My 2 cents on profit for caregivers


Well-Known Member
My electric runs more that 150 a month....but that's partly my choice. I run a but load of lighting, 1800 watts over 6 plants. but I do that becuase I grow High light loving Sativa..and add uvb lighting. To maximize quality. I'm not looking for economic return (although, even with my high costs, I achieve it)
Yeah we've been back and forth over that... I have 4 plants under a 600w and they are not starving for light nor do I think they need any more. I supplement with some 5600 cfls but I wont need anything more potent than the results a 600w achieves.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Yeah we've been back and forth over that... I have 4 plants under a 600w and they are not starving for light nor do I think they need any more. I supplement with some 5600 cfls but I wont need anything more potent than the results a 600w achieves.
Most don't. Most strains do well with the set up that you have. My costs are directly related to trying to achieve a specific result for a specific condition.

I may find that I can achieve the results that I'm looking for and use less electric, but I haven't found that combo yet...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Looks like it's time for this thread to fade away....too bad. I was looking forward to peoples thoughts on "reasonable profit' for care givers....

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Looks like it's time for this thread to fade away....too bad. I was looking forward to peoples thoughts on "reasonable profit' for care givers....
Really nobody's business but the caregivers I'm afraid. Kohls isn't out there asking if they make too much profit and they don't give a damn if I find it reasonable or not. If I like the price of a shirt for me and my income and my shirt needs I buy it at the price they ask for. If I don't like the price and think it's too high I go to Kmart for shirts. P.S. I got a kohls card, maybe I should tell them because I allow them to sell to me and I have a kohls card I should get 3 free shirts a month and they should profit off somebody else. I have a medical need for shirts and its a sad story about how I got to need shirts. It's not like enjoy wearing them at all.


Active Member
Dont you get it, caregivers are not made to profit, they are there to help paitents and yes the donations are to cover COSTS. If you wanna bitch about how much it costs to grow for paitents then dont grow for them, because being a caregiver isnt supposed to be a fulltime job for you to profit on.


Active Member
Why not simply let their patients determine the value? After all I'd imagine they'd be better suited to dictate what prices be set rather than you or I. Some caregivers services will be worth less than others, just like in any other business. It's the customer who ultimately perceives value from the products and services rendered.
Is it me or am I seeing more and more socialist rhetoric on this forum than ever before? Maybe this is the problem with todays society. Everybody has a "what can you do for me?" attitude


Well-Known Member
$250 a zip top shelf. Breaking up nugs that sound like walking on icy snow. That crunching sound under your feet is from the trichs piled all over each other. Price varies from person to person but $250 is around the number.


Well-Known Member
Dont you get it, caregivers are not made to profit, they are there to help paitents and yes the donations are to cover COSTS. If you wanna bitch about how much it costs to grow for paitents then dont grow for them, because being a caregiver isnt supposed to be a fulltime job for you to profit on.
How is taking care of five patients plants not a full time job?


Well-Known Member
I grow crops in different loacations for different family members and friends. what i do is i half everything my gas to get there for 2 mounths all the nutrients, filters , plugs clone trays gel and soil. also the electric bill is split minus whatever it is before i started there so like a 100 off my tab. then at the end I trim it all up we half it and they can keep what ever they want to smoke and i sell the rest and split the money with them


Active Member
Dont you get it, caregivers are not made to profit, they are there to help paitents and yes the donations are to cover COSTS. If you wanna bitch about how much it costs to grow for paitents then dont grow for them, because being a caregiver isnt supposed to be a fulltime job for you to profit on.
Do Doctors make a profit? Do nurses make a profit? Do home care workers make a profit? Does the guy raking your leaves make a profit? When (or if) you go to work, do you make a profit? So sick of the freeloaders!!!!!! I mean im hungry as hell, so you gonna come to my house bring me your food and feed it to me for free?

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Dont you get it, caregivers are not made to profit, they are there to help paitents and yes the donations are to cover COSTS. If you wanna bitch about how much it costs to grow for paitents then dont grow for them, because being a caregiver isnt supposed to be a fulltime job for you to profit on.
I understand someone making a buck in all honesty, it's when I hear growers with the entitled, Fed law it should be legal and calling it a business mentality that it becomes an issue. Why should I get all broken hearted if some low rent schmuck gets busted after they say they collect a tax for just such an occasion ? It should be legal isn't a reply, because it is legal if you follow the law.

Think of all the tax's these people say they have.
Fear tax encase the cops bust them. (don't you have to be breaking the law to get busted?)
Time tax, it's what they do for a living. (jerk off more)
Operating tax,
Equipment tax,
Quality tax,
New rims tax,
Babies mamma tax,
Fed law tax
Could lose my house tax,

Boom, now you have a $300 and $400 oz.


Active Member
Do Doctors make a profit? Do nurses make a profit? Do home care workers make a profit? Does the guy raking your leaves make a profit? When (or if) you go to work, do you make a profit? So sick of the freeloaders!!!!!! I mean im hungry as hell, so you gonna come to my house bring me your food and feed it to me for free?
So your comparing youself to a doctor? do you have a phd in cannabis? being a caregiver wasnt designed to provide people with jobs to make a living off of, It was designed so that people who couldnt grow their own medicine could have someone to do it for them. So like i said, what you charge them for the medicine should cover COSTS and whatever else you need to sustain the grow. Not for someone to start paying off their house.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Do Doctors make a profit? Do nurses make a profit? Do home care workers make a profit? Does the guy raking your leaves make a profit? When (or if) you go to work, do you make a profit? So sick of the freeloaders!!!!!! I mean im hungry as hell, so you gonna come to my house bring me your food and feed it to me for free?
Why do you people always try to use legal professions as examples to compare something that's against the MM law ?
Illegal aliens would be a better comparison. Sure they make a profit, but they can be picked up and their new lives changed at any time. Just think what a salad would cost if they started charging fear tax.


Well-Known Member
You gotta pay the cost to be the boss. My patients are super stoked to have me as thier cg. I go grocery shopping for some of them. But I'm not someone's bitch. I do this because I am able too. But my time and efforts are worth something there not free. If that was the case I'd grow swag with a couple cfls and give it away for free. You pay for expertise. That's why you can go to the free clinic and get the same job done but why are so many docs in business.


New Member
View attachment 1842377
My electric runs more that 150 a month....but that's partly my choice. I run a but load of lighting, 1800 watts over 6 plants. but I do that becuase I grow High light loving Sativa..and add uvb lighting to maximize quality. I'm not looking for economic return (although, even with my high costs, I can achieve it)

I could grow "stuff that gets you high" or even top shelf Indica's for pain much less expensively. But I'm concentrating on meds for a specific medical condition (Parkinson's) and the chemicals that improve PD are thc/thcv, with thvc being the tricky part to produce.

Thcv requires Sativa genetics, high light and uvb. It's a little more tricky grow. Not necessarily harder, just requires providing proper genetics and conditions. it's also why I have samples tested...not for bragging rights, but to monitor results.

My 'overages" go to other patients with neurological very reasonable prices. 175-200 an oz.
That's pretty fair for true Medical grade Sativa.

In the "weed" market what I grow would be considered "connoisseur" quality. Not saying it would win the cannabis cup...but it would compete.
Before you go talking more shit take a look at this.
Cannabidiol —CBD— is a compound in Cannabis that has medical effects but does not make people feel “stoned” and actually counters some of the effects of THC. After decades in which only high-THC Cannabis was available, CBD-rich strains are now being grown by and for medical users.
The reduced psychoactivity of CBD-rich Cannabis may make it an appealing treatment option for patients seeking anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, anti-anxiety and/or anti-spasm effects without disconcerting euphoria or lethargy.
Scientific and clinical studies indicate that CBD could be effective in easing symptoms of a wide range of difficult-to-control conditions, including: rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, PTSD, epilepsy, antibiotic-resistant infections and neurological disorders. CBD has demonstrated neuroprotective effects, and its anti-cancer potential is currently being explored at several academic research centers in the U.S. and other countries.
this is what you need for parkinsons dude so don't say you know your shit.THCV has no benefit for parkinsons you need CBD or THCA

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Dont you get it, caregivers are not made to profit, they are there to help paitents and yes the donations are to cover COSTS. If you wanna bitch about how much it costs to grow for paitents then dont grow for them, because being a caregiver isnt supposed to be a fulltime job for you to profit on.
my time is valuable and it costs me time to grow. It is what it is bro, shouldn't big pharma get the same BS treatment though? Do you spend this much time whining about Merk maging record profits? nah, there isn't a website for kids to play on for that, is there? NEXT......

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Why not simply let their patients determine the value? After all I'd imagine they'd be better suited to dictate what prices be set rather than you or I. Some caregivers services will be worth less than others, just like in any other business. It's the customer who ultimately perceives value from the products and services rendered.
Is it me or am I seeing more and more socialist rhetoric on this forum than ever before? Maybe this is the problem with todays society. Everybody has a "what can you do for me?" attitude
Demand setting supply cost? INSANE I SAY!