My 165w PL-L DWC Full Tower PC - OG #18

Hi everyone, and welcome to my grow.

Some time ago I moved to a new region, and after getting fed up with the low quality and very expensive local weed,

I decided to grow my own. Also, I needed a hobby :)

I have always been fascinated by these PC microgrows, and stealth is a major concern for me at the moment. So I thought I'd give this idea a try. I have grown in cabinets before, but never on such a small scale. This is also my first attempt with hydro. I hope to get some decent results.

Here are the full specs:

PC case
55cm x 55cm x 20cm
21.6" x 21.6" x 7.9"
All aluminium case

165w PL-L fluorescents
3 55w tubes (2x 2700k, 1x 6500k)

Evercool Fox 1 (42 CFM) for exhaust
2x 120mm computer fans for intake and circulation

DWC setup
5L (1.3 gal) reservoir (I know it's kinda small)
General Hydroponics nutes (Lucas formula)
Strain: Reserva Privada OG #18



Active Member
Really slick looking PC set up.This looks like one to watch. are those Femmed seeds?


Well-Known Member
Subbed. Planning on doing DWC for my next grow and you're setup looks super clean. You're not planning on growing all 3 in there from seed-harvest are you?
Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of updates. I just figured there is not much to show yet - the most interesting part is still to come :)

The plants are growing like monsters. I had never grown in hydro before and I can definetely notice how much faster they grow compared to soil. Also, I'm guessing the Reserva Privada genetics must be killer. I'm getting some gigantic fan leaves for such a small space. You can tell by the pictures that they've grown a lot in a week.

A few days ago I topped the plants after the 4th or 5th node, and also installed my scrog screen. The screen ended up looking a bit more ghetto than I would have liked, but oh well. It's not about the looks, it's about the results. I will probably switch to 12/12 soon, just need to wait for the lower shoots to catch the screen. Flowering should start in about a week, or 2 weeks tops. I feel like I should probably start trimming some of the larger fan leaves as well... any advice about that?

The plant in the middle is struggling a bit compared to the others. The seed took way longer to sprout, and the plant itself does not seem to be growing as vigorously as the others. This plant had some problems with the nutes as well, which were apparently too strong for it but ok for their stronger sisters. I took the nutes down a notch and the weaker plat responded well. They all seem to be "happy" now.

Here are the last pictures I took before installing the screen:

And here is how they look today (about 3 weeks of veg):

Now, to answer some questions:
Really slick looking PC set up.This looks like one to watch. are those Femmed seeds?
Yes, these are feminzed OG #18 seeds from Reserva Privada

Subbed. Planning on doing DWC for my next grow and you're setup looks super clean. You're not planning on growing all 3 in there from seed-harvest are you?
Yes, that is my plan. Do you see any problems with that? I'm sorta worried about my small res size... but I've seen people growing in similar conditions before, so I'm just hoping for the best.

Looks nice! What are you going to do about odor control?
Odor is still not a problem. I still have no solution in place. But for the future... you know those exhausts you find above the stove in a kitchen? They have sheets of carbon filter inside them. I purchased one of those filters from Amazon (something like this) and am hoping I can just stick it in front of my exhaust fan and it will absorb the smell. Sounds too good to be true, but I will discuss the results in a few weeks, if odor becomes a problem.

Suggestions and questions are always welcome! I just can't promise to log in every day, but I will try my best :)


Well-Known Member
Yes, that is my plan. Do you see any problems with that? I'm sorta worried about my small res size... but I've seen people growing in similar conditions before, so I'm just hoping for the best.
I've seen similar builds/grows and I don't recall if I ever saw one ending well. If you have a link to one that would be great and I would love to check it out. The small res size and space for 3 monster plants would worry me a bit. Of course like you said you can always trim/prune to your liking and to meet your accommodations.

The girls are looking scary big, keep up the great work!
Well, my biggest inspirations for this project were these 2 topics in the icmag forums:

They were growing 5-6 plants in a shared reservoir of roughly the same size as mine. And they both achieved great results. So hopefully I can pull it off as well.

Today I decided to trim some of the lower fan leaves that were not getting much light and/or blocking the light for growth shoots. These leaves look pretty big for a PC case!

Will post more pics soon.
Screen starting to fill up... about 20-22 days of veg. The weaker plant in the middle is lagging behind and will probably fuck up my canopy distribution.



Well-Known Member
Don't want to just get rid of the lagging plant and concentrate on both the healthy ones and use the open space for them and stretch them out a bit more?
Don't want to just get rid of the lagging plant and concentrate on both the healthy ones and use the open space for them and stretch them out a bit more?
Yes, that would be an option but would also mean a longer veg time. My reasoning is this: I will flower when the screen is sufficiently filled. The larger plants will end up dominating most of the space anyway, so I will let the weaker plant make its contribution to the grow. I figure its better than waiting a few more weeks for the stronger plants to fill the void.

Ok, so now I'm at 4 weeks of vegging. I think I'm almost ready for flowering:

There's a bit of a gap in the center though, thanks to my underachieving plant. The top right looks emptier than it actually is because I had just trained the plant before taking the picture, so there are about 4 shoots on their side. I'm just waiting for the screen to fill up a bit more and then I think I'm good to go. Hopefully it won't take more than 2-3 of days. There are about 20-25 bud sites at the moment.

More pics:



Well-Known Member
Your trellising in that pc case is looking sooo good i may be taking back what i said with lst being better than scrogging by the time this grow is over... meh.. im over it lol

How many times are you changing your res a week?


Well-Known Member
looooks sick man that scrog setup is real nice
iv been thinking about working the scrog on my grow too
this inspired me to do it after all helyyeah:peace:


Well-Known Member
OP, how are your temps with the case closed up? `165w of PLL can get things toasty in small spaces like this. One guy over at ICMag put glass right under his tubes and blew air across the tubes and out the back.