i dont even think you understand what you read. or you would not react as you do. you want help. lets see if you are capable of listening this time around. i have just began myself on January 1 of this year. so i am by no means expert.
ok now listen here is some important info . i researched my ass off for about 6 months. where did i research? heres a few links. the first one is all you really need.
these other links look the same as before but are not. trust me click on them and read a little. dude two paragraphs in you be addicted and find yours self looking at the clock at 3am thinking shit i have to go to work soon.
germinating. starting your seed.
life cycle of the plant
growing in soil
this is a great one make sure you go here. give you pics of plants with certain deficiencies. you can see a plant thats been over watered or under watered. or pic of one that has high ph and all nute are locked out. you get the idea.
Web Gallery Wizard™
another tutorial that will help with sick plants
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
private message me and i will give you a list of other forums that you can check out. that have helped me.
here are some other peoples journal that are real similar to yours. what i mean by similar to yours is that you can tell these folk dont want to spend a lot of money or cant, but they still enjoy this plant enough and believe in it to put forth the effort to successfully grow some. hell who am i kidding they just wanted free pot like me. lol
this one is in a computer case and he does alright
you have to check out this one. she knows what she doing and offers help go in her thread and ask her some question.
this guy does not let you post in his thread but he lays it out to the t. if any of them are going to helpy you it would be this one. hell just copy what he is doing.
this is my system.
you said you have $200. i bought these t5s for $138 at a local indoor garden store. i saw some at home depot that you had to wire your self for $25 a 2 bulb strip.
this plant was vegged under the t5s this would be after the first week of veg. it went about 12 days before i had nice roots. so i guess it would be 19 days old. week 1 veg
2 weeks


these light are all you really need. i have seen grows where they vegged 1-2 weeks then flowered under these light and produced ok yields. these light produce almost no heat. i can have my plant touching the bulbs with no burn.
now for the rest of my shit. nothing great. hell i dont even know if its right. so far i been able to produce this.

so i think i am on the right track.
i won the ghetto lottery (income tax return) so i set a side $300 for this system. remember i thought i had researcher my ass off. i priced things out. i new what system i wanted to use. i even drew up blue prints as to how it would be set up. well $300 dollars turn into $600 and a bunch of angry looks from my wife when i come in the door with something new. the blue print was to be in a shower, shit lasted about 2 week. said fuck the shower i built a wall and took 2/3 the bathroom. i have changed everything 5 times. most of this is due to my A.D.D. lol really like i said man once i started i was addicted. keep reading keep thinking of better way of doing it. damn near every bit of my grow is just a imitation of all the journals i have read he on RIU. my point is that there is no one way to do this. there are better ways. your process is no where on the charts. and thats what everybody has been telling you. listen to them. fuck tell them you dont have a penny, and some of these guys started with nothing and worked up. they have been there man.
i start germing the seeds. i am not going to tell you how to do this. go read. after they crack i put them in rockwool cubes and originally had them under the

1000w hps like this.

well i lost more than i keep alive so i built this. i think it cost about $30 all together.

before i built this i could not clone for shit. now i don't even use a cloning agent. i take a cutting and 5-10 day i have roots.
then i veg. the first time around i vegged under the 1000w for 5 weeks. put them in flower and in 2 weeks i was outgrowing my space. 3 where male so there dead and space problem gone. now i am going to only veg for 2 weeks keep them small. i am going to set up a revolving harvest with 8 plants 2 weeks apart. so i will be cut buds every 2 weeks.
you grow in soil. i though i would have problems with bugs and with controlling PH. so i went hydro. O you thought hydro was good bud. yea me to. no its just the process in which you grow. i started out with that pump you saw before in a reservoir attach to line feed the plants like this.

did not like it so i tried this. DWC

deep water culture. it has two air strips for aquariums attached to a air pump in the bottom of reservoir. the water level is right up to the roots. but guess what i did not like that because the roots did not seems to grow. they looked like this and from reading everybody else's journals they had huge roots compared to mine. then i remembered the cloner. it producing roots so i got some more tubs and used the same idea from the cloner for the DWC. and my roots looked like this

5 days later they looked like this

but then the plants got to fucking big and they where trapped 2 in one tub. i started thinking of you soil growers. i like how pots can be moved around. no crowding each other. so i put the pump and air stone in 5 gallon buckets

so this is where i am today.
this plant should be ready soon. but first this is what it looked like when ii took it from a friend

and today [

ok now your going to say "i can save mine" NO you have what -3 watts i had 1000w hps. thats would be like try to cut a tree down with a butter knife. worst would be if somebody was try to hand you a chainsaw and you say no i can do it. does this sound familiar. come on dont get pissed. i am just playin.
remember the 3 male i killed, here is the only one that survived.

oyea this would be probaly the 20 seed that i had started. so i started over 19 time. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! start over NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! not that.
i bought off of nirvana seed. bubbelious and skunk #1.

i fucked up the first batch, and had to start over. start over AWWWWW FUCK man. bet that never happened to you pros.
ok now where you flame me about some shit like i did not want to see your grow journal. or i didnt learn anything from your rambling. or i am soil not hydro. ok i read all your post so i know i have to spell it out for you. the whole point i was trying to make. i that ummm. shit i forget.
dude you dont have to have big $ to pull this off. you dont have to be a rocket scientist. you do have to have a little common sense. you need to read. yea you say you have. not enough. it shows. i am saying this as nice as i can be. if you never leave this site for information you will still be successful. ask questions, but listen to the advice. no you cant take everything you here on this site as law. get advice then research that advice, then act on it. look at my grow i wasted some money, i wasted time, i started over, but i will tell you none of this would have been done without the guys on this site. not all answered question or read my grow (fuckers) but i sure read the hell out of theres. its the only way man.
now take your head out your ass and grow something. i joking man good luck and if you need help pm. i am only a newbie like you, but i got some ideas man.
now just a little bud porn to encourage you it my first one, plus it that fucked up looking plant i brought back to life.