My BlueWidow Cross...


Well-Known Member
Strain: BC BBx BC WW (BlueWidow)
Lights: 160w fluero veg., 600w HPS Flower
Nutes: Soon to come
Fans: One input, One for the in-line cooled light, and one to exhaust.

I have gotten 7 0f 8 to pop so far...It's been
three days so the last should be coming along

These are BlueWidow seeds that I crossed from
a WW Male, and a stable BB clone both originating
from BC Bud Depot.

My journal starts on Feb. 08 with the dry seeds...

I have put them in napkins on plates, and left them
damp with distilled water in my warm grow room in a
drawer...I don't use the heatpad anymore for seeds
because it dries out to quickly...Three days
germinating, and I have started soaking
some 2" cubes.

More details to follow...I will be updating this very often
to keep within the guidelines. Be back soon...


Well-Known Member
It should be good, stick around budz.

All but one seed cracked in three days. Not bad
for my own seeds.

I put thme in 2" Rockwool cubes and put them in my veg.
chamber under 160w fleuro tubes.

I am still keeping the cubes moist with distilled water. More
pics when they sprout up a couple days...


Well-Known Member
I have brought my BW up with my girls in the veg. chamber.
They are now surrounded by Two White Widow seedlings, and
five Blueberry cousin clones.

My BlueWidow on their fourth day of life from seed... This will be
considered the first day of sprout.

I have stripped them of their shells, and the leaves are showing...
They have been dipped in distilled water, and squeezed out
to avoid soaking them.

More info to come...


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cali...I'm surprised these are some of the best seedlings
I've started in a while...F1's and F2's alike.

Your not doing to bad yourself...
32 days ago they were still just a branch on a mother plant....this growth is freaking crazy...


Active Member
The f2's look good Jonny, bring the pics. I havent seen Bluewidow through out its life cycle yet, so thanks for sharing. Can't wait for the final results.


Active Member
Damn JonnyB! Lookin real forward to this journal! Good luck with it and i will definatly be taking notes from yet another well put together journal on growing the sweet sweet cheeba! Love it man!!


Well-Known Member
I'll be watching your's abud...nice collection of chemicals and nutes
you got there. I gotta get me a job at the hydro shop.

Thanks for stopping in nm420. Good to see your always around FaC,
this one should be the best...Gotta win me some prizes.

How is the closet Martin...Hope your having better luck with those
girls these days.


Well-Known Member
Day 4 for my BlueWidow...

As I mentioned, this will be updated often.

My seedlings have been under 160w of fluero.

I picked up some equipment today...
128 Watts of CFL will be added to the
chamber tommorow...Gonna put some
work into this one...Pics to come...


Well-Known Member
My Veg. chamber is finally complete. I have added two dual
CFL mounts. This is nothing like how it came pre-fabricated
with the auro-cloner and the clone dome/heat pad.

My Veg. chamber before as shipped...

The upgraded version...

You can see the auro-cloner has been removed, and I have set up
dual drip systems with 125gph pumps. Each CFL mount has 63w,
and the fluero tubes add up to 160w bringing the total now to
286 watts.

After going over a few ideas, this came to me. I used solid steal
hangers to weave through holes on the mounts, curled them at
the ends, and used pliers to hook them up to little shelves in the

I moved my cloning chamber underneath my bathroom sink, so
now there is plenty of room for clones and seedlings.

My Blue Widow on day 5 from seed...The taproots have
penetrated each cube, so I will soaking some 4" cubes
soon, and moving some BB clones out.

They are still not being fed with nutes, and will likely
not be for another few days. Lights are still on 24/0,
and temps remain a constant 70.0F on average.

Back in a few...


Well-Known Member
Your my hero!
Funny girl...keep checkin in Ash...:blsmoke:

Day 6 for my BlueWidow. After soaking these 4" rw cubes
for about 8 hours, they were flushed and my seedlings
were transplanted.

Don't forget to remove the skirts....

The BlueWidow were given their own rack with a low veg. nute solution.
Their drip cycle will begin with 500ppm Flora Nova Grow, dripping
two times a day. The ph is now at 5.8 for both reservoirs.

More supplies were picked up today. I will elaborate on the
details once they are actually used, but here is a shot of some
highly recommended nutes and additives that will be used in
the following weeks...


Well-Known Member
Wassup tleaf, good to see your always around.

This journal is focused on my BlueWidow from
seed to harvest. I will be postponing my SoG's
once they come up to flower so that I can
focus nutrients on different stages of


Active Member
Finally got it started, Nice...

I wish my seeds were that far up on day 4/5:(...i germed them for 3 days then put them in organic soil and now on day 4 all no shows...><

Im sure ill love this thread as much as i loved ur SoG...



Well-Known Member
Thanks Fiona...Stick around.

I can't help you on the germination with soil mxpx...
I'm straight hydro. GL with the girls....

BW updates in tommorow...