My 1st Indoor Grow - 3 strains - 6 plants


Active Member
Thanks Moldy and Meathook. I know you are both right. I was just confusing my memory a bit and now I am remembering that its harvest time when the trics turn from milky to amber. I still have 3-4 weeks left, but I can still wish it were sooner.bongsmilie


Active Member
I have been noticing seed pods on 2 of my plants. I was very careful to eliminate my male plants early in the preflower stage and my females have not hermied, so my assumption is that the seed pods are sterile with no seed development going on inside. I realize that the pods resemble male flower pods in shape and location on the stems, but the amber pistols coming from them tell me that these are female flowers that just formed seed pods.

Has anyone else noticed this before? I assume that this is normal. Are my assumptions correct?




Active Member
u were right, calyxes are seed pods but as long as they are not pollinated we are on the safe side..
Thanks for that reply MH. I think we are feeding them so well that they are growing things that I am not used to seeing. As long as those seed pods are as frosty as the ones in your pix, they will be a real pleasure to smoke too!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I find large Calyxes on my Southern Cali chronic bags too, I think its natural. I find them on really good bud, and it makes me think I will find a seed when I see them, but I rarely do.


Well-Known Member
Right now I like Endless Sky buds the best. I noticed some of your pictures are outdoors. Have you been giving them sunlight on some days?


Active Member
Right now I like Endless Sky buds the best. I noticed some of your pictures are outdoors. Have you been giving them sunlight on some days?
I just bring them out for the photos. I have noticed that natural sunlight is best for photos and I really do not like pics taken under the HPS. I wish I felt comfortable leaving them out in the sunshine for a few hours everyday though.


Active Member
I have followed Meathooks lead and trimed off the very bottom leaves and the small popcorn buds that were getting choked for light. Now, the plants energy will be directed to just the large buds reaching up towards the light. An added bonus: I now have some early popcorn bud to dry and smoke before the harvest.

Here are some pics taken in this morning's early light. It was before the trim though.

Northern Lights X Skunk#5

Endless Sky

Endless Sky (Sugar Momma)

Reminds me of a Sea Anemone - Endless Sky

Alien Pods from the movie "Alien"- Endless Sky

SkunkBerry - A later bloomer, but my tallest plant at 25".
Moldy says that these buds are well worth the wait - I believe him too!:hump:



Well-Known Member
great plants ralf..serious stuff..i noticed a few yellow leaves on the assuming those are the ones u trimmed..skunkberry looks feeding my plants in two days and along with a bloom nute i will add a veg one too so i can fend off leaves yellowing..i came across the notion that feeding plants with nitrogen during bloom helps to keep the leaves green:mrgreen:waiting for ur report on popcorn buds smoke..i rate mine 4/10 probably due to quick drying..


Active Member
I think that I am about 2 weeks from harvest, maybe another week longer on the Skunkberry. The buds continue to fill out and the popcorn buds that I trimmed from the bottoms are some really good smoke. I would give them 6 out of 10.

I had a small setback last week, but I don't think that it will end up having a real major effect on the quality or yield of my plants. I took my plants out into the warm sun during the sunniest part of the day for 3 days in a row and on the 3rd day I noticed that the very intense sun and 90 deg F temp was starting to burn my plants. The buds themself were not burned, but on one of my plants I lost some of the smaller fan leaves surrounding the top buds and a few medium size fan leaves. I would say that I lost maybe as much as 10% of that plant's total leaves and 0% bud. I hate it that some of the frosty leaves near the bud tops are curling and drying up, but I am going to save any burnt dry frosty leaves and smoke them.bongsmilie

The other two plants only had some burned leaf tips and a few burned streaks on the upper leaves, but no loss of leaf or bud. The biggest loss was to my pride and the photo quality of the plants right now. I have some pics that show the damage, but I am waiting to trim away the dead parts so that I will have some nicer recovery photos to show at the same time.:peace:


Active Member
I have been slow to post lately due to vacation and smoking a lot of weed. :bigjoint:Things seem to be going quite well with my grow and I think that I am about a week away from harvest on Endless Sky and Northern Skunk. I am already seeing some trichromes starting to turn amber. I think that Skunkberry is still 2 weeks away from harvest.

As I mentioned in my last post, I had some sunburn damage to my plants. From that, I have learned that when grown indoors, you can damage your plants if you take them out and expose them to more intense sunlight than they are used to. In some climates, this may not be an issue, but I am at a much higher than normal altitude in the mountains and the sun can more quickly burn things that might not get burned at lower altitudes.

As I suspected, the sun damage was only superficial, but it sort of ruins the perfect plant look for photos. The closer bud shots will confirm that there was no loss or damage to the buds though, so everything is still on track. BTW, the small sun-dried frosty fan leaves that I trimmed off the top of the buds were some excellent smoke as were the small popcorn buds that I trimmed away from the very bottoms of the plants.

Yesterday, I did harvest one of the colas on Endless Sky. It was the 3rd largest out of 10 colas on the plant. I have it drying in my cardboard cure box that sits at the top of my flower chamber. Locatiing the cure box in the grow chamber above my reflector provides good air movement into the box, but also provides carbon filtering to eliminate odors. The box only gets a very small amount of indirect light coming into the vent holes, so this environment seems quite dark enough to me.

Here are my photos from yestday afternoon. All shots were taken outside for the natural lighting:

Northern Skunk - you can see just a little sunburn on the upper right fan leaves.

Northern Skunk - top of cola

Northen Skunk - zoom of bud

Northen Skunk - super zoom of bud - I see purple or I am smoking too much good weed!

Northen Skunk - A look under the hood - mid section view of cola

Northen Skunk - super zoom of mid section of cola

Northen Skunk - super zoom of cola top

Endless Sky - a little more sunburn on this one, but the buds are 100% ok

Endless Sky - top of cola - you can see where I trimmed the
small fan leaves that turned brown, but the cola is not burned

Endless Sky - mid section of cola

Endless Sky - mid section of cola - zoomed

Endless Sky - mid section of cola - super zoomed - you can see some trics starting to turn amber

Endless Sky - My big 10 inch! - harvested and trimmed bud

Endless Sky - harvested and trimmed bud - mid section of cola zoom

Endless Sky - harvested and trimmed bud - mid section of cola - super zoom- you can see the amber trics



Active Member
by sunburn you are referring to nutrient burn right?
No, this is sunburn. I took the plants out into the sun for 3 days in a row. The weather pattern was 100% sunny and warming more each day. By the 3rd day, the outdoor temps reached about 91 deg and I noticed the plants showing a discoloration of green which was the early indicator of the sunburn. It may be more accurate to say that the leaves dried up in spots as opposed to burned.

On the 3rd day, I also gave them the regular dose of nutrients that I have given them since week 2 as seedlings. Never with my previous doses of nutrients has there been any indications of nutrient burn. I suppose that it may be possible that the increased sun intensity and outdoor temps accelerated the nutrient absorption rate of the plant. Since the burns were only on the top layer of leaves that were turned most directly to the sun, that clearly tells me that the sun caused the burns, not nutrients alone.

I also do quite a bit of gardening with more conventional plants and I can surely attest that certain plants that I previouly grew near sea level never had issues with too much sun. Where I live now, these same plants do get damaged by the sun. For example, rose blooms will dry completely out and look and feel like tissue paper before the flower fully opens where I now live. Roses never did that where I lived previously.

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the sun burn! ut hey those buds look so tasty man!
Nice looking cola! Keep up the good work man!

:leaf:Peace Man:leaf:

man of steel

Active Member
Hay Raul very nice grow report thair. I was just looking aroud the web to try to find some e/s grows loved it.I had 2 that did not do so good. my 3rd was looking great but my wife and i hade a fight and she destroyed it,but i did save 2 clones.Im growing them outside now thair just about 4ft high starting to bud nice cant wait to harvest.should be finished I guess Mid Oct.In north east so no prob.w/ 2 much sun. by the way how was the smoke as good as the hype?


Active Member
Hay Raul very nice grow report thair. I was just looking aroud the web to try to find some e/s grows loved it.I had 2 that did not do so good. my 3rd was looking great but my wife and i hade a fight and she destroyed it,but i did save 2 clones.Im growing them outside now thair just about 4ft high starting to bud nice cant wait to harvest.should be finished I guess Mid Oct.In north east so no prob.w/ 2 much sun. by the way how was the smoke as good as the hype?
Thanks for visiting Steel Man. The Endless Sky smoke is definitely quite potent. I have not yet smoked any mature ES bud though. I have only sampled the small under-developed buds that I trimmed from the bottom of the plant. The high was quite energetic and long lasting, but without the body stone that mature buds produce. I have been quite impressed so far with what I have smoked.

I finally have a single large cola drying that was harvested a few days ago that was close to full maturity, but I think the optimum harvest time for harvesting the whole plant will be next week. It will be a couple of weeks still before I can give a report on the quality of the mature bud.

The plant itself is quite impressive. It has been a very hardy grower. It has an incredible aroma and the buds have filled out very well. I expect a very good yield from it. BTW, too much sun is never an issue if the plant is contitioned to it. Taking it outdoors without any conditioning to the sun or heat can obviously hurt it though.

I have to laugh about the comment you made about the wife and her destroying your plants. I caught hell from my wife too about my grow. I think she thought I was giving the plants too much attention:lol:. She dogged me about them and would show no positive interest until I finally gave her a sample to smoke. Its funny how her attitude has changed in the last few weeks. Now, at every opportunity, she wants to look at and smell the buds growing with amazement and is she is ready for her afternoon smoke even before I am.

She suffers from some bad back pain from running too many marathons when she was younger. In the evenings, she especially suffers after sitting at a desk all day. It has been quite noticable to both of us how the smoke is helping her with that and I can see a remarkable change in her attitude after she smokes. Pot most definitely has a medicinal value in helping with the depression that is caused by pain. :peace:

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Thanks for visiting Steel Man. The Endless Sky smoke is definitely quite potent. I have not yet smoked any mature ES bud though. I have only sampled the small under-developed buds that I trimmed from the bottom of the plant. The high was quite energetic and long lasting, but without the body stone that mature buds produce. I have been quite impressed so far with what I have smoked.

I finally have a single large cola drying that was harvested a few days ago that was close to full maturity, but I think the optimum harvest time for harvesting the whole plant will be next week. It will be a couple of weeks still before I can give a report on the quality of the mature bud.

The plant itself is quite impressive. It has been a very hardy grower. It has an incredible aroma and the buds have filled out very well. I expect a very good yield from it. BTW, too much sun is never an issue if the plant is contitioned to it. Taking it outdoors without any conditioning to the sun or heat can obviously hurt it though.

I have to laugh about the comment you made about the wife and her destroying your plants. I caught hell from my wife too about my grow. I think she thought I was giving the plants too much attention:lol:. She dogged me about them and would show no positive interest until I finally gave her a sample to smoke. Its funny how her attitude has changed in the last few weeks. Now, at every opportunity, she wants to look at and smell the buds growing with amazement and is she is ready for her afternoon smoke even before I am.

She suffers from some bad back pain from running too many marathons when she was younger. In the evenings, she especially suffers after sitting at a desk all day. It has been quite noticable to both of us how the smoke is helping her with that and I can see a remarkable change in her attitude after she smokes. Pot most definitely has a medicinal value in helping with the depression that is caused by pain. :peace:
Excuse my
ignorance but I am still a bit new to this.
I can't see the amber trics, I can see a few cloudy ones and quite a lot of cloudy trics in the bottom picture.
I am asking because I think mine are ready but I only have about 2 - 5% amber trics, if that. I am worried about cutting too soon.

By the way, AWESOME pics and what a beautufil looking cola, it'll be interesting to see what it weighs dry.
It's good to hear your wife is benefitting from the herb, I'm sorry to hear she needs the benefit though. Back pain is a horrible thing to have, you are always trying to find a position where it doesn't hurt but you never can.
She has my sympathy, I too have back issues but nothing to that extent.

Like you, I havested a bit of one plant, 4 lower branches from Charley to be precise.
They were only small and have been drying for 5 days. I have put them in a jar to cure and after just 12 hours in the jar it has knocked me sideways!!
Not only that, but the taste is beautiful, it's very sweet and as smooth as anything I have smoked for a while. I think I hit the jackpot with this one.

I am amazed frankly because, like you, I am sure it could still be a week yet before the trics are amber or cloudy enough to consier harvesting.

Man this weed is going to rock!
I hope yours is as good, it looks better than mine so it could be even's hoping, cheers, :joint: puff puff...pass :bigjoint: