Mutant or Even Marijuana Seedling?


I think the answer was early in this thread, your soil had some seeds in it not MJ, and one of them is growing. That is not the seed you bought, MJ seeds do not look like garden seeds.


Well-Known Member
I think the answer was early in this thread, your soil had some seeds in it not MJ, and one of them is growing. That is not the seed you bought, MJ seeds do not look like garden seeds.
This is the seed i bought.... I'm 100% sure.

World of seeds is going to be sending me a replacement, I'm happy :).


Active Member
Not a clue what that thing is. Not marijuana, pepper, tomato, cucumber, basil, lettuce, carrot, or anything else I've ever grown in a garden. If it eventually bears fruit I guess we'll find out though.


Active Member
Hey Gmz I have the same thing going on - looks exactly like the same mutation - I've been combing these forums to see wtf it is.
Fact: it is Not a melon, the seeds of a melon are totally different. My strange changeling is a Seedsman Ata Tundra, (I think)
But I wasn't sure at all till I saw yours. Mine germed slowly and weakly about 4/16, puny &pampered
for a month & now it is looking ...alas, as strange as ever. Red stem, ongoing single leaf production but now getting more vigorous. Sorry, no pictures. : (


Active Member
Could it be that the mj seed just never popped and that thing is just a weed or something growing in your soil.

If not, that's a pretty late (but still hilarious) april fools joke.:lol:


Active Member
Please do keep this updated. I was on the verge of isolating, even euthanizing my strange one - even though I watched it sprout before popping it into dirt. Now, because of the similarities, I am going to keep it going, & keep watching your thread. I'll add what I can if you're interested.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
She had a rough start tho, she came up yellow and was too deep down in the soil.
Could it be that the mj seed just never popped and that thing is just a weed or something growing in your soil.
I'm certain this is what we're dealing with. A seed planted too deep won't break the surface, it will die trying. You planted too deep, the seed didn't germ or died in the process, and something else sprouted while you waited.

What kind of soil are you growing in? It looks...well...barky and not very good. Did you get it from outside? Are you growing outside? Whatever the plant is growing in it doesn't look healthy. Leaf edges are yellow, new leaves are coming in chlorotic, just not what a young plant of any type should look like.

Additionally, your issue isn't with Attitude, so stop demanding they send you a new seed. Attitude is BANK, not a BREEDER. They are seed middle-men, and have nothing to do with your problem. The most they do is repackage seeds. You've already ADMITTED to making a CRUCIAL error in the germination process, yet you blame the seed?

Did you germinate on a paper towel, like this guy?

Please do keep this updated. I was on the verge of isolating, even euthanizing my strange one - even though I watched it sprout before popping it into dirt. Now, because of the similarities, I am going to keep it going, & keep watching your thread. I'll add what I can if you're interested.
Just because you germinated it in a paper towel doesn't mean that is what broke the surface! Germinating in paper towels is terrible for this screw around with the delicate taproot, invariably damaging it when transplanting into soil, often killing it. Why? "Forum Wisdom" tells you to do so.

Plant your seeds directly into moistened soil, 1/4" (VERY SHALLOW, BARELY COVERED) and don't let it dry out before it sprouts. You will achieve 100% germination if the seed is viable.


Well-Known Member
Or if you wanna be fussy, just put the seed in a wet peat puck. You just transplant when the first root is visible, straight into the soil, water the whole lot once and away you go!


Well-Known Member
Or if you wanna be fussy, just put the seed in a wet peat puck. You just transplant when the first root is visible, straight into the soil, water the whole lot once and away you go!
Exactly what I do, I'm actually in the process


Well-Known Member
Jesus christ people i know it's not mj already damn. I would've dropped the thread long before but people want to know what it turns into. With all this fuckin flaming i'm just gonna say fuck it let it drop, don't bump it up. Lock it if you can... Damn.

And to be honest i am certain this is the seed i planted.