MY 1st closet grow


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm going to 12/12 tomorrow:-) rrredweed you might be looking at an old post cause I have my sensor at the base of my plant in the center of the group, in the shade b/c that is the true core temp and its at 75-78. so im straight with the tmps thank God


Well-Known Member
yeah we are hitting 12/12 as I type, I am gonna need to transplant into larger pots very soon. I noticed 2 of the bubs where kind of droopin again but nothing like before. its not the water this time, my instincts are telling me to get them into the 2 gal pots I have. problem being i dont have the space so they need to keep put in the magnums until i sex them. so this is the problem now.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
VERY IMPORTANT: It's not a good idea to transplant after you have gone into flower. I'm sure you'll be alright in the first week but don't wait too much longer.


Well-Known Member
a lot went on today, i transplanted the bubs into 2 gal pots. I pulled the kush and made a temporary veg chamber with the T5 until I finish building the permanent Veg chamber(Kush just arent ready to flower yet). CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHAT IS wrong with 2 of my plants the lower growth has brown spots. at first i thought it might be nute burn, because i am still trying to get the ppm down. But as I look closer these brown spots are putting holes into the leaves:-( I looked for pests but Have not found it boron boron? I dunno but I think we are looking at a magnesium def' personally....we are in day 3 flowering. I haven't been able to give the bubs a bloom nute yet though, gonna wait one more watering w pure water then test my ppm again. PS THE DIRT ON THE SICK LEAVE PICS IS OCEAN FOREST SOIL, I JUST HAD THEM TURNED UPSIDE DOWN TO TRANSPLANT,LOL didnt want someone to think my plants had some alien pest invasion:-)


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mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Those close up pics look like burn but then looking at the wider shot with the holes, I don't know. Wish I could help more there. Just wanted to say I like your temporary veg chamber and get ready for those flowering plants to grow 2-3 inches a day for the next few days!


Well-Known Member
cool and thanks for the props. I think i am just gonna go through normal water water feed schedule and stop stressing on the ppm issue. I have put them threw enough stress trying to get the matter under control. Next time i will be way mor disciplined on nute administration to seedlings. that being said i am gonna pic up some tiger bloom monday and next watering i plan on giving them 1/4 strength tiger bloom and a tablespoon of big bloom. I will use big bloom and tiger bloom together throughout flowering with addition of molassis later on and possibly some beasties.


Well-Known Member
dont mean to stick my nose in here but if you are a bit messed up with the ppm then that could be a soil lock up.may need to flush before more nutes.i`ve had it happen a few times till i got an ec pen



Well-Known Member
No feel free to drop in, yeah i do have a pen. Its a very good one and the PH is right on my run off is about 6.3-6.5 and i am putting 6.5 PH'd water in. I think I am still battling the nute overload i did early on by feeding too early. i really cannot afford to flush again, I am flowering now and dont want to stress them anymore. the ppm is high but not too bad its about 1450 ppm. the plants new growth is looking good and I just really need to get a bloom nute going so thats the plan.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure I have Mn deficiency(maganese). this was backed by a very helpful Pm i recieved by Wheelerman420;-) thanks. So I think I am gonna give them a little grow big next feeding b/c it has Mn in it.


Well-Known Member
i`ll put money on it that it gets worse. soil lock up always fools novices because the different nutes get locked up causing it to look like a def, i would recomend just use water.especialy when your ppm is already 1450. i never take it above 1100 or so. i have done the same thing looks like a def but its in the soil the plant cant use it cause it`s locked up

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
No feel free to drop in, yeah i do have a pen. Its a very good one and the PH is right on my run off is about 6.3-6.5 and i am putting 6.5 PH'd water in. I think I am still battling the nute overload i did early on by feeding too early. i really cannot afford to flush again, I am flowering now and dont want to stress them anymore. the ppm is high but not too bad its about 1450 ppm. the plants new growth is looking good and I just really need to get a bloom nute going so thats the plan.
Is the 1450ppm coming from the Bubblicious that were already flushed? If that's the case, something can't be right. When I flush and feed immediately with half strength nutes(I do this every time I see something that might be overnuting or ph problems), my runoff ppm still goes down considerably the next time. Even dropping the dose without flushing brings down ppms. Maybe you should look into coco for next time. It lets you change the properties of the medium very quickly if you need to. I know less about soil but from what I remember, you've been giving very little in the way of nutes this whole time. I just can't believe your ppms could still be that high. I thought it might be a problem with your tester but with these symptoms in your pics there is obviously more to it. Flushing and giving no nutrients afterwards does stress a plant. But the best growers flush frequently and follow with a light feed. It is good for the plants, not bad.


Well-Known Member
It is the bubbilicious that i flushed that are still very high. I have researched that this strain actually has a very high tolerance for nutes anyway. 1450 is high i agree, but do you really recomend flushing again? or should i just keep giving water? Problem i feel i am facing is the plant seems to be getting lighter green then it ever was before, and your right i have been very light on the nutes since that one heavy feeding in the begining. I dont know what to do, but I am going to remain focused and get the right done.