, sawing away at any semblance of melody. Sampled snippets of fundamentalist Islamic rhetoric filter through, and muffled voices exhort their unseen audience to praise Allah and to destroy the infidel.

Wow, Heis! These musicians have real balls. As growers, the worst thing we worry about is going away for a few years. These warriors come to grips with certain beheading for their transgressions. I can't imagine...


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The Meatmen, off their almost unheard classic EP Pope on a Rope.


much better than the screamo bullshit.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
if you prefer something more melodic and soothing, try this one:


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
or the pure genius of testosterone rock War of the Superbikes.



Well-Known Member

Stop pickin' on me, because I'm a geek
I'm strange to you, you're strange to me
One of these days I'm gonna pack heat
Your brains on the wall, my face, my face on TV


Well-Known Member

My backpack's got jets, I'm Boba the Fett
I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt to finance my 'Vette


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;tfgZH8kFAKc] 744C5[/video]


Well-Known Member
And now for something completely different...



Well-Known Member
^^ Wow, that was completely different. I always though He Man was the first explicitly homo-erotic cartoon. I had a buddy from out of town stay over last night: we smoked my OG Kush, then Trainwreck, then White Widow. He didn't like the show I was watching and asked for the remote, flipped around a while (didn't take long, I don't have cable) and landed on She Ra. We realized how incredibly high we were after watching the entire episode...