MY 1st closet grow


Well-Known Member
man its 98 outside here and humidity is 90%. my room was at 83 with the door closed today so i left it open and I went back to 78. Sucjs because I have cooled hood and an intake, exaust. I think in order to win the battle totally with temp i will need an ac unit for sure. but the ladies seem really happy and i havnt witnessed any stress signs.


Well-Known Member
i have the same issues here. i`m going to need one also. just watch the hairs, if they to burnt they will fall off before harvest. on my hot days i`ve had to raise my hood. co2 aperently helps them deal with higher heat, i have a homemade one going in my room.


Well-Known Member
how did you make your home made Co2 Bonz? its getting even hotter outside now:-( I hit 88 at the canopy today with the door closed, so i am just gonna have to open the closet door till weather cools down, which wont be for awhile. but def if i get co2 maybe it will help.


Well-Known Member
i took a couple 2 liter bottles and put a small hole in the caps. filled half way with water, then added a package of yeast and some sugar. shake it up for a bit and it will start to foam up producing co2. you need to shake it up over the use of it, but carefull it dosen`t spray all over like it did to me.


Well-Known Member
oh ok bro thanks ill try this, here are Bubs today:-) i am getting the new seedlings(BC,H kush) on a much more organized feeding plan than the previous batch, they are almost 2 weeks old and i am going to intro a low does off food next week to be safe.


Well-Known Member
ty yeah they are starting to fill a little, only thing is i am a bit concerned with the light green leaves. I didnt want them to get to deficient in N until later in flowering.


Well-Known Member
I would have to say both man. I mean the leaves around the buds are light, but the bottoms are totally yellowing:-(ill get a pic up tomorrow i am too lazy tonight lol

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Your buds are looking killer, man. I'm really digging that closeup (pic 3). That yellow is nitrogen deficiency of course. It's very normal to happen during late flower. I had super green leaves until I got impatient and starting flushing a bit early. Once the leaves go yellow during flower it's almost impossible to get them back to green because bloom nutes are all pretty low in nitrogen. Adding nitrogen is the only thing to stop it but that would mess with the taste of your buds so there's not much you can do. Should be fine. The plants will use all the phosphorous in the bloom nutes you're giving them to process the remaining nitrogen in the leaves.


Well-Known Member
happy birthday to me:-) its weird the older you get peeps gotta remind you its your b-day LOL I remember when i was little i would start counting the days 2 months in advance.


Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday Blinky!

Roll up a fatty and go do some fishing... seems like a it would be a great way to celebrate the day!



Well-Known Member
hey happy b-day bud. i`m going to my outdoor spot today so i`ll smoke a big fatty up there for ya.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, Yeah the birthday went great. I rolled a couple of fattys and a friend of mine invited me to go fishing on his boat:-)great day. but back to business,lol the buds on one of my bubbilicious plants looks way more along then the other. like they dont look like they are the same strains at all to be honest. The one from pic 1 above looks great,like bubbilicious. The other plant which ill get some better pics up looks less developed and has waaay more white hairs then actual bud. I dont know is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Some things have changed guys, i will post the pics later on today. i couldnt bare the heat any longer from the HID.Temps outside hit 98 yesterday and even with my ventilation i was hitting 85-88, TOO high, so i mixed the lights in the T5(blue and red specs) like VV's post and installed it in the flowering room. I simply had a feeling i was going to suffer far greater yield with the heat then i would with the 15000 less lumens. I can keep the t5 2'' away from the buds and its 76 at the base of the plant never exeeds 78.8 up top:-) I picked up a 2ft sunleaves t5 for the veg plants for 100 bucks. I like this setup so much more and the room itself feeld way cooler. PICS coming thanks guys