Mutant or Even Marijuana Seedling?


Well-Known Member
oh ok. yeah its definitely weed sprout. just very strange, grow it out. u might have the perfect guerilla grow plant. (stealth as)
If it's actually marijuana, It's gonna be quite interesting to see her grow :) lol.


Well-Known Member
Why would it take longer to root?what could I use for better root development?
I used a random rooting hormone that was powder i found at home depot, you can probably find any rooting hormone at your local gardening store.

Although i never grew a clone, i did attempt to clone by sticking the cutting in soil and it did root, i just thought it was dead so i pulled it.... Sure enough it had roots lol. So yeah be patient.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's starting to grow something new in the middle.. Does anyone know what the fuck this could be? It don't look like no melon.


Well-Known Member
wtf is that? is this a joke? u really got the seed from attitude? that dont look like no pot plant. wonder if they reply back. did u send them a pic of the seedling?


Well-Known Member
Lol, this is for real... And if it ain't weed I'm gonna be quite cranky..... lol. The seeds did come from attitude. I have no more seeds, planted my last last night lol, hopefully that one isn't a melon :\.

First order from Attitude and i get what might be a melon seed :(!


i had some 15 year old seeds sprout that looked all deformed similar to the pic but after about a month of growing extremely slow they started to look normal but out of the 2 that were deformed 1 was male and 1 was a male hermie i read somewhere that when the seed leaves deform or grow extra one it has something to do with a change of sex in the plants genetics