My 1st BubblePonics


Well-Known Member
I double potted my clones today, just cut their bottoms out and put them on top of another party cup.

I hope this will allow them to recover slightly before I put them in flower - and although it will not provide a solution for my root-bound clones long-term, I should have my ladies in flower finished by the time they need more root space.

And my three future mothers in the 5 gal hempies-


I think another 3 weeks for these; Then I can put 6 of the clones in my RDWC I am making.


The killing fields is a heavy kushy spicy smell, with undertones of berry and gasoline, and the Jack Hammer has some nugs that are apple-musky smelling, and some that are super lemony and fresh citrus These nugs are super super citrus-like :) I will have to keep one of the Jack Hammers to clone off of another time.



Well-Known Member
Dude, those double cups are silly, come on. Pop them in some 3 or 5 gal hempies. Or at least get that system together, you can figure it out. I know it's tough when you work and go to school. I barely have enough time to even go on RIU anymore.


Active Member
Dude, those double cups are silly, come on. Pop them in some 3 or 5 gal hempies. Or at least get that system together, you can figure it out. I know it's tough when you work and go to school. I barely have enough time to even go on RIU anymore.
Ya exactly like a 2liter bottle or milk jug would be better then the double cup.


Well-Known Member
2 Liter cuttoffs would be perfect I think, because I don't have room for 3 gal, or 5 gal buckets in the Veg area... but the purpose of these double potted party cups is only to keep them alive until I can harvest these two lag-ass motherfuckers that I have in the bubbleponics unit.... I am just fuckin praying that they will finish soon, or else I will most definitely have to tranny to 3 gal at the very least. However, this would also fuckin blow, as I have to tote these 5 gal water jugs to and from the store since I cannot install a RO in my apartment complex (which will be one of the first things I buy when I move into a house in late spring) and the 5 gal hempys make me run through my water really fast.. they all need at least 1 gal a piece. I hate carrying these 4; 50 lb jugs up 4 flights of stairs.


My other "badass" RDWC's are almost complete, I finished the screen today but didnt take pictures, so next update I will show them off. :)

The three mothers in Hempys have really taken off, its cray cray.


These are the girls in flower... any guesses as to how much longer they will be?
Closest person gets a gold star, and rep if possible..



Well-Known Member
Day 37 of by 9 week Herebei bloom; Things are going alright, I have "lollipopped" all my girls to try and get my nugs dense. This strain is a 9 weeker from Sannie's and is supposed to yield over 600g's per meter. There was little to no information about Herebei other than what was listed on Sannies website. [ 9 wk/600g+ ] and I know how frustrating it is to not have enough information.

Here is my experience thus far...

The ladies vegged for a little over two months, and stretched about double. I figured they would stop stretching after the 12/12 flip within two weeks. However I did veg for a full month longer than most people, and what I found was that Herebei went for three and a half weeks before stopping. The strain does have some sativa which is nice because I expect the larger yield (Herijuana is one of the parents and is a notoriously bad yielder) .

In any case they have not given me the impression that they will yield 600g a meter.. but we'll see as I am only half way into flower.

Also - they do not have an Afghan Coffee smell, but rather a sweet and lemony flavour..maybe a slight afghany/skunky undertone - but hey, im not complaining. Some reviews state the same, but also seem to indicate she fills out. "Looked just like the picture at day 56.." -Sannie Herebei review



Well-Known Member
Wow man, they look amazing. Infinitely better than your first attempt. Good job dude, that shit is going to be dank. Usually those yield measurements are with 1k lamps or outdoor growth.