My 2nd Time Grow, With CFL's


Well-Known Member
same answer for me. i do the 18/6 then about 24 hours dark to adjust the light to when i want on/off.
i meant half and half by toping half the plants and leaving the othere alone,( no top10 plants top 5 and leave 5, get it? hu hu hu get


Well-Known Member
I never knew about the 24 hours of dark before flowering. That's neat. But what are the benefits?


Well-Known Member
my last chemo was about the same but they stoped growing because of ph prblems.
i haven`t paid attention before.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Misty (Budda) 1month 1day ak-48(Bomb Bud) 2 weeks 4 days got a new one ak-48 (Tiny) hsnt been born im going to top budda later on today but shes been having some problems budda had been stunted and aint gettin any bigger i can see some roots at the bottom but not full of them so i dunno im pretty sure she can still get sum growth n her leafs is startin to fuk up some are starting to turn a different color green and some of the new shoot leafs are turning yellow in the middle of the leafs i gotta check this shit out lemme know if u guys got a idea and i shouldnt be worried bout the bottom right??? its normal????BOMB BUD was stunted to so i transplanter her when i trans plated her i could see roots starting to circle around the bottom of the pot so i guess i didt it juss at the right time every thig seems fine wit her heres some pics 6 DAYS TILL FLOWER



Well-Known Member
im going straight organic... some bone meal some molasses and some worm castings

and i found some pics in the growfaq that i can relate to my plant
Ptassium deficiancy

and MG deficiancy

Figure 16



Well-Known Member
ph lock out needs a flush. ph being off it wont grow or slow down. the disscolouation is nute def caused by locked out nutes.


Well-Known Member
but i been watering with PH at 6.9
its hard for me to get any lower than that and i dont think i can get lower than that