My 2020 Indoor Sunshine Grow

i bet your flat reeks mate :D
Well that depends on what you consider as a reek as opposed to what smells like delicious dank in the making :)

When the direct sunshine is bright/intense, the smell really perks up, but when cloudy it's quite minimal....or shall I say, much less smelly

Lucky a have opposing windows, so I typically get a good cross breeze but there is no doubt some people have smelt it, but the question is do they know it's MJ.....or even care

It's spring and we have lots of flowers and trees in bloom, so at times on my walks, I smell scents rather similar to MJ

Since 4 plants is legal in Canada, one just has to get in the frame of mind that it's like growing herbs, such as Basil & Rosemary which also have strong odours.

End of the day, if someone approach me in a civilized manner and informed me it was negatively impacting them....I would shut down, but until then I doubt anyone really cares....and nor do the cops
Hey wait a sec I think I remember you
Is this indoor sun king back from world of hempy back like 10 years ago??
Great work man , and if that’s you it’s good to see ya still doing it!!
Thanks Nizza....yes my previous handle was "Indoor Sun King" which started 8 years ago.....I do miss the good old days when Moebius was driving the World of Hempy thread....I do miss him
If I saw those plants, with no context, I would have never guessed they were grown from sunlight through a window. That is really impressive! I have a Kings Banner plant that I was going to plant outdoors this year, but decided to throw some autos out there instead, and have had it as my office desk plant in the window for about a month now. I thought it would be a fun and stress free way (for me) to learn how it reacts to flowering early and revegging.
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If I saw those plants, with no context, I would have never guessed they were grown from sunlight through a window. That is really impressive! I have a Kings Banner plant that I was going to plant outdoors this year, but decided to throw some autos out there instead, and have had it as my office desk plant in the window for about a month now. I thought it would be a fun and stress free way (for me) to learn how it reacts to flowering early and revegging.
thanks's are fun and easy to grow.

I often call auto's "plug & play" as IMHO the less you do to them the better, just watch them do their thing.

These are "Crop King" which is not a reliable source as so many have been Crap King, but I got lucky this year as this batch is doing well

Also helps that we have had really nice weather.....lots of sunshine but not overly hot
thanks's are fun and easy to grow.

I often call auto's "plug & play" as IMHO the less you do to them the better, just watch them do their thing.

These are "Crop King" which is not a reliable source as so many have been Crap King, but I got lucky this year as this batch is doing well

Also helps that we have had really nice weather.....lots of sunshine but not overly hot
The autos I'm putting outside will be my first ones so it will be interesting to see how differently they grow compared to photo period plants.
Hows your crop King plants going bro? I ordered some but been hearing bad thing bout them lately. Ur plants still doing well?
Crop King is like a box of never know what you are going to get

They seem to be doing fairly well
