My BlueWidow Cross...


Well-Known Member
plants are looking awesome johnny. what do you have growing in that other cabinet across the room from the blue widow?


Well-Known Member
damn damn damn. i hope my setup looks anything close to that! lol good shit man you always have me in awe. nice vid too.


Well-Known Member
johnny those are beautiful specimens of plants.
Thanks Koosh, Your girls aren't looking too
shabby themselves...Very green and healthy.
Don't forget to focus that cam...Your better
than that...

looking sweet dude :mrgreen:
cant wait to see some budding pics :blsmoke:
The buds are on the way KT...I won't skimp
on those shots. That's quite the massive grow
you have going on there...subscribed.

plants are looking awesome johnny. what do you have growing in that other cabinet across the room from the blue widow?
Those are Blueberry clones...Don't ask what generation
they are because I couldn't tell you. The genetics have
been preserved for over a year now...They had a nice
run, but it's about time to move on to the next strain.

damn damn damn. i hope my setup looks anything close to that! lol good shit man you always have me in awe. nice vid too.
Let me know when you get it going Jay...I'd love to
help. I have some other ideas running through my
brain, but no money to act on them...The fun never

*tear* haha beautiful man!
Thanks K...Those massive colas your rocking over
their are enough to make me tear. Don't chop them
without me...Can't wait for that.

My male is working on day 10 of flower. He has
been sitting under my widow sill a few days getting
about 12 hours off sunlight a day. The pods are
filling in quickly...I've come across some methods
for storing pollen, so stay tuned for that.


Well-Known Member
yeah johhny you are definately right about my pics. i swear i thought they looked good before i uploaded them, either that or i was too blazed lol. like you said, i will make sure they are better lol.


Well-Known Member
Whatup GB5.0...Thanks for stoppin in...

The new pics look good Mkoosh...They are
coming along nicely...

My five Bluewidow girls have been flowering
under my 400w hps at 12/12 for two weeks
now...Officially 14 days...

I took them all out of the closet...My
biggest girl has now reached 30" having
stretched over 5" in the past three days.
The stretching should stop soon during
the third week of flower now...

Another reason they were taken was
to prune them, and to check for any

They are all still looking healthy in their
individual 6" pots, and have taken well
to the hydroton.

The smaller three BW girls...Dripping
schedule is still twice a day, and the
ppm's have been raised to 1000ppm
of Flora Nova Bloom...Additives will
be mixed in soon...

The budding has begun...



Well-Known Member
great pics bro :D

you do good work, your plants love you:hump:

theres a big difference in height between the biggest ones and small ones.

thanks for sharing



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Johnny, those are looking great, how much bigger do you think they will get? You will have a very nice harvest there. Keep on growin. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
great pics bro
you do good work, your plants love you
theres a big difference in height between the biggest ones and small ones.
thanks for sharing
Thanks bro...Take care of your plants, and
they will take care of you...I'm sure I've
heard that somewhere, but it's my motto.

The difference in height that you noted is
due to the instability of the strain...This
is a first gen. cross, so in time some
ideal traits will be found....That's soon
to come...

Those plant look soo nice jonny! check my journal please. I have some nice eye candy
You never fail to disappoint mattso...The Cindy's
look primo bro...We should match a bowl sometime.

Johnny, those are looking great, how much bigger do you think they will get? You will have a very nice harvest there. Keep on growin. :mrgreen::peace:
Whattup Chiceh...Hibernation is over eh? Let me know
when you guys get some sun...Can't wait for those clones
to be planted.

I don't expect them to get much bigger...They are
in the middle of their third week at day 17 now, so
the stretching has started to subside...The tallest
girl is now 31' 1/2"...

My Blue Widow girls...

I don't expect them to get much bigger...The BW
have been flowering for almost 3 weeks now at day
17 at 12/12 with the 400w hps...

man i cant wait to see some fat nugz!!!!
Stay tuned JayD...You won't be dissapointed.

PPM's have gone down a bit from 1000ppm to
800ppm now in the past few days...The PH is still
perfect at 5.8. The reservoir will be changed
tommorow...Details soon...


Well-Known Member
yo Jonny! everything is looking hype man! We should defanatly match a bowl somtime! just wait till my cindy's are done in a few weeks.


Active Member
JonnyB, Looking good man... I'm excited to see you breed them back for the stronger attributes to show... On a more personal note i finally figured out this growing thing and how to set up the pictures i have a new link, but not quite sure how to put it under my name... but check it out... It's titled 2 blueberry's and 1 God Bud- All thanks to your inspiration JonnyB


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mattso, Bongspit....Lovin the cindy's dude...

Hey Martin, Copy the URL from your journal into your
signature...Go there by accessing your user profile...
You'll get a red link in your sig...Can't wait to see
the pics bro...

My Bw are now on day 20 of Flower...They are
still stretching, and are making my closet look
real small...

The tallest has just eclipsed 33", and the smallest
is towering at 21" sitting in the middle of the
five girls....

Some additives have been added to the Flora Nova
Bloom. Here's a summary of my nutes right now
at day 20 of flower...Measured by label, but mostly

600ppm of FN Bloom
200ppm of Floralicous Plus (1 tspn./per 5 Gal...Strong stuff)
200ppm of KoolBloom (Early Carb Load)

The KoolBloom is for the last couple weeks of
flowering for ripening, but I don't think these
will hurt...My BW 4 has actually fattened up
in the couple days since the new solution was



Active Member
Alright JonnyB, I got it figured out finally, But i like how your's is fattening up like that... I think i'm going to have get some of that floralicious... Have you found any other additives that work amazingly?? and are you using any CO2?/


Active Member
Things still looking awesome Jonny, easy to see you put alot of care into your grows. The stretching must be the widow in them. Good luck and good growin to ya
