My 09 Monster Attempt


Well-Known Member
I've got a good friend who's also using the garlic and he's yet to find any real damage? Guess I know what I'll use next time..:mrgreen:
Im leaning towards double jj's idea. Make a shade house with very low shade percent 20-30 for the sides and plastic sheets for the roof. I am so sad when I trim and see those buds. But to tell you the truth I have budrot too. Im thinking the plastic will also keep the moisture off the buds at night. I want to also add a fan out there for the night air movement. Maybe I should just build the greenhouse I've always wanted. hhhuuummm.

Grow is looking killer cant wait til its dry and ready to smoke :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
I've got a good friend who's also using the garlic and he's yet to find any real damage? Guess I know what I'll use next time..:mrgreen:
Hey Hodge-
Bummer about the worms/pillars in the garden. Just like having a theif ripping your shit.
I have seen NO pillars/worms in my garden either. I never used garlic or nothing. I did spray 4 times with BT early in the bud stage, but that was it! I think in my case it was the frogs/lizards/snakes/and the biggest reason for no insect damage is the birds. I watch my garden all the time through the security monitors, and i see birds hopping around and flying in and out of the garden all day long.
Started the harvest on Sunday, trimmed up between pound and a half to two pounds so far and the buds couldn't look better, no damage haven't seen a seed yet and fully ripe, they feel wet from all the tric's. The cooler weather showed up just in time.
I gota question, O.K. a couple.....the weather man says the night time temps are going to be in the low 40's to upper 30's tonight, how is this going to effect my plants?
Do i need to cover them?
If i wait until tomorrow to harvest my next plant will it turn purple?
How much/long cold weather does it take too turn the buds purple, or does the cold weather even turn the buds purple?
Hoping you have an answer since you are a Sierra Foothill Grower too.
If you could answer these questions on my thread that would be great.

Take Care


Well-Known Member
Hey Hodge-
Bummer about the worms/pillars in the garden. Just like having a theif ripping your shit.
I have seen NO pillars/worms in my garden either. I never used garlic or nothing. I did spray 4 times with BT early in the bud stage, but that was it! I think in my case it was the frogs/lizards/snakes/and the biggest reason for no insect damage is the birds. I watch my garden all the time through the security monitors, and i see birds hopping around and flying in and out of the garden all day long.
Started the harvest on Sunday, trimmed up between pound and a half to two pounds so far and the buds couldn't look better, no damage haven't seen a seed yet and fully ripe, they feel wet from all the tric's. The cooler weather showed up just in time.
I gota question, O.K. a couple.....the weather man says the night time temps are going to be in the low 40's to upper 30's tonight, how is this going to effect my plants?
Do i need to cover them?
If i wait until tomorrow to harvest my next plant will it turn purple?
How much/long cold weather does it take too turn the buds purple, or does the cold weather even turn the buds purple?
Hoping you have an answer since you are a Sierra Foothill Grower too.
If you could answer these questions on my thread that would be great.

Take Care
Hey Treeman, the cold weather shouldn't hurt the plants. Condensation should burn off by 11 or so, would takes days to do any damage. Purple is genetic and most often from higher elevation strains of pure Indica's, so condensation should not hurt your purple strains. Not sure if the plant isn't purple by now if it will turn in the next few weeks?

Glad to hear your garden has been spared the worms, I try to keep birds in and around the garden along with praying mantis and lady bugs. Compared to years past the worms are not too bad, worms are just part of nature. Good luck to you..:peace:


Well-Known Member
Im leaning towards double jj's idea. Make a shade house with very low shade percent 20-30 for the sides and plastic sheets for the roof. I am so sad when I trim and see those buds. But to tell you the truth I have budrot too. Im thinking the plastic will also keep the moisture off the buds at night. I want to also add a fan out there for the night air movement. Maybe I should just build the greenhouse I've always wanted. hhhuuummm.

Grow is looking killer cant wait til its dry and ready to smoke :blsmoke::peace:
Yea, JJ's got the right idea, be perfect for your next grow.. stay (trimmin):mrgreen:


What does bud rot look like? today I noticed that 2 of my big thick colas had the small leaves turning soft and you could just pull them off. I cut the bud off and started to take it apart and noticed some browning of the bud on the inside. I assume this is bud rot but I have not seen any catapillars and see nothing inside the bud that would make me think I had catapilllars.
On another note anyone in nor cal should watch out for the huge north winds we are going to have tonight and tomorrow. Should be around 30 to 40 mph.


Well-Known Member
What does bud rot look like? today I noticed that 2 of my big thick colas had the small leaves turning soft and you could just pull them off. I cut the bud off and started to take it apart and noticed some browning of the bud on the inside. I assume this is bud rot but I have not seen any catapillars and see nothing inside the bud that would make me think I had catapilllars.
On another note anyone in nor cal should watch out for the huge north winds we are going to have tonight and tomorrow. Should be around 30 to 40 mph.
Post a pic to help? :peace:


I tried to take a cople of pics but the brown doesn't show up very well. I think I just freaked out now that I have calmed down I have taken off the 3 buds that had it. I noticed it right away and there was only a small amount of rot inside the buds. I got rid of it and cleaned everything I used to cut. It was just a sad thing to cut off a bud that weighed almost 2 ounces when it wasn't done yet. Hope the wind didn't get you. It is blowing like a banshee here right now.


Well-Known Member
I tried to take a cople of pics but the brown doesn't show up very well. I think I just freaked out now that I have calmed down I have taken off the 3 buds that had it. I noticed it right away and there was only a small amount of rot inside the buds. I got rid of it and cleaned everything I used to cut. It was just a sad thing to cut off a bud that weighed almost 2 ounces when it wasn't done yet. Hope the wind didn't get you. It is blowing like a banshee here right now.
Wind wasn't too bad here, no damage yet. If it was mold? then you did the right thing getting it off the plant, that stuff can spread fast and loosing a little is better than the whole bud..:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey, good morning my friend.... seasons greetings as well.... hope this harvest goes extremely well for you and the fam..... off to the doctor with my fingers crossed.... lets hope its a boy ;)


Well-Known Member
hey, good morning my friend.... seasons greetings as well.... hope this harvest goes extremely well for you and the fam..... off to the doctor with my fingers crossed.... lets hope its a boy ;)
Good luck to both you and Mrs. Dragon, got a dollar saying it's another girl...LOL Prayers to you both..:peace:


Well-Known Member


I feel yah there..... seems to be the trend! hehe

walking out the door....

our hearts and prayers for you as well :)
GL with the Dr visit TLD and Ms D. Hodgy what are you guys doing over there? Im going to be bringing some plants in soon here so will be super busy for a few days. Been really dry here today and yesterday. Should be cooling soon.


Well-Known Member
GL with the Dr visit TLD and Ms D. Hodgy what are you guys doing over there? Im going to be bringing some plants in soon here so will be super busy for a few days. Been really dry here today and yesterday. Should be cooling soon.
Hey there gt, were starting the work part now, finished 1 yesterday and should finish the other 1 tomorrow. Looks to be a little over 3 lbs off 2 little plants that we had in buckets, cut 2 more down, 1 from a box and the other from another bucket, drying has I type, should have a good yield off the 1 from the box. The other 1, well lets say the little woman got impatient and cut it a wee bit early.. Things should get real busy in the next couple of weeks??:blsmoke:
Weather here has been great, low to upper 70s and I love it. Buds are tightening and finishing off nicely, lots of yellow leaves that have gotten ahead of me but we'll just have to keep an eye out for mold. :peace: