My Beautys, what do you think?

YEEEEEEAAAAAAA! Looking great homgurl! I'm exhausted trying to keep up with 2 crews of 5 each and it's getting old, We are getting to the point now , where we are going too have to start cutting down the ones that are ripe and hanging them dry. We will take a couple days off to let tem get close to dry, and begiin triming it all the way down. We will start paying by the weight at that ppoint, so the ones thhat are fsy will make good moneyy, but if your slow, your not going to make as much. Using the reaper, I'v had to pay all the help by the hour, and when you have 10 people, it gets expencive.

as mucha s i love what i do...i am getting sick of this fast too wheezy :) hng in there.
ty all sry i havent been on. i am uber busy. you are all awesome and i am thankful for you all, and for my harvest. i am so gonna be ready for an RIU smokeout in say 1 month :) other then that i will see you all at the harvest festival in anderson!!!!
Yea, keep me posted on all that. I been busy too, everything that could go wrong has, but mainly the weather has made us do some things we didn't have to, and the cop thing at my house didn't help either(check my thread), but I'm glad your doing good. We are to, it's just been tough.
I am not gonna say Awesome plants and such because they look any other pot outdoor plants, BUT !!! THE setup is top of the league!!! Lots of work there put in. Will be rewarded!