MY 1st closet grow


Well-Known Member
lol, thanks. Yeah my girl and i are leaving tomorrow,its a nice place but I gotta stick to FL beaches. I didnt smoke at all here, didnt want to risk it w/ her parents being here and all. I can totally see how this place would be lame as a teenager;-)


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about harvesting the bubbilicious, the trikes arent as amber as i wanted them to be, but it has been 62days and the buds arent doing shit lately. I need the rooom to get the other plants in flower under the HID for 12/12. The trikes are cloudy white, but the hairs are red


Well-Known Member
just remember that is kinda how it goes. they swell in the beginning and then they look like they just sit there, then neer the end they do another swell from inside the bud and plump up i have found. but if ya need the room?


Well-Known Member
ok I will be patient:-( it wont hurt the veging plants to go another 10 or so days. I went through all of this experience, i might as well give them the extra time they need. I will get some pics up but would you say 2 more weeks based on the above bud shots?all the hairs are red and trickes cloudy white, my avatar is basically how they are looking.


Well-Known Member
my sort of theory is if it looks ready to the eye then 2 more weeks.
when i check mine i can see an over all colour change to the buds, almost daily you will notice it get orangish or darker. i like half and half, my chemo i just harvested is a harsh couch lock. you feel fine for a bit then next thing ya know your vegging on the test pattern on t.v and drooling and it`s 4 in the morning....DOH!!!


Well-Known Member
hahaha lol thats funny yeah i set the chop date to 25th. But not gonna lie the veging plants are out growing their veg chamber, I only designed it to house up to 15 inch plant. the mangos in their are tall ladys, think its some of that sativa influence so i need to get the room in the closet soon.


Well-Known Member
not to mention i am so sick of smoking the wanna be hydro that is going around here. i mean now that I actually know better i am sickened by the quality dealers push. I can understand their position, they cant cure and grow it in the best way b/c they gotta get rid of it, but man the last O i just picked up is so lame compared to what i have sitting on stems in the closet LOL. hey bonz you think ill get an ounce from the bubs? dumb Question i suppose but your input is good.


Well-Known Member
they look prety close that size, depends how dense the nugs are, but they look great


Well-Known Member
TY, one of them has waaay more purple in the density of the bud, the other more orange and light green......


Well-Known Member
HARVEST PICS;-) I'm not using the veg chamber for anything until my feminized Snow white seeds get here, so i am using it to dry the crop. I also included 2 pics each of the Kush and mango plant. the other H. kush and mango plants are in 12/12 and i am waiting for sex signs.



Well-Known Member
thank you, nah i skipped the weight weigh b/c I figure they serve only a taunting end reality:-) but I will put up total weight when dry b/f cure. You know i dont think i got the weight I was hoping, but I gotta tell you I am glad i hung in there and the learning process was amazing. Now atleast I can say I have grown:-) and already my next crop is looking better than this one did at the same time. Thanks for hanging in there with me, you were very helpful. Now the patience last test of drying and curing"-)


Well-Known Member
every crop will improve as you go. i am still learning even from new people.
keep it green.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Allright, way to go! Waiting between harvest and the buds to be ready to smoke was pretty tough for me. I had about the same temp/humidity and it's not even worth testing them for at least a week. Looks like at least an ounce. I'll guess 35 g.


Well-Known Member
TY;-) wow though I checked up on the buds hanging and could not believe how muc size they seem to lose. I mean i knew that they lose a bunch of density and water weight but geeeez, oh well its still a wonderful batch. My stems bend a lil but are beginning to almost want to crack, so i am gonna give them a few more days then begin to cure. They didnt seem that wet to begin with. I am really gonna keep my nutrients steady on my upcoming plants to get a better yield,really dont think i did that well as far as yield goes on my first grow.


Well-Known Member
you will on the average end up with only 20 to 30 % when dry. remember completely dry to, they do get moist again in jars when sweating them


Well-Known Member
niiiice! i just found this thead... and your plants are amazing. i read this whole thing lol. you rolled that blunt very nicely and i thought that its sweet you give the big buds to your mom cuz thats what i have to do too! LOL great grow man!!!