ICEY! Soon enough anyways.
So today I figured I'd chill in my grow room, and just smoke some bowls and look at my plants. I already said happy birthday to America and since no one I know is in town, I grabbed my grinder and here I am sittin in the closet. I like to do this once in awhile because I think my mind automatically recognizes potential problems and so I start to brainstorm, on an almost subconscious level. In any case, when I first was setting up my grow room I spent a lot of time in here, and ended up building those really cool planters, and I think so far my grow room looks pretty good, all things considered.
Props to my only reader, Jozikins. side note : I've been trying to figure out what your name means for quite some time now.. First I though maybe Jocelyn.. then maybe like a pet version of Josh - like something one's mom might say- , and then I arrived at the possibility of a ebonic - John. Still haven't figured it out yet, and don't tell me. ^Unless I already got it. It's pretty fun to get stoned and keep guessin.
So far, on my little closet adventure, I noticed a real difference in plant structure, which heretofore I believed to be a nutrient deficiency or overload. The reason for it is because the one that look different is a JackHammer. It has fewer, broader leaves, and a somewhat darker color. It is the only JackHammer to have made it. -wish i had some mushrooms or acid to drop in here, and kick it up a notch- probably a bad idea though, as these guys are still too fragile for fondling. I DID, however, stick my nose right up in "megan fox", and she smells like weed! even though she's like 3 inches tall, which is awesome. I guess I never noticed before either because I was stoned, or just haven't stuck my nose all up in their shit. I try to give them privacy for the most part. There's some really pretty leaf development now that I have real water, and I can tell these KF3's are going to be bushy as shit! Whereas this JackHammer looks rather like a one cola show.
Here are some pics of the JackHammer v KF3, and my awesome bubbler "Sir Francis Dank".