My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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New Member
Just raised the light for the LAST TIME i hope! & Damn that Blue Widow is smelling G.O.O.D! It's smells literally like something Blue is supposed to smell haha. I know that might sound stupid, but that exactly what it is. Think I got a MARVELOUS phenom as well bcuz I've got the frost of the white widow, but the leaf color of the blueberrry!
Evrythings coming along and I'm looking at what are soon to be a bunch of THICK colas :leaf:

I'm witnessing the transitional period where the stretch stops and the weight begins to pack on at 4.5 weeks flower! Untying all at 5 weeks!


New Member
Day 32 Flowering! Lifted the lights for hopefully the last time
My crop to be! The smaller ones are also all flowering, so I should have a nice 1-2 punch to get things started w/ hella variety :joint:

Day 32 Flowering! Lifted the lights for hopefully the last time
My crop to be! The smaller ones are also all flowering, so I should have a nice 1-2 punch to get things started w/ hella variety :joint:

View attachment 2516780
Marvelous bro. The growth is CRAZY! Buds are certainly developing. I still can't get over the lushness of the leaves, you're doing work!
Damn everything just looks so nice, anyway take it easy homie :joint:


New Member
Marvelous bro. The growth is CRAZY! Buds are certainly developing. I still can't get over the lushness of the leaves, you're doing work!
Damn everything just looks so nice, anyway take it easy homie :joint:
Bro, IT IS CRAZY right?! I'm shocked at how fast shit changes man. Everytime I look at them they're thickening up!
And the smaller ones are flowering now too! That bag seed is budding TOO FAST man! And they plant that was root bound in the solo is about fully green again!

In just one more month the Bubblicious should be coming down! A month and a week max for her I'm betting :joint:
Later homie


New Member
1 gallon of water(that's pure or has sat out for at least 48 hours to let chlorine evaporate)
3 tablespoons of EWC(I don't go over this per gallon just to be safe, but maybe you can without ill effect)
2 teaspoons of Neptune's Harvest Liquid Fish 2-4-1(readily available N. The fan leaves on my Blue Widow are yellowing quicker that I'd like them too)
1 teaspoon Kelp Meal(fungal growth in teas and growth enhancer addition)
3 tablespoons of Unsulphured Molasses(feeds the bennies in the teas and provides carbs)

Bubble it for 24hours and mix it 1:1 with some pure or de-chlorinated water as chlorine kills bennies.
I'm also not really strict on the 1:1 mixing with water. I just dilute them a little always to be safe.
So of mixing a half gallon solution maybe 60% of the half gallon it tea and 4% is water.

The liquid fish is also somewhat chelated it says, so it's more a direct for of N.
I plan on given teas all the way up until the last 2 weeks of each plants life, then watering only to force the plants to use what they have to survive. :joint:


Active Member
420 stopping by man everything is looking just right and I'm 5 days right behind ya bro, also man I hate to see all the crazy ish going down in your thread, but it happens you know, I would love to be a mod on here one day to be able to help people to keep it green.but keep it going man.


New Member
420 stopping by man everything is looking just right and I'm 5 days right behind ya bro, also man I hate to see all the crazy ish going down in your thread, but it happens you know, I would love to be a mod on here one day to be able to help people to keep it green.but keep it going man.
And thanks bro! It's nice having something to compare to right?! And yeahh man there some BS on every thread haha. There's always that one person that just has to be a dick..Glad you can block ppl haha. I'm here to learn! I'm here to work!
And it would be dope to be a mod right?! Maybe one day haha. Appreciate hte motivation! I'm ALMOST there baby! ALMOST!


New Member
Stats man!!! Don't forget that stats :leaf:

and maybe you should try out that Neptunes Harvest Liquid Fish bro!
It's good for a quick shot of N amongst other things


Well-Known Member
Stats man!!! Don't forget that stats :leaf:

and maybe you should try out that Neptunes Harvest Liquid Fish bro!
It's good for a quick shot of N amongst other things
Been on 12/12 for 8 days now, 50 days total. Still vintage 06

I do use Neptunes lol. I just fed with some EC and tea's. That pic was a couple days ago. She's starting to green back up.

It's just that she is growing so fast, the bottom is dark dark green.


New Member
What are your opinions on the idea of switching the flowering cycle to 13 on 11 off thru weeks 6 and 7, and then going totally dark for weeks 8 and 9?

In my mind, the extra hour of photosynthesis should produce bigger flowers during that 2 week period, and more resin during that 2 weeks darkness. Just a thought tho, that I thought I could use a few other opinions on :leaf:image.jpg From An Old High Times...
image.jpgimage.jpgA bit about the 13/11 then 8/10 vs 12/12 all the way thru


Well-Known Member
Azomite® is a fine alkaline (pH 8.0) volcanic mineral powder with a wide spectrum of minerals, trace elements, and monatomic elements (aka, ORMUS) used for remineralizing soils and as an inexpensive, high quality nutritional supplement for livestock. It can be added to fermented plant and animal foods to increase mineral content; microbes will make the minerals more bioavailable.

Azomite is a silica clay mined in Utah that came from ancient volcanic eruptions that deposited ash in a nearby lake bed. The area later over time was submerged under the ocean and had hundreds of rivers flowing into it, depositing even more ORMUS-rich minerals. Volcanoes, ocean water, and river water are high sources of ORMUS elements. This is a unique source of high ORMUS minerals found nowhere else in the world.

Minerals In Azomite®
In a typical chemical assay, AZOMITE® contains more than 70 trace minerals which include many rare earth elements (lanthanides). Many of these elements have been depleted from soils worldwide. See the complete typical analysis of AZOMITE® to the left. In animals, AZOMITE has been shown in scientific studies to bind some mycotoxins typically found in animal feed as well as improving Average Daily Gain (ADG), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), and reducing mortality rates even in the absence of any mycotoxins. There is speculation that the presence of approximately 70 trace minerals may be the reason for these results, and may improve the health of animals who ingest the product.Damn


Well-Known Member
Alot of good stuff in the Azo.
Gonna try the light 13-11 at week 5 to see if it speeds up the ripening.
Im up to trying something tht might speed up the Flowering process.
I do a 48hr Dark,before i harvest,and it seems to increase potency.



New Member
Nice post Beech!
And yep, I'm using Azomite this time around versus Glacial Rock Dust, which I used with my current crop.
My soil is smelling sooooo good man. Just like mother earth. When you amend the soil, initially it can have like a sweet smell especially from the Kelp Meal,
but as it gets right it start to smell gooooood man! Way better than it did outta the bag. It smells like the freshest dirt in the world haha.
And word, in regards to trying the 13/11. I'm gonna give it a shot too as of now. I'm hoping to find a reason why I shouldn't.
So far IDK what I'll do. It does say in that read that 12/12 may take longer but cant give bigger harvests..
I'll be doing some digging today to see what I can find.
Happy Saturday sir :joint:

PS. I'm taking that Azomite read and posting it in my soil thread! So cheers for that one.
I figure I'll just stock pile info regarding organics that I find relevant, like the above :leaf:

edit* didn't realize that was a pic boss. Will you re-post that in my Fox Farm thread? Bottom link in the sig sir.


Well-Known Member
All or what part I dont mind at all my friend, im ready now too get down with the Microbes and learn some new stuff,OVERGROW the palnet,with tha M/J.



Well-Known Member
Azomite is some good shit. It's one of my main ingredients in my mix :D

It has the most elements of anything I've ever used.

Hey new find guys, check out Jack's Citrus fertilizer :D
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