My 4 little babies


New Member
These are my 4 little baby raft seeds, I've had them in a damp paper towel in a zip-lock baggie for two nights now, and all four of them have already sprouted, I have big hopes for them :blsmoke:

also this account was given to me by a friend, and this will actually be my first grow.

here is a few pictures of my babies :mrgreen:



New Member
Today is day 4 of my little raft babies, they are looking strong so far.
I still dont know what im going to do with them, I know im going to start them inside in soil, when it starts to warm up outside here (around end of march, first or april) i'm going to put two of them outside to grow into huge monster rafts, the other two however I think im going to veg them for awhile so that I can cut some clones of them, I have high hopes for these 4 babies lol.
Here is some more pictures of them today



Well-Known Member
you should plant seeds when they split.... they wont live like that for long, i dont think. plant asap


New Member
yep I'm going to plant them tonight, the soil I have is frozen at the moment lol I left it outside last night and it was around 19 degrees lol so yeah but i'll post some more pics of them when I get them all in separate containers.


New Member
you should plant seeds when they split.... they wont live like that for long, i dont think. plant asap
ive always let em go untill they come out of the seed caps all of the way before planting instead of just throwing them into dirt as soon as they crack. be sure to keep the paper towel wet though. after they are ready to be planted, transplant like anyone would normally do, and leave the portion that is going to become the leaves, sticking out of the soil so they will grow up....(duh) out of the soil.

and look how healthy my root growth is on this little week old seedling. you cant argue with results



New Member
Today is day five of my four babies, I planted them each in their own separate containers last night and I took some pictures of them today, I put them into our grow room under a few CFLs .



New Member
Today is day five of my four babies, I planted them each in their own separate containers last night and I took some pictures of them today, I put them into our grow room under a few CFLs .
those are under 4 t12 bulbs under 4ft shop fluros


New Member
Today is day five of my four babies, I planted them each in their own separate containers last night and I took some pictures of them today, I put them into our grow room under a few CFLs .
damn thats a bad picture lol didnt realize that lol, i'll have to take some new ones for everyone.


New Member
My 4 babies have been growing strong :blsmoke:

Sorry for the bad quality of these pictures.... you see there is a funny story behind this.... one day not to long ago (as all stories start) I got high :hump:, and then the next day I got high :joint: and this continued on and on and so forth... and well now I'm sitting here getting hihg :evil: oh damn i hate being dyslexic :evil: lol but anyways what was I doing? :confused: oh yeah on to why these pictures are bad like this, well you see I got high and couldn't hold the camera steady and the camera has no flash and/or zoom :? lol but hey what do you expect out of a $20 camera lol :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I can't help but laugh at the poor stem :lol:

But something bugs me... your day 5 and my day 5 are very different. maybe its just strain though but mine seem a lot further along than that.

The two smaller ones are 2 days old and the big one is 5, since they cracked. and i have two more in the back that were planted the night before this pic was taken and haven't sprouted up yet. oh and the one in the middle of those two was planted earlier today, but i don't think it'll make it, it took like 3 days to crack.

you seem to have better lights than me too, i've got two 26 watt clfs.

They're bag seeds btw, only 6 of about 30 cracked, and about 10 of them are 2 years old including the 3 that are showing



New Member
lol yeh she prolly gonna die on me, but ima put her in hte back and keep taking care or her and hope for the best but expect the worst lol, but yeah I dont really know much about the strain im growing you'll have to ask FDD (i really would like his opinion on this tho lol) about it, it's his strain Raft.


Well-Known Member
lol yeh she prolly gonna die on me, but ima put her in hte back and keep taking care or her and hope for the best but expect the worst lol, but yeah I dont really know much about the strain im growing you'll have to ask FDD (i really would like his opinion on this tho lol) about it, it's his strain Raft.

who are you and how'd you get me genetics? :blsmoke: really though. :confused:

they look a little stretched. your light may be too high. when you re-plant bury them up to the first set of leaves and this will support the main stem. the one that got bit is shot. damn bugs! without leaves it won't do anything. that's a shame. good to see this grow take place. i will be watching.

these are mine last sunday at 6 weeks. i'm thinking of going 9 weeks at this point. they feel a little loose. hopefully they firm up over the next couple weeks.





New Member
who are you and how'd you get me genetics? :blsmoke: really though. :confused:

they look a little stretched. your light may be too high. when you re-plant bury them up to the first set of leaves and this will support the main stem. the one that got bit is shot. damn bugs! without leaves it won't do anything. that's a shame. good to see this grow take place. i will be watching.

these are mine last sunday at 6 weeks. i'm thinking of going 9 weeks at this point. they feel a little loose. hopefully they firm up over the next couple weeks.

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id have that chair there in the view of the flowering room as well. my chair is currently a cinder block in a flowering area just like yours cept i only have a few top colas going in there that didnt mature with the rest of the beast.:roll:


New Member
oh yeah me and green_dreams work in the same room. lol
the lights are a bit high were gonna work on lowering them a bit.


New Member
who are you and how'd you get me genetics? :blsmoke: really though. :confused:

Lol :mrgreen: I grow with Kochab, he has been showing me this site for some time now and I tried making an account here but it wouldnt work right (Aisu) so I just took his old account on here, but anyways, he was showing me your threads of your raft plant, and he hooked me up with 4 seeds.

they look a little stretched. your light may be too high. when you re-plant bury them up to the first set of leaves and this will support the main stem. the one that got bit is shot. damn bugs! without leaves it won't do anything. that's a shame. good to see this grow take place. i will be watching.

Yeah our light is too high, we are working on that, we just have to cut down on activities around our room, someone is asking to many questions :evil:
Thanks for the advise, I will be transplanting them soon and I will bury them up to the leaves.

these are mine last sunday at 6 weeks. i'm thinking of going 9 weeks at this point. they feel a little loose. hopefully they firm up over the next couple weeks.

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very nice :blsmoke: I hope my babies give me something that beautiful.


New Member
well its day 29 so far, he little stick finally died lol, two of the remaining three are doing great,

but the other one, jack my nip-head cat ate it lol :evil:

he ate most of the leaves of the seedling, it still has some leaf to it so I think that it'll live
btw I just got this new camera and we're still trying to get used to it so the pictures are a little shakey lol