My autos are 11 weeks in and no sign of flowering, ideas?

I agree LST is a great option if this is actually a Photoperiod plant. You mentioned using twine for the process. I don't know if you necessarily meant that brown, scratchy stuff. But, I would not personally use that because it might "dig" or "cut" into the stems of the plant over time. I had tremendous success with this soft plant wire with my current grow. It's gentle, yet strong:

I used those "Bulldog" office clips to secure the plant wire to the pot. I am using a fabric pot though. I am not sure how well those clips would attach to your pot rims.
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Just to make sure, pistils come out white right? they dont start green? Because i notice little pistil looking things on a lot of the joints on the plant but they are green, if they start green then maybe i have some flowering action but if not i guess its more leaf growth?
Hello, first time here and new to growing, i have grown about 6 in the past but im having trouble now. I have 2 plants, they are Royal Dwarf variety as i dont have much space, they are lovely and green, really healthy looking although around week 8 i think i either over/under watered or gave too many nutrients and a number of bottom leaves went yellow and fell off but since i have turned them around and they are looking very healthy.

Well its week 11 and still no sign of flowering, i have them on 18/6 with a decent LED grow lamp that worked for my past plants, i use 4 panels, plenty strong light. I have read that some plants just don't become autos and you have to do 12/12 to do the normal flowering but i find that a bit weird since the last 2 seeds of the same batch autod really quick and well, these just don't. Could the hiccup with the leaves have pushed them back? Or should i swap to 12/12? Im just not sure, any help would be great.
They need to be on 12/12 to flower