My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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Uh yeah you do dude... that's black gold, especially the runoff. Have you seen what that stuff costs at the hydro store? About $1/pound here and that's for just plain old castings you want the liquid vermiplex it's hella expensive... I'm sure you could use all the castings that thing could provide if you upsize your grow :)

Black gold?! Is that right?! Just another reason to go ahead and bite the bullet tomorrow! But I figure I'll make something shake via Craigslist.
And I've NEVER been in a hydro store haha and never thought to buy any of the liquid vermicopost.
But I'll let ya'll know for sure how this bin works out..Better yet you'll see it lol.

But I'm motivated by what you doing over there man! HARD WORK! But GOOD WORK bro!
I'm mentally prepping :leaf:
yeah dude... I might have to start up a worm far m'self... sounds like a good birthday present. My concern is actually that it might be too SMALL to handle the amount of compostable garbage my household produces, lol.

Reef, awesome signature! Macklemore is the shizzle.

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ReefBongwell again."

I've buckled down and started following a few ppl too lol. Still got a lot of learning to do and there's literally TOO MUCH shiii on RIU lol.
There should be a criteria for making threads lol. Or they should all be subjected to like a review after time so that the garbage gets cleaned up lol.

And I didn't know who Macklemore was until Reef posted that 10,000. Let's say I do no lol :joint:
Haha well everybody's gotta start somewhere if there were no garbage threads there wouldn't be many noob threads ;) But they could seriously do with getting rid of a lot of the trolls on this site. Uploading the latest 10,000 hours vid now.
I've buckled down and started following a few ppl too lol. Still got a lot of learning to do and there's literally TOO MUCH shiii on RIU lol.
There should be a criteria for making threads lol. Or they should all be subjected to like a review after time so that the garbage gets cleaned up lol.

And I didn't know who Macklemore was until Reef posted that 10,000. Let's say I do no lol :joint:
Pick which pertains to what your doing threads........Or what you intend too do!
One day bossman..One day...
Glad you enjoyed the day tho sir!
Wish I coulda joined, or even went fishing myself!
Mentioning fish lol...I won't seafood for dinner tomorrow...hmmmmm....what shall it be??

But I had an alright day today!
Was a watering day so I gave the lasses some plain H20! I'll hit them with an AACT next watering for sure!
Rght now I'm giving them roughly 3/4 gallon of water every 3rd day! Been doing an AACT pretty much once a week throughout the grow.
When I give them the AACTs, I dilute them 50/50(roughly) to stretch them out between the 5 girls..

But I know for sure that the second crop is gonna be better than the first which is nice and how it should be haha!
1st gen were 3 and girls vegged for 5weeks.
2nd gen is 5 girls vegged for maybe 3 weeks(still vegging on 12/12 even tho I flipped)..
But the bud quality is much denser and the calyx's are A LOT more swollen!

Did i tell you that my dumb ass def. spread pollen around the first crop lol, without thinking twice?!
Good thing the first and the 2nd we're separated! I probably woulda been pulling bananas off(breaking some pulling them out), and moving right along to the small plants, like I did the big ones!
Luckily God was looking out haha!

But it's crazy man...Remember I had a White Widow that I left the solo for too long and it got sunted blablaba??? Well it's not my most vigourous plant man! It's gonna be the most productive by the looks of things, and it's larger than all the other by a shot now man!
I wonder if that little bit of stress I gave it freaked it out into growing the way it is?? Might have to let a plant get root bound again lol.

And at this point in time in the 1st op, I was battling the molasses OD and losing a majority of the fan leaves from all the "big 3" I'd say...
But this time, everything thing is FULL OF BUD, FULL OF LEAVES, and FULL OF GREEN!!! The Critical Jack will be going into it's 2nd week since I noticed senescence, so I'm sure it's coming down in about two weeks! As for everything thing else, it'll prob go the rest of the month...

But I'm excited man! And getting anxious again lol! But def. ain't chipping anything early! I'm trying to really get the feel for what "ripe" bud looks like.

And boss......between me and my right hand, I'm down to the last 3 quarters of EVERYTHING that I've harvest lol!
I'm sure the both of us have been high 24/7 for the past month tho lol!

But given that I'm harvesting soon again and the fact that 4/20 is in 19 days, I'm celebrating all this month too lol!
I figure I'll come down 4/21!!!

And lastly, I CAN NOT be more pleased at what I happened to stumble upon this last 8 months boss!

In the next 8 I need to be full swing, 6 plant perpetual, harvesting once a month in the thick of things!
Like you mentioned in that last post, I've been trying to help out as much as possible around the forum still, but not following as many threads for the reasons you stated about lol. Why you think I'm still following Bongwell?! Good looking out for putting me on to that thread by the way!:joint:

Enough of my rant tho lol. I'm out for the night man.
Take it easy and I'll hear from ya tomo boss.

#KnowledgeISPower #Laterworld
sucks most of the green is gone but atleast you are ready to harvest again.
how do you think these will yield compared to the ones you let veg longer?

i had a few tomato plants that i left in solo cups about a month to long. were 2 ft tall in solo cups.
now these are the one producing the most. stems are a bit smaller and not as much side branching as my others but have more budsites.
cannot comment on long term results as they are just starting to produce now.
Damn youve smoked a thousand bucks probly.....:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

Lol. You know the drill captain! I've smoked prob an ounce this month hahaha maybe a little more but that's all I've gotta outta the 1st harvest for me haha.
Me and my "caregiver" have switched roles for a while lol. We'll switch back again when outdoor is done this year lol!
But he's gone thru all of this bud lol! I been just smoking along....haha!
Cash just sitting around again tho! And that's such a damn good feeling lol...

I remember my momma told me that money didn't grow on trees lol. How I wish she was still alive to see what the real deal is about that lol :joint:
sucks most of the green is gone but atleast you are ready to harvest again.
how do you think these will yield compared to the ones you let veg longer?

i had a few tomato plants that i left in solo cups about a month to long. were 2 ft tall in solo cups.
now these are the one producing the most. stems are a bit smaller and not as much side branching as my others but have more budsites.
cannot comment on long term results as they are just starting to produce now.

Hell yeah does suck a bit lol but given I haven't bought anything for a month, I'm slowly butting surely building up a surplus of "weed" cash haha.
And I'm not advocating I hustle becasue I don't! I just take care of myself, my girl, and my care giver ATM. No one else!

But the yields from these 5 has the potential to do better than the yield from my friest 3, even tho they didn't get a true veg time!
The buds are just so much more full on these guys. Like 100% sensimilla! And they're ROCK SOLID as well, so I doubt they'll shrink as much also!
But I think this yield will be comparable to the last because on the last run I had lots of smaller nugs, but this run I've got a bout 15 main colas between the 5 plants, and those 15 mains are all very nice in size!! But I know I'll pull AT LEAST 6 oz's off these 5 plants! How much more is the thing?!
I'm gonna let them all go as long as they need too for sure!

And about the tomato plants that you let in a solo for too long...You think they'll be the most vigorous growers by the time all is said and done?!
I'm def. gotta let a plant get rootbound or leave i in a solo too long next run, just to see if that little bit of stress is enough to freak the plants out and make them grow like hell after the transplant!
The White Widow that was once stunted is not in PERFECT condition bro! Have not lose ONE FAN LEAF. NO YELLOW! 6' main colas!
But def. keep an eye on those tomatoes for me boss....I'm really curious about this...(why tat White Widow that was stunted it now the best plant I have).

I mean at the time, it was so much smaller than the other plants in the garden.
But it could just be the genetics of this seedsman White Widow as well! Seems to be a really stable strain as I've grown out 4 that look pretty much identical!
Would recomment growing it if you ever choose a white widow! I'm satisfied w/ it :joint:
its hard to say about how they will produce i plan to put them outside in about 6 weeks.
i would imagine the ones that were not root bound will produce more for the fact i am growing them horizontal and they are doing what mj would do and forming vertical sites with buds.
but then again time will tell.
That's wassup bro.
Haven't grown anything other the bud yet bro, but the lass wants to get in the garden, so with the next run we'll do some other things!

But I'm def. gonna sit on this next batch A LOT harder than I did with the first batch! Reason being, I'm not gonna be able to start the next op for 2 damn months!
Gotta clean it up after this one and move on to the next spot :cool:

Gonna start some outdoor here in the next couple weeks tho! Me and the caregiver gonna coordinate on that too.
You got your outdoor spots picked out alreadyy??
i live out in the sticks not very hard to find a good spot.
but will most likely be growing 4-8 auto's in my veggie garden.
have a hundred acres of grown up brushy fields next to my house.
will be clearing sections out of the middle of bramble(wild blackberry bushes).
deer are a pain around here so hoping thats a big enough deterrent.
hoping to have about 4 clones of my lib haze and whatever i order here soon.
i am def gonna order some straight blueberry cause its a quick finisher.
would like to test a few sativa dom and hope for a late frost in the summer.
A 400w HPS system with an air cooled, glass enclosed hood!
And a 6" inline fan w/ carbon scrubber and all the ducting clamps and adapters needed!
Also got a nice thermometer/hygrometer so see that my humidity is 35%!

Gonna put everything to work tomorrow and will update the new arrangement then.
A wise OG grower once told me to put a little back into the op lol!

$250 put back in with this harvest!

Any one fancy my ozone generator, the ducting and the duct fan for $125 w/ you paying for shipping,
let me know.
Now ill get either another 400w HPS or a 600 even, and I'll consider my flowering setup complete!
For Now I'm up to 700w HPS between 5 minis! I'll also turn the T5HO on from 10am-4pm!


The fan speed adapter that I have is giving me this God awful sound with the new inline, so I'm not using it ATM.
I'll get it running when I get my hands on a new fan speed controller.
For now I'm using 2 PC fans which are blowing down on the 150s, an oscillating fan as always, and an additional window fan set up just behind the oscillating fan! So it's hella windy in there lol! Sounds better than that damn buzzing noise tho..
Temps are 86(85.6) which are bit high yeah, but its not at all hot in there! So were good!
Lights passed the heat test at plant level when my hand is held there, and the thermometer just a foot a way from the lights reads 76 so I'm not pressed about the temps! In the home stretch anyways!

But overall for 250 I'm pleased!

Also, the Critical Jack is prepping herself for that last week or so! Seeing more and more red pistils everyday and the buds on this thing are every bit as chunked up and solid as they look! Smells like straight wood damn I bet its gone taste so damn good! Now that I think about it, it really reminds me of a nice ass AK aroma :joint:
has to be done one step at a time. you will eventually get it the way you like it.
my next upgrade to my box will be switching from cfl's to the inda gro pro 200 induction light.

as for the plants they are sexy little bitches. what is the one in the front right has broad leaves like my lib haze?
i also do the hand test. after adding my last 100w my temps hovered at 82 does not feel warm in there.
but i backed it back down to keep my temps at 77-79.

what breeder is your critical jack from when i do my order i think i am gonna get a 5 pack of auto critical jack.
i know no one likes auto's but would like them to finish fast outside and will be able to hide them in my veggie garden.

Both in the front and the back to your right are Seedsman White Widow.
Back center is a Delicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer and back left is the bag seed!

And 'm banking on that bag seed being the best smoke out of ALL this haha!
Those thick colas and thin leaves, with that SUPER pineapple twang got me all kinda excited about this thing man!

And yeah I've been one to say don't let your temps get any higher than 85 flat because I've read that the plants don't like it!
But I've been doing A LOT of lurking man, and came across a guy doing his damn thing, who says his temps chill in the high 80's, so I am NO LONGER pressed lol. And on that tip, you're plant will show you when they're unhappy lol like to very top few leaves on that White Widow that looks like your Liberty Haze. It's not the heat, but the wind! I've been fighting wind burn with that one, and can't really do anything about it! So I'm just watching those leaves until they began to die so I can cut em an keep it moving lol.

And sounds good to have your autos outdoor man!
Fast finishing, low profile....Sounds like a plan to me!
I'll never be able to tell anyone how tall a plant will grow on it's own tho lol, bcuz I'll never just let them grow how they want to lol!

They are still my bitches lol :joint:
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